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File: aab757acd2f5d6e⋯.jpg (196.12 KB, 800x469, 800:469, chineseconstruction.jpg)

715f8c  No.166533[Last 50 Posts]

Calculated for NZ but true of the whole West. China will be as wealthy as us in 15-25 years, there's practically no stopping it now.

How Long Until Chinese Wages Surpass Kiwi Wages?

Most Kiwis take it for granted that they are much wealthier than the average Chinese. China is a place where people shit in the street, eat dogs and live in houses made of bamboo and polystyrene. The fact, however, is that China has made immense economic progress over the past 20 years, and if they continue at this rate they will soon catch up to New Zealand.

Most people vaguely understand that China has become richer recently. But most don’t appreciate how far this process has run. The general assumption is that China is no longer Africa poor, but is now Brazil poor. The reality is that the average Chinese is now wealthier than the average Argentinian and is getting wealthier fast.

Chinese wages have increased tenfold over the last 20 years. In 2000, the average Chinese wage was CNY9,371/year. By 2019, the average Chinese wage was CNY 93,383/year, which works out to $(NZD)20,910. The Chinese are well into the middle-income stage of development and are closing in fast on the rich world.

The average New Zealand wage is $33.37 per hour, and the average Kiwi works 1,762 hours per year. This gives an average Kiwi wage of $58,798. This means that Kiwi wages are, for now, 181% higher than Chinese ones. But the rate of increase of Chinese wages is much higher than that of Kiwi wages. Chinese wages will soon catch up.

As mentioned above, the average Chinese wage has increased from CNY9,371 in 2000 to CNY93,383 today, an increase of 997%. This is equivalent to a 12.2% increase every year since 2000, and means that Chinese wages double every six years or so.

The average Kiwi wage has increased from $17.50 in 2000 to $33.37 today, an increase of 91%. This is equivalent to a 3.3% increase every year since 2000. As this column has previously shown, this represents a drastic loss in living standards on account of that house prices have risen much faster than wages. But it’s set to get worse.

There is no guarantee that those rates of growth will maintain, but it’s apparent that the Law of Diminishing Returns has worked to increase Chinese wages much faster than Kiwi wages. Assuming that something like those rates of growth maintain, then it won’t be long before the average Chinese wage surpasses the average Kiwi one.

If we assume that Chinese wages increase at 10% hereafter, and Kiwi wages increase at 3% (the high growth model), then it will take no more than 16 years before Chinese wages are higher than Kiwi ones. At this point, both Chinese and Kiwi wages should be around $95,000.

If we assume that Chinese wages increase at 8% hereafter, and Kiwi wages increase at 2.5% (the medium growth model), then it will take around 20 years before Chinese wages are higher than Kiwi ones.

If we assume that Chinese wages increase at 6% hereafter, and Kiwi wages increase at 2% (the low growth model), then it will take around 27 years before Chinese wages are higher than Kiwi ones.

In any case, the maths suggest that it won’t be much more than one generation before the average wage-earner will earn more, in absolute terms, in China than in New Zealand. The average person reading this article should live to see a world in which Chinese wages are higher than New Zealand wages.

What that means for New Zealand is anyone’s guess. The real tricky questions will be faced by naturalised Chinese New Zealanders whose parents left China when there were much better opportunities in New Zealand. Some of those people might sit down, do the maths, and decide that there are now much better opportunities in China.

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4428f9  No.166540

File: e4b8965dc023412⋯.png (1.15 MB, 675x7706, 675:7706, International_Finance_s_An….png)

File: 9b98df4d837b977⋯.png (151.37 KB, 655x2200, 131:440, mefobillsunzamericavschina.png)

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715f8c  No.166566


Could Hitler's idea of a currency backed by labour work in America?

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c2a9a1  No.166585


distribution is equal in china under ccp?

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4428f9  No.166604


I would bet against it because of how degraded America's labor is and how satisfied "conservatives" are with their servitude to jewry. The Japanese prime minister in the 80s, Yusuhiro Nakasone, pointed out that America didn't have a future because of brown demographics.

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707018  No.166606


yeah nah, not going to happen my m8, Trump is crashin this china plane with no survivours, it is already happening, and their use of this biological weapon was the last straw, it will not be much longer now, China and their communist leadership is going down, there is no stoping it now

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4428f9  No.166607


See what I mean about conservatives? They can't come to logical conclusions.

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4428f9  No.166612

File: 2cad691974369dd⋯.mp4 (12.23 MB, 1766x572, 883:286, chinahighways.mp4)

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f9c31e  No.166623

China is going to colonize Africa and expand manufacturing over there, so Africans can produce cheap goods for the Chinese economy. It's basically what the U.S. did to China. The Chinese produce our cheap goods, and eventually the Africans will produce cheap goods for the Chinese.

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15c757  No.166624


In ten years that entire project will be in ruins. Chinese have no ability with quality control because they are a low trust people. This means that they are constantly cutting corners and scamming each other. Those roads are going to cost outrageous sums to upkeep due to their construction.


Soon to become exceedingly dangerous as it falls apart as well.

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55ff6b  No.166626


That's true but they have a lot of people they're able to sacrifice and they're excited to sacrifice them. They're smart and motivated too so I think they will succeed if we brush it off as "they will fail before they can do big damage".

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b2f661  No.166627



>producing anything

I'll believe it when I see it.

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8128da  No.166628


>Western World getting surpassed

Good. Chinks are racist as fuck, and don't like muslims or niggers. Too bad whites are cucks nowadays, but that's our own fault.

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4428f9  No.166631


Like I said, conservatives can't come to logical conclusions. As long as nationalists in the West continue to draw from, lean on, and attempt to incorporate elements of these people/this "movement", they will never get anywhere. Garbage in, garbage out.

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6bf881  No.166635


This. I don't like chinks, but if the choice of who rules the world is between them and the jews, then i pick the chinks 100%.

Anyway, an interesting question is what happens when chinese wages do catch up to western ones. China has become wealthy by becoming the factory of the world. And it has done that because its labor was so cheap. What will happen when that labor is no longer cheap? What will happen when you will have to pay a chinese as much as you pay an american for the same work? Will the west move its industry back? It seems logical, but who knows?

One option i've been thinking about is that China moves its production to Africa and uses the cheap labor there instead. I mean, they are already slowly taking over Africas resources. It could move industrial production there to keep labor costs low and have it's own people become managers, supervisors, in short slave drivers, to africans. China would be an intermediary between Africas workforce and the west and make its money that way. Of course the west could try to cut out the middle man and just build their own factories in Africa and deal directly with the africans, but the chinks will probably try to sabotage that. It will be interesting to see.

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4428f9  No.166637


The "West" is not moving its industry back because moving the industry was an attack on the people who are the historic West by the people who run and own the "West". China's industry is going nowhere because they built this capacity up for a singular reason: to own the means of production.

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03baca  No.166688



The only way Africa will ever produce anything is if they actually colonize it in the full sense, displacing and/or exterminating its current inhabitants.

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a79b87  No.166734


Chinks are a disgraceful and cruel race without a modicum of morality; their criminal behaviour and scheming would make a wallstreet jew blush. I do not believe they will be able to transition to a normal nation, as they will fall prey to decadence far more severely than the wealthy west. Plus they really just don't have the ingenuity of the European mind, so without Europeans at the forefront of the world, the Chinese will stagnate. The best case would be to assimilate the jews into European culture (in which they thrive), and use our combined talents to fend off the mud and bug sub-races.

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fafd45  No.166736

File: ad7b39ed3035f60⋯.png (5.09 MB, 928x13392, 58:837, China_and_the_Jews_Veteran….png)

File: b4c885c83702b9e⋯.png (2.86 MB, 1021x3235, 1021:3235, jews_china1_2_.png)

File: a6adf44a4355c4e⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1056x2880, 11:30, jews_china_1.png)

File: 84866fc29d900a0⋯.jpg (81.47 KB, 552x603, 184:201, jews_china.jpg)

File: 4d500dee07fdeb8⋯.png (169.33 KB, 768x884, 192:221, article_a_jew_in_maos_s_ch….png)


>if the choice of who rules the world is between them and the jews, then i pick the chinks 100%

That's not the choice.

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4428f9  No.166737


>everything is outdated

That old tried and true Anglosphere conservative tactic: freeze all events in time and work your rhetoric off from there.

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c45fc1  No.166739


>oy vey goyim jew no run china

>it not jew it not jew it not jew it not jew it not jew it not jew it not jew it not jew it not jew it not jew it not jew it not jew it not jew it not jew it not jew it not jew it not jew it not jew it not jew it not jew it not jew

>it anglo

>oy vey more brother war goyim

You’ve utterly failed.

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4428f9  No.166743

File: a8088e7afafe364⋯.png (58.85 KB, 670x893, 670:893, mefobillsunzcapitaloverlab….png)


Jews run the Anglosphere. They don't run China. Who the Angloshere aligns its military against tells you who isn't run by jews.

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0623f4  No.166744

yeah no the reason why manufacture in China is because of cheap wages. Did you know that the 1% percent in China owns 1/3 of china's wealth while the bottom 25% account for only 1% of the wealth

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715f8c  No.166745


>if the choice of who rules the world is between them and the jews, then i pick the chinks 100%.

Absolutely. Chinese folk religions (Taoism, Confucianism) are massively superior to Abrahamism, and the Chinese don't mutilate their kids' dicks.

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c45fc1  No.166746


>Jews run the Anglosphere.


>They don't run China.

Incorrect. Already proven false. You’re brain damaged. Go suck off chinks on some other website.

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4428f9  No.166747



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c45fc1  No.166753





Thank you for admitting that everything you have said is jewish propaganda.Jews run China.You’re brain damaged. Go suck off chinks on some other website.

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15c757  No.166812


There isn't anything to mutilate. Too small.

If they were to circumcise them, they'd end up with a clit.

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0c246e  No.166828


>Thank you for admitting, kvetch kvetch kvetch

Probably as good as evidence as any that China is not run by the jews if the biggest schizo kike on this board Tallest_Shill says they are.

Fuck off cockroach.

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7b8f7f  No.166846


The jews setup China, they do not run it. In the same way I could ruin a neighborhood by purchasing a few houses for niggers and dumping them there. I am not "running" the niggers, but I know full well what the ultimate outcome will be. I may also be in control of a "police force" who will go in and wipe them out once their intended purpose has been served.

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6d5cac  No.166862


>they created the ideology in the first place and gave all the funding for the country’s founding and have inner party power unlike any other ethnicity but they totally don’t run it goyim, they just created it

Pilpul/hair-splitting aside, the outcome is identical. The data is literally right there, in the thread above.


>jews are good because someone I hate says they are bad

Absolutely pathetic. You can’t hide anymore.

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4428f9  No.166867



Mao's crew is dead. Deng's crew is dead. It's the same story as the USSR. Jews get in on the ground floor and end up on the outside looking in. Jews cannot maintain control of illiberal systems. Anglosphere conservatives need to pretend reality is different than it is to maintain their internal narrative. No system has been a better host for jewish parasitism than the liberal economic paradigm of the modern "West". If they can build up traditional Anglosphere conservatism, which seeks to preserve and propagate economic liberalism at all costs, as some kind of bulwark against "jewish subversion" they are killing two birds with one stone. Reinforcing their own position while leading would-be enemies down dead ends.

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436d05  No.166874


>It's the same story as the USSR

This is wrong have you seen the top leaders in State Duma? Putin surrounds himself with Jews, make no mistake Russia is still Jewish controlled.

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4428f9  No.166875


The Russian Federation isn't the USSR, is it? There you Anglosphere conservatives go again, just deleting history to make it work for you.

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436d05  No.166878


Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin is jewish, and most of the supreme court is jewish

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4428f9  No.166879


The Russian Federation isn't the USSR, is it? Filtered for being deliberately obtuse.

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436d05  No.166880


that wasn't your argument. You said the Jews could only control Anglo governments. I named the jew in Russia

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4428f9  No.166881

File: f56189bef125d11⋯.png (1.37 MB, 818x6891, 818:6891, Screenshot_2020_08_30_On_L….png)

File: ca7b770bd8be455⋯.png (119.05 KB, 621x1742, 621:1742, Screenshot_2019_12_01_Did_….png)

File: c1c45e93fbfc533⋯.png (519.67 KB, 626x5185, 626:5185, Screenshot_2019_12_11_The_….png)

File: 993ec7dadd2880d⋯.png (651.65 KB, 630x6362, 315:3181, Screenshot_2019_12_11_The_….png)

File: d1fef150f7c64e2⋯.png (524.22 KB, 626x5298, 313:2649, Screenshot_2019_12_11_The_….png)

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6d5cac  No.166882


I’m not sure who you think you’re fooling, but you’re not. Nothing you’ve said is even remotely correct.

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4428f9  No.166889


It's all 100% correct. Now let me filter you before you spam this thread up like you do every other one.

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6d5cac  No.166900




Thank you for admitting that everything you have said is jewish propaganda.Jews run China.You’re brain damaged. Go suck off chinks on some other website.

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23a50d  No.166912


China is controlled by the jews, fellow whites!

Support Hong Kong & Uigurs! Support Human Rights! Support Democracy! Support Feminism! Those things are based!




"The commies…"



Yep. Don't forget that the CCP made the Federal Reserve and founded the Democrat Party.


Notice they never adress (((what))) caused the "color revolution" in Hong Kong and the current mainstream media & politicians opposition to the PRC. Why (((Bill Barr))) is talking about China again and again on BB.

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4428f9  No.166918

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Support Hong Kong & Uigurs! Support Human Rights! Support Democracy! Support Feminism! Those things are based!

Here is (((Ezra Levant))) of (((Rebel Media))), a jignat outlet like Prager U that is designed to ape minor surface characteristics of nationalism as a cloak for typical jewish postwar policy.

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6bf881  No.166919


>Chinks are a disgraceful and cruel race without a modicum of morality;

Well yeah, but are the jews any better?

>I do not believe they will be able to transition to a normal nation, as they will fall prey to decadence far more severely than the wealthy west.

I've always wondered what would happen to chinese society if they ever get rich. Would they just fall to degeneracy and hedonism? It's something that i will be very interested in seeing in the future.

>The best case would be to assimilate the jews into European culture

Be honest here, how likely do you think that is to happen? Do you think the jews would be content to just "assimilate"?


Yes, that is one of my fears, that somehow the jews control the chinks as well.

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4428f9  No.166936

File: 93a7444513633df⋯.jpg (2.84 MB, 768x7723, 768:7723, Screenshot_2019_09_03_Hong….jpg)

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f3054f  No.166989


> there's practically no stopping it now.

ZOG and jews will find a way.

> China is a place where people shit in the street, eat dogs and live in houses made of bamboo and polystyrene.

It's been changing rapidly ever since they shed off their retarded communism. Since their race IQ is on par with whites they maintain society quite well. They just can not innovate in anything, which Caucasians excel in. However they just buy up the innovative ability or outright steal it then mass produce it (which they are good at).

> The reality is that the average Chinese is now wealthier than the average Argentinian and is getting wealthier fast.

Their recovery is similar to eastern European countries who are still progressing hard (especially on EU subsidized money programs).

> then it won’t be long before the average Chinese wage surpasses the average Kiwi one.

Likely this will happen as Chinese got all the production handed over to them. The party makes sure that they buy up key industrial assets from the west to also get into high tech products. The party also made big investments into education for its population so that it won't be a slave country for low wage garbage jobs forever. Its racial composition means that its race is capable of performing this quite well.

> Some of those people might sit down, do the maths, and decide that there are now much better opportunities in China.

To be fair, as much as the west likes to push the dystopian China meme, the west is off much worse. You have the USA at the helm who instigated genocides in every continent across the globe since WW2 while at the same time it constantly claims the high ground. They hang Saddam for killing 50k kurds, while they slaughter 1 million+ Iraqis in the process and destroy the country. They preach about democracy and freedoms in Yugoslavia while enabling the complete destruction of that country, and the countries it split up into are shitholes because of USA. They whine and whine on their social medias about how great the arab spring is and how the evil dictators got overthrown, while USA is droning and bombing the shit out of those countries while financing terrorist actors. They pushed multiculturalism into Europe and encouraged it, leading to an anti white and anti European sentiment in all of the non former soviet countries effectively enabling a white genocide.

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f3054f  No.167006


> Chinks are a disgraceful and cruel race without a modicum of morality

Meanwhile America ruins and commits genocide in every country it sets its eyes upon.

> they will fall prey to decadence far more severely than the wealthy west.

This could be true, middle income trap exists but the party does have tight control over media and the social dimensions. Meaning that the party does have some influence over the ideal way of interacting and acting. It's unlikely the tranny bs cult would get promoted in any remotely authoritarian system where the authoritarians want to at least somewhat help its population.

> they really just don't have the ingenuity of the European mind

So they steal everything and use money to buy the ingenuity. Since sincere ingenuity isn't rewarded very much in the west anyway thanks to monopolies sustained by (((financial elites))), they'll have an easy time using money for it.

> the Chinese will stagnate.

They would, but they also wouldn't have a great direct competitor.

> The best case would be to assimilate the jews into European culture (in which they thrive), and use our combined talents to fend off the mud and bug sub-races.

That's a terrible idea, the results are evident 75 years after ww2. It means endless pointless wars, a complete erasure of any identity into some mutt nigger mix. White genocide to boot since jews and christians hate the idea and concept of race over religion.

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1bb599  No.167147

Chinks genocide each other every 50-150 years or so. They are about due.This almost always sets them back massively. My guess is this will occur when they go full retard to take Taiwan or more likely when Xi finally dies and the power transition fucks up.

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4428f9  No.167173

File: c1ab4374ca28c0e⋯.png (983.63 KB, 726x4178, 363:2089, Screenshot_2020_10_14_Chin….png)


>My guess is this will occur when they go full retard to take Taiwan

Why would they bother? They've already won. Taiwan has virtually no critical resources at all and is heavily dependent on imports to sustain its island population. The big thing is microprocessor lithography tech, but China can just get around that by literally hiring the Han Chinese people who populate Taiwan almost exclusively to just come work on the mainland for double, triple their salaries. And they go because it's pretty much the same country. If the CCP has achieved pretty much everything the Nationalist party was trying to do, what's the difference?

You know, kind of like if the conservatives achieve the niggerkike hellscape they keep telling me "da liberals" want to impose me, what's the difference?

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1bb599  No.167244


That's why I said an invasion of Taiwan would be retarded. You are thinking like a Jew however in only economic terms. Crazy political CCP members would want to conquer Taiwan just because.

> it's pretty much the same country

Lol clearly you don't know many Taiwanese.

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4428f9  No.167276


>Crazy political CCP members would want to conquer Taiwan

They don't have crazy people in the CCP. You actually have to be competent.

>Lol clearly you don't know many Taiwanese.

No, I keep it White. Same people, basically same country. Same goes for HK.

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f309f4  No.169168


>China is going to colonize Africa and expand manufacturing over there, so Africans can produce cheap goods for the Chinese economy. It's basically what the U.S. did to China. The Chinese produce our cheap goods, and eventually the Africans will produce cheap goods for the Chinese.

You are demented. The chinks will not export their factories like America did. They go to Africa only to extract raw materials, and the africans are so stone age that they have to build the infrastructure needed (such as roads) before they do any mining.

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ba5b96  No.169203

File: d09eba945e2dea8⋯.jpg (448.98 KB, 1250x954, 625:477, u96g5f4hdg4gy5njtg7rfhd.jpg)


Who gives a fuck, retard? China needs to be nuked along with any faggot shilling for a government that caused a famine by killing birds.

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4edb72  No.169241


My biggest gripe with those three is that they never seem to question their Amazon(R) overlords. Bezos is strongly affiliated with the Chinese.

Also, I fucking hate these Chinese bot posters. Fuck off.

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fb6216  No.169272

File: 637f8d76e423412⋯.jpg (393.97 KB, 718x642, 359:321, Americans_lies_about_Jews_….jpg)

File: a45dd0883508d96⋯.jpg (406.1 KB, 768x590, 384:295, Americans_lies_about_Jews_….jpg)

File: fe99d288306703a⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 2194x3064, 1097:1532, Americans_lies_about_Jews_….jpg)

File: b67c36972a825f3⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 1920x1351, 1920:1351, America_is_run_by_Jews.jpg)


>Western decline

Nothing that cant be solved ny selfdeluding cope posting, along with your ever growing domestic curryjew community, eating into Jewish media dichotomies and voting Jews harder.

Sticking your head into the ground like these pilpul spamming faggots >>166736 >>166743 >>169203 >>166753 >>166862 >>169203

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ba5b96  No.169283

File: 70c6f957923df22⋯.png (790.94 KB, 1044x921, 348:307, d6875e3191bcacc45b99f341ba….png)

File: 57149266264027e⋯.png (184.1 KB, 986x572, 493:286, f612c7280fc6826cd416e49e76….png)

File: 09d3a7f70667826⋯.png (64.32 KB, 602x568, 301:284, 435gj98h6gtfrhd4g67u7.png)

File: 59638df60793402⋯.png (105.1 KB, 584x841, 584:841, 8a2eae8101e6b666730a6e8e22….png)

File: df6bb9cfec04847⋯.png (361.41 KB, 638x794, 319:397, d4af10e3f25e5b37cf7a8dd492….png)


>Infographics that go on to to explain how the homogenous population doesn't have jews, therefore it's totally based and not compromised

This is now a Chinese hate thread.

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ba5b96  No.169285

File: 16e3cb26f2947c9⋯.png (310.53 KB, 587x869, 587:869, 82d8f9b40a61322a8d26fc99cf….png)

File: ea368581ca22aaf⋯.png (686.73 KB, 994x889, 142:127, 2af4c3d09b233d8633fbb6bd64….png)

File: 0ae04942ee20f73⋯.jpg (72.17 KB, 638x960, 319:480, 98hg5f74dhs747gfhdg6.jpg)

File: 8c1371598059e16⋯.jpg (215.72 KB, 1024x838, 512:419, u875g6fr4d53sgf387mon6b87r….jpg)

File: d1a1d335e837b8f⋯.jpg (228.33 KB, 746x497, 746:497, y7gf65ewgtfi76tgfdus.jpg)


If you couldn't figure it out by now, the Chinese AREN'T your friends. They're essentially the asian version of jews.

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ba5b96  No.169286

File: 14339c53be7aa00⋯.png (400.92 KB, 588x964, 147:241, 931a207d017a29878a68b7d3ef….png)

File: 479ad63ebc35efc⋯.mp4 (3.17 MB, 812x452, 203:113, chinaownsWHO.mp4)

File: f1af6183d352fe5⋯.png (67.36 KB, 902x667, 902:667, 8i7bvhc465ubj.png)

File: 73d130e1add85cf⋯.png (106.27 KB, 901x461, 901:461, 73d130e1add85cf19e6f1d0370….png)

File: 68cb15d54208149⋯.png (272.93 KB, 645x289, 645:289, 68cb15d542081499e139191cb5….png)


If these Chinese are so based, why do they act like niggers?

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ba5b96  No.169287

File: 79f4a50a99f8a58⋯.png (208.77 KB, 800x1672, 100:209, 6vcg34x9989rvecxwz4.png)

File: 8ed338cc37a1f82⋯.png (747.98 KB, 1371x1208, 1371:1208, hnn7bvrchebuyb.png)

File: 8ff2e70b94a38d8⋯.jpg (73.11 KB, 1122x794, 561:397, a53a94b4a89b22a0fe758c573f….jpg)

File: 857ba5c97cc17e7⋯.mp4 (3.16 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 857ba5c97cc17e7f6a78bd8347….mp4)

File: b6b5c392247c5d2⋯.jpg (882.34 KB, 1425x4413, 475:1471, b6b5c392247c5d258aba318839….jpg)


You don't need to answer that, we all know that they're just the result of barbarian cumrags.

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ba5b96  No.169288

File: cd221cd4c974108⋯.png (98.17 KB, 858x488, 429:244, j987n6b56vhc4gvxfwrv.png)

File: bef536033d41ebc⋯.png (759.83 KB, 484x900, 121:225, 8c26946c9f73fb2c1281e2e1d0….png)

File: 6c0f03d263a4c2b⋯.mp4 (4.47 MB, 368x640, 23:40, 6c0f03d263a4c2bcc5a152494b….mp4)

File: 5f945b479eba266⋯.png (36.21 KB, 1266x548, 633:274, 5f945b479eba266c81b4e5c28e….png)

File: 7beaa65146a113a⋯.png (68.32 KB, 1099x472, 1099:472, 7beaa65146a113a04344c83c2e….png)

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ba5b96  No.169289

File: 1372b36d7d0cafc⋯.png (290.09 KB, 888x789, 296:263, e5bb333ca0723239773f28feb5….png)

File: 06849b9234f8b76⋯.webm (385.56 KB, 204x360, 17:30, 06849b9234f8b76c307fd7dc7….webm)

File: 4b3f38390871a84⋯.webm (2.3 MB, 270x360, 3:4, 4b3f38390871a84f9b154eb87….webm)

File: d7d0fc46935d8de⋯.webm (827.26 KB, 480x360, 4:3, d7d0fc46935d8de02789ce83d….webm)

File: 05dc957bdf38674⋯.webm (318.14 KB, 720x404, 180:101, 98nb5uvcehe47nb56r7v.webm)


If any other anons, can contribute any other source material that completely btfos the CCP shill in this thread, that would be appreciated.

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ba5b96  No.169290

File: 490c8a3f1088366⋯.webm (1.22 MB, 480x600, 4:5, 75b6v4f6ydgsu8n9bv.webm)

File: 3f0a92abbe6a239⋯.webm (2.86 MB, 360x640, 9:16, 87g6f4dhghi8m9nb8.webm)

File: 7201c2e2fe1caa5⋯.webm (2.5 MB, 360x392, 45:49, j09nbiujvyhncbtrtxfderf65….webm)

Ching chong, ching ling PING.

Thanks Jim Watkins for providing this pig farm so that I may ultimately btfo CCP shills.

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ba5b96  No.169291

File: 5c52b042260bd9e⋯.png (18.37 KB, 644x800, 161:200, 98jh7g6fd5gsfytbjv.png)

File: e6737a6e2e55ab6⋯.webm (12.91 MB, 640x360, 16:9, e6737a6e2e55ab64c219a7b39….webm)

File: 759a20cef9a5456⋯.webm (1.89 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 06849b9234f8b76c307fd7dc7….webm)


Now watch as the CCP shill attempts to writhe in pain will debunking anything I've already posted calling it "botposting" or "glownigger" propaganda. You have to go back to your authoritarian shithole, chang. Maybe if you build up enough social credit, you might have the opportunity of being drip fed CCP cum.

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1ec0d8  No.169324

File: 04a3ccf861debed⋯.png (129.36 KB, 500x488, 125:122, foxconn_factory_workers_lo….png)

File: 3bb489dd6e0e26e⋯.jpg (35.45 KB, 500x292, 125:73, 6a00d8345275cf69e20133f440….jpg)

File: c9d59abce836e73⋯.jpg (96.53 KB, 639x407, 639:407, foxconnsuicidenets.jpg)

File: 09bc0e8d5b21c6a⋯.jpg (60.41 KB, 414x665, 414:665, foxconn_is_installing_safe….jpg)


>distribution is equal in china under ccp?

Literal slave labor complete with filthy inhuman barracks with suicide nets.

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cbc050  No.170857


It could work in a white ethnic remnant state after balkanization. Nothing will ever work in america as long as the demographics are the way they are.

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cbc050  No.170858


Stay in /ptg/ retard. Trump is puppeted by the exact same kikes Biden is. How do you 80iq boomers even find places like this? You aren't wanted.

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cbc050  No.170859


>is a shill

>"inb4 people call me a shill"

Woah we just got BTFO

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3ebd60  No.170869

File: 62923d4b951270a⋯.gif (3.77 MB, 483x556, 483:556, chinks_anime.gif)


It's easy to see you're a Chinese agent. I've met tons and tons of you online. You always bring up the economy and have your numbers ready. I don't care about any of this as it's a fake system and only works for some people. We're all not going to be poor while they rich, that's not how this works. They are printing money for themselves and it will be a bubble. No one wants to deal with them so they will not attain offshore assets. I'm ready for you to quote me to try to argue because I've seen it so many fucking times online, but in all honesty we have nothing to worry about and China by in large is a paper tiger, the CCP is weak, as only the government cares about itself, no one cares for the country.















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51f2cc  No.170878

File: 83a69e57e33a5e5⋯.png (34.61 KB, 200x126, 100:63, y_e_s.png)


it's actually like i'm reading an article on a pro-chinese journalism™ website. there's even a clickbait headline featured.

>if they continue at this rate they will soon catch up to New Zealand

and you forgot to mention that's a huge "if", hasn't china's gdp being slowing down these recent years? nobody intelligent is thinking china's expeditious growth would last forever. you're acting as if china will be a spacefaring civilization by 2100.

what else can i say, other than kys ccp shill?

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1ec0d8  No.170880

File: 447f1d7dcd2d001⋯.jpg (20.83 KB, 434x338, 217:169, 6955a986b56081cc4a05eec99d….jpg)


The jews are adept at financing both sides of an artificially engendered conflict and profiting hugely on it while their customers exhaust themselves to the point of death.

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715f8c  No.170887


> you're acting as if china will be a spacefaring civilization by 2100

At our current rate of going backwards, we won't be either

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5cc963  No.170889

File: 4796006ae207e94⋯.jpg (44.79 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, China_Ipet_goat.jpg)


Meh…who gives a fuck about the bug people. Their empire is scheduled to be broken up as well in 2021. You can't have global governance with superpower nations still in existence/operational. I heard that there were about 5 different factions that will be participating in the take down of Xi and the break up of China into smaller mafia run nation states. The globalists goal/use for china was OBOR and once that was built they have no more use for the bug people.

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51f2cc  No.170898

File: 573e8c67b0e931a⋯.png (254.59 KB, 333x678, 111:226, celebration.png)


i doubt even in our best circumstances we'd be travelling to distant star systems by then, or ever for that matter. futurists always exaggerate things, people in the 1900s thought we'd have a fully functioning moon colony by now.


it's merely a rumor but i did hear some of the hunter biden leaks were from anti-communist chinese supporting a trump victory

also it's difficult for me to call them bug people. i think china was an interesting civilizationdespite cruel exploitation by foreigners and internal strife.

if anything, me liking "old" china intensifies my hatred for this garbage plastic walmart version we have in our modern era. and one thing i don't understand is how people can defend the ccp. they actively have a hatred of history. doesn't everybody on /pol/ love history? we have a deep appreciation for traditionalism and such and yes i truly feel i speak for everyone here right now. meanwhile the communist raggards in china try to suppress their past culture, basically anything deemed harmful to public perception of the party. all for a gay personality cult around winnie the chairman and his lackeys.

i can't take anyone seriously who sticks up for an oppressive shithole. support china? learn their language. go live there. if it's set to be so amazing in the future you may as well grab the opportunity. oh wait, you won't.

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3ebd60  No.170899



Jews don't run the inside of China, but they are running everything that leaves or goes in. Same happened with Japan, but the reason that Japan is falling apart and the reason it's still #3 economy without people leaving in droves is because Jews abandoned them when they embraced Korea. Jews intentionally tried to destroy the country in 1989 so that Korea could get a foothold.


The reason we keep focusing on making people weaker and dumber is because what the US really discovered in the space is a lot more terrible than what they tell us.

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6d8cf8  No.170925

File: 496b73bff6bf250⋯.png (191.06 KB, 805x504, 115:72, aipac.PNG)

File: d54d8ca951ca586⋯.png (1.7 MB, 2720x1246, 1360:623, keytowhitehousefullannotat….png)

File: 5e192e4b4eed01c⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1026x531, 114:59, oded.PNG)

File: bd3fc1eb90c5043⋯.jpg (69.69 KB, 640x377, 640:377, heartland_640x377.jpg)

File: 9b47a71cd53fa0d⋯.png (38.79 KB, 952x500, 238:125, late1984.png)

china is a sweatshop of bugs socialized into sociopaths. they are a borg that is good at cheap n nasty production, but they are incapable of coming up with anything innovative themselves.

they are only 'succeeding' insofar as ISRAEL allows them to.

ever wonder why your favourite favourite most BADEDNREPILLD e-celeb or forum of choice NEVER mentions how israel is working WITH china, AGAINST the US?

where do you think they get all of their high-tech? what do you think their belt and road initiative is REALLY about?

every single thread i lay this out in either gets slid or deleted ASAP, so here's the short version; see pics related, read the article below, and set up some google news alerts for 'china and israel', 'iran and china', 'fourth industrial revolution', 'eurasia', 'belt and road', 'smart city', and 'taiwan/SMC'

this article below is from a year before israel's deal with the UAE

>The UAE has emerged as a key player in Xi's BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE

>'We're living in a very different world than we did ten years ago. It's a multipolar, multi-conceptual world," Brende [president of WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM] said.

>"Multipolar, in the sense that we see much more geopolitical competition. It's also multi-conceptual, because there are different ideologies out there. It's not only one that we are used to, WITH THE U.S. AND WESTERN EUROPE WAY OF RUNNING THINGS," he added.

>The UAE government has also partnered with the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM to launch “The Centre for FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION” in the Emirates, the first of its kind in the region and the fifth globally.

>“The fourth industrial revolution will shape the whole century,” Brende said. “THOSE NATIONS THAT ARE ON TOP OF THESE NEW TECHNOLOGIES, being artificial intelligence, internet of things, big data and autonomous vehicles, WILL COME OUT OF THIS CENTURY AS THE MOST PROSPEROUS ONES.”


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11d603  No.170930


i genuinely believe there will be some serious civil unrest in china soon enough. every neighboring nation they have minus north korea is growing in hostility let alone the rest of the actual world.

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ba5b96  No.170931

File: 288bebc86271543⋯.jpg (94.75 KB, 928x1024, 29:32, 98b7gfdsgho8kjnbjvfhd53w4s….jpg)


Take note, anons. This retard is an astroturfing faggot. I suspect this chinksect is from bunkerchan, they have a general thread dedicated to sucking Xi Ping's dick and his authoritarian shithole: https://bunkerchan.xyz/leftypol/res/8925.html#q8925

Fuck kikes, fuck niggers, fuck chinks.

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1ec0d8  No.170933

File: 91391368e7b00b4⋯.jpg (319.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


>>How Long Until Chinese Wages Surpass Kiwi Wages?

Why do you think Trump went to India and was greeted by a hero's welcome?

Chinks are about to be replaced by India.

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fee46c  No.170934

File: c2ed34f14413de7⋯.jpg (185.53 KB, 1104x656, 69:41, 5qv5vb45.jpg)


I'll fix that link for you first:


China will not be the top in these technologies because, as you said, they can not innovate, they are only possible of complying, not challenging. UAE has tons of fucking oil and is not a partner of NATO because the US is an Israeli ally (pawn). Still it's been shown that all the power players in the middle east are putting up with Israel, at least the Saudis and Kuwait, so it could be the whole of the semitic elite wants to deal with China and need the US to die.


Exactly this. Don't you see the used spread of falin gong (sp) recently, and the fact the CCP is doubling down on everything means they are lossing grip. We can only hope that US, Korea, Japan, Taiwan is manipulating players to bring it down.


Nice image.


India being so in to IT and communicating with the Western world means they will overtake China as a world power (as much as I hate it). That and they have MORE poor people to exploit and FEWER enemies at their doorstep.

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11d603  No.170940


yo wtf was that video clip that was terrifying

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4428f9  No.171176



some of the most blatant kike shilling we've had on this board and that is really saying something

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4428f9  No.171177


>it's merely a rumor but i did hear some of the hunter biden leaks were from anti-communist chinese supporting a trump victory

I wouldn't want anything to do with people who are working against the government that turned their country into the largest economy in the world. Doubly so when they are siding with this niggerjew terrorist state.

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fee46c  No.171178


What are you referring to?

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4428f9  No.171181


I'm talking about you.

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f15bce  No.171183


are you a woman with bpd because boy that splitting is some serious shit

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1ec0d8  No.171186


>What are you referring to?

He's referring to his own overweening urge to totally domineer over everyone on the board to submit to his dominant will and accept his doxology absolutely. Honestly if he's such a triumphant new man with a sublime will to power I don't see why he doesn't just pick up a gun and maybe buy some black market hand grenades and show us how it's done. He'll die or be incarcerated but oh what a blaze of glory his passing will be. Then all humanity will emulate him to found a pure white germanic race and a glorious world empire that will last far longer than all three Egyptian kingdoms.

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0df432  No.172563

Such a refreshing feeling after 4chan, which is clearly controlled by russians since 2016. I am a newcomer here. Don’t go to 4chan unless you want to suck russian dicks.

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4761cf  No.172618


How do you define labor as a measurable unit of currency? Joules? Is the currency to be based on the generation of units of electricity perhaps? Watts?

If you mean human labor isn't that a bit too fluid in its value? Is the man who sits in a lab or lies in bed thinking up a new kind of battery worthless because he's not expending joules while a ditchdigger involved in Victorian era manual labor worth more because he's expending more physical energy?

I'm a bit confused here with just what you're aiming at.

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4761cf  No.172620


>>I wouldn't want anything to do with people who are working against the government that turned their country into the largest economy in the world

Even if it based that largest economy in the world on massive pervasive slave labor??

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2889aa  No.181362

File: dd15efd0b27960c⋯.png (566.62 KB, 602x655, 602:655, france.png)

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bf1945  No.181367

Sina delenda est.

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64baea  No.181375

File: 66a6f33c7467470⋯.png (450.51 KB, 770x609, 110:87, 1602121886842.png)

China videos still shock me, the absolute absence of humanity. Give it to me straight anons, are Koreans okay? They truly seem more civilized than the bug people in China. I might breed with a half Korean girl and while she's wonderful and actually pretty and loyal I fear that my kids will be born without souls.

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d24929  No.181380

File: bde4fc1b0f34776⋯.jpg (246.61 KB, 1600x1185, 320:237, mongol_eurasian_693cfb116.jpg)

File: 163b7046ea70133⋯.jpg (99.92 KB, 1024x700, 256:175, mongolian_eurasian_26d5cc9….jpg)

File: 307a1ffe226fa5c⋯.jpg (28.13 KB, 474x474, 1:1, mongolian_eurasian_JkQHaHa.jpg)

File: ed437ea79f18c5f⋯.jpg (767.76 KB, 1280x850, 128:85, mongolian_eurasian_o1_1280.jpg)

File: 96103425650b5d7⋯.jpg (57.57 KB, 318x480, 53:80, fuck_you_chink.jpg)






China will split this century and is guaranteed a civil war before that going off their historical cycles with the current politics. One of those states will become 1st world the Manchurians and North China. Most of China is still 3rd world street shitters and will continue to be. Taiwan however will become 1st world during the upcoming Chinese civil war.


Koreans genetically are descended from han and Manchurian chinese because China committed genocide against them multiple times just like Vietnam. Koreans also are the sjw of East Asians they are the ones bringing it to Japan and are the most anti-White an have raided pol a lot. South Korea has also been ruled by a feminist gook cult for at least a hundred years called the 5 golden goddesses. Along with some other wacky korean "christian" cults. Koreans are prone to cult worship just like the chinks because they are chinks with a little mongol DNA.

In terms of genetics if you have to, mongols have been shown to have rather high iqs when raised middle class because of the rather recent European ancestors some of them have and can compete with the Japs when it comes to war. The Mongols are the only ones who successfully conquered parts of Japan out of the asian groups. Scandinavians still have the highest IQ average at 115.

Mongolians > Japanese> Korean>Chinese. In terms of genetics because Mongols at least still have the original European peoples DNA (Yamnaya) who gave asians civilization. Genghis Khan as was his original followers were Eurasian. His tribe was called the grey eyed.

If you mix with a half chinks/gooks you are creating a Turk. Mix with a Eurasian mongol and you creating a Slavic.

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da6494  No.181403


It was originally intended as 1 Mark = 1 labour hour.

So of course it's variable, and doesn't work outside of basically germany or someone with a very strong work ethic, aka. Whites from the last century, or the amish.

I'm not sure if it even lasted as intended in germany long, but it started as: government needs this work done, here is a shovel, you get payed 1 mark per hour you work, go spend it.

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548857  No.181405

The West is losing its place in the global competition with the constant focus on equality measures. We have been moving forward by our past momentum and has lost our vision. Equality is an enormous lie that consumes resources from every other noble ambition or initiative; especially since there exists no clear end-goal or reasonable performance measure. Equality is not unimportant by any means. A society with very little equality will have drastic problems; we should help each other. But, equality comes at a heavy price when our societies are deconstructed because poor brown people.

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4428f9  No.181408


>China will split this century and is guaranteed a civil war before that going off their historical cycles with the current politics.

People like you have been wrong every day for the last 50 years and you'll be wrong every day for the next 50 years.

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d24929  No.181622


>no u

People like you are retarded, you act like china is competent they are bugs without a brain every part of chinese society is reliant on the West and china is in a soft civil war already. Shithole china can't even feed their self go ahead and be a chink worshiper though if you idiot ccp shill. All of chinas rivers are dried up.

Anyone else reading this just filter the chink its obvious they are a ccp shill.

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5bfa14  No.181630


China is already dead in the water, the civil war in china is already happening, they take building before it explodes. Hong Kong will be the catalyst. China is still a 3rd world country after all and will continue to be because they are low iq who poisons their own people, you can't even buy real food in china. I do expect Taiwan to take over whats left of North China after the civil war.


Its obvious you don't know shit about china you chink worshippers are wrong about every thing anyway , you are same people pushing flat earth. Go be stupid somewhere else.

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d24929  No.181631


And what do you think is in space, are you a believer in the dark forest theory, because why wouldn't they ban space travel at this point that Musk has been pushing.

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53d8b8  No.181645

ok lets bomb it all into the ground and take what remains

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5ad07c  No.181652


I think India and China will be going head to head in their own battle. I wouldn't be surprised if China tries to take Taiwan that India makes a hard push to get them out of that mountain path.

At that point, it's WW3. Regardless, I see India winning that one thanks to the financing of (((them))).

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