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6d67a4  No.166722

Race deniers who are white get called a "kike" every 5 seconds by "white supremists" and since(according to said race deniers) race is just a social construct and has more to do with oppression than genetics, I think it's fair to say that these whites are oppressed as if they were Jews because they fundementally understand what it is to be Jewish by getting called a "kike" all the time. Think about it, if a nordic man was a victim of a hatecrime because he is allegedly black his genetics don't matter in right then and there and he has been racialized to be black. Race deniers should be proud of their Jewish identity and that they overcame all the oppression and are successful is spite of being racialized to be a Jew.

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884aa4  No.166776


Good, the kikes can keep all the genetic trash that lacks a desire for charity and protection for their racial kinsmen.

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251cb2  No.167106


>white supremists

isn't that the ebonics version of "white supreMACISTS"?

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d09d27  No.167109


Liberals even among themselves fight against "colorblind" people. They can't decide if they are all human race or black lives matter. Because if certain race deserves better treatment, that's already a case of racism, even if a positive one.

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251cb2  No.167110


or I guess both terms are only used by niggers and liberals

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