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File: 867b14f760134d4⋯.jpg (17.93 KB, 318x275, 318:275, Ronald.jpg)

6acf88  No.166644


I'm smelling a serious trolling opportunity. It smells like… McDonalds, Bank of America, and Warner Brothers all rolled into one.

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a9da48  No.166651

Oh my, the endless possibilities …

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c3f24e  No.166652

>implying jews will ever blacklist their own brands

This is the exact same thread–and exactly as fucking retarded–as the one claiming Trump is actually getting rid of communism in schools, magically, and with no evidence.

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620d92  No.166665

File: 5fa82f008dd6068⋯.jpg (146.62 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Kushner.jpg)


Report anything Jared Kushner owned.

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34bb49  No.166705

File: 93b1203a2f3835c⋯.png (12.28 KB, 243x243, 1:1, 0CaAcZA.png)



Doesn't that way, McDonalds like most fast food and retail are Franchised rather than chained meaning it's owned by someone else or a Franchise company to own the store. I think MCds is broken up by 5 different Franchise companies. This keeps Corporate protected legally

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611087  No.166711


Can't you imagine how empowering these anonymous yelp reviews will be for BAME employees to report what really goes on behind the counter at corporate restaurant chains?

They won't have to fear retaliation from the managers because their identity is secret.

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34bb49  No.166720

File: cf525ea106bf59d⋯.png (256.75 KB, 596x414, 298:207, 26eebf2761748db9251a7e6aac….png)


It would be better to blame the owner not the GM, the owner usually owns a few locations under .My ex-boss owned 3 or 4 properties leased under an existing franchise company. Franchising is a complicated Feudal mess with complicated contracts this because the starting cost is too expensive to startup on their own so they rely on an existing company to pay for the startup cost.

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1e829a  No.166749

File: 69f3b0a7398ec62⋯.jpeg (109.46 KB, 640x640, 1:1, da1f2b3fc2ceec79df0eff9b6….jpeg)

>implying you could lambast mcdonalds

they're the most inclusive company ever and so ahead of the curve that they aren't even ageist so anyone can get a kids meal no matter what their birth certificate says

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34bb49  No.166755

File: 03e27cb40d0db3a⋯.gif (209.79 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 03e27cb40d0db3a7be433d6dd0….gif)


Maybe you could get Mcd's for not being inclusive enough for disabilities? I have seen so many tards working the front or cleaning at Paneras, I honestly don't know why they are or how they could keep there jobs, being a food wage is the worst.

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