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5a0e4d  No.167097

Freedom is a binary, you either have freedom or you don't. If you want to know if you have freedom or not ask yourself this: "can I massacre a bunch of people and have no harm done to me?" If the answer is "no" than you have no freedom. What should be advocated is freedom of my people, freedom from Jewish tyranny. Freedom of the individual is freedom to race-mix, sodomize, pedastrize and endless degeneracy, individual freedom = degeneracy; collective freedom is freedom to not associate with brown people, faggots and other degenerates. Freedom of speech was never given to us so we are under no obligation to give freedom of speech to the people who want to destroy us, if you think it is hypocritical that I am physically able to flap my lips to communicate the fact that I do not believe in freeze peach than I believe in Idi Amin's freedom of speech.

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87fca9  No.167098

Sure. But what are you going to do about it?

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f7f6ae  No.167099


>Freedom is a binary, you either have freedom or you don't

Rubbish. There's no absolute freedom nor slavery. Freedom seems to better ideal to chase, but you can never reach it, because of limitations from other people, nature, or maybe God.

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e58045  No.167101


Freedom means being able to put a loaded gun to your head, pull the trigger, and nothing happens! Try it today to test if you have freedom.

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