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File: 8cc989985cc5f46⋯.png (335.42 KB, 612x464, 153:116, c7087cb215bd4fa09d5fbe0d45….png)

40e805  No.166992

Who controls/runs this jewish account? they are spreading their jewish shit all over great european countries and somehow have power to influence them

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40e805  No.166993

File: 3ae13235cbc3020⋯.png (242.21 KB, 550x534, 275:267, d48f75d52bdf959c125cbe3373….png)


recently they celebrated jewish mural being built in city close to me

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138247  No.166994


Looks like the AJC controls the account. What’s your point?

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40e805  No.166995


I notcied they have the most power to influence fucking countries and even from their description they are not trying to hide it and no one care idk how many people know about them

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49c936  No.166998

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ec4b8f  No.167017


>and no one care

That’s the operative point. Jews give the cattle food, shelter, entertainment, and porn. All for free. All they have to do is do everything jews say, forever. That’s all they want. That’s all they need. And it’s why no one will ever fight back.

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