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File: 5c514b93b1c469c⋯.png (884.76 KB, 508x696, 127:174, coon_attack.png)

fc3bec  No.166385

You already know nigs are aggressive, dumb, and violent. Why provoke them? Why even go near them? I'd never approach or go near a wild gorilla.


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771677  No.166390

Niggers should be mercilessly exterminated

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d38a04  No.166414


All the lesser races need extermination. I never heard him call the nigger a nigger so to me it simply looks like one of the ape people attacking someone who is White and elderly.

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e6031f  No.166419


>Why provoke them?

Because it's funny.

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853902  No.166424

My god, and niggers have the audacity to call us snowflakes

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7ea421  No.166434


>in woodshop class

>there's a literal kangzman, some nigger named "israel"

>he gets mad at me constantly saying "nigger"

>he's trying to intimidate me, i literally just give him a blank stare, with a clenched fist and an overbite

>he fucks off

>ffw 30 minutes, we're both working with a band saw

>i chuck cut pieces at garbage bin, which happens to be right near nigger's workpiece

>i miss, hit nigger's workpiece

>he's flippin gout on me

>i tell him "hey man the fucking bin is near you i missed"

>he's like "what"

>he also has a fucking earbud in his ear

>I yell at him "first, if you want to fucking hear me, take that earbud out of your fucking ear. second, get the fuck out of my face"

>he fucks off

>after school before long weekend, i see him walking home

>he sees me

>he does fucking nothing

why are niggers so much of a pussy without their friends backing them up?

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92436c  No.166437


Woah now friend you're going against the narrative that people are violent savages based on idpol bullshit and thats not allowed around here.

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f3c20e  No.166472


>Nothing I say is true and there is no reason for me to be here

Thanks for letting us know.

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d38a04  No.166488


Because they are protohuman pack animals that think exactly like the chimpanzees they sprung from. All behavior is genetic.

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fc3bec  No.166616

Check out the nig's car in the background, with those over-sized 24 inch rims. If you've ever driven through black neighborhoods, you'll notice that quite a few nigs will invest tens of thousands to make their cars look spiffy, but will invest practically no money in their children's education, or home improvements, etc.

They invest much of their money in fancy shoes, jewelry, and car accessories.

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c37331  No.166678

They always think they hear nigger. Think they heard you think it. Felt like hearing it. It's just an excuse to randomly attack a white person because they know they're inferior.

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884701  No.166717

File: b300bcfbd0212e3⋯.jpg (90.27 KB, 1379x668, 1379:668, sniper.JPG)


>Why provoke them? Why even go near them?


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53e660  No.166804

I like what I see. A white man scared and defenseless ❤️Warms my heart

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d2253f  No.166815


dont say the n-word or you ened up like me!!!1


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a8cf69  No.166842

File: 8c583f9c6fd97ca⋯.png (4.82 MB, 2945x1964, 2945:1964, kickwhendowngbi.PNG)


Because you stood up for yourself.

Niggers are fucking pussies and bullies they only prey on the weak. only on those who wont fight back. only if they can get an advantage like sucker punching.

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6966a5  No.166855

File: 9fd99cee5e76ba1⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 1466746248195.gif)


>Why provoke them? Why even go near them?

They will come to you eventually, unless you live deep in the woods on a mountain somewhere. Remember that avoiding blacks is racist and violent activity, and they will beat you for it. White silence is white violence. This is the jewish cartoon world that we live in.

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25a5f6  No.166896


>Why provoke them?

Your existence provokes them

> Why even go near them?

They're coming near you, thanks to political left. Prepare, prepare, …

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ca869f  No.166898


Niggers are like monkeys that move in pacts

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263f60  No.167018


>Be black me

>In woodshop class

>There's a fat white guy, some faggot named "Josh"

>He has doesn't have friends, so I introduce myself

>Met with a blank empty stare. Nhen notice the guy is clenching his fists while grinding his teeth

>Oh shit, he's retarded. I'll just ignore him

>30 mins go by, retard is operating a band saw

>He keeps fucking up and gets enraged. Tries to throw workpiece away.

>He's retarded so he keeps missing the bin

>I feel bad for him

>Starts babbling something, pretend I can't hear

>I see him after school

>Oh shit not this retard

>Pretend I didn't see him.

Retards shouldn't be allowed to live. Why does society back them up?

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7ea421  No.167022

File: f43be83c01976bf⋯.png (31.22 KB, 248x157, 248:157, ClipboardImage.png)


my name's not josh, kid

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2e6651  No.167023

File: bcfa5d01d1d8123⋯.jpg (183.21 KB, 628x860, 157:215, Remember_the_plastic_surge….jpg)

File: 326a439355ea265⋯.jpg (178.58 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Remember_the_personal_stak….jpg)

File: 34d75f3f7bfea7b⋯.png (955.25 KB, 1021x729, 1021:729, Remember_the_inflation_por….png)

File: 90aa12e88dcddfe⋯.jpg (65.51 KB, 680x646, 20:19, Remember_the_footballs.jpg)

File: ae6891ce1cfaf31⋯.jpg (161.56 KB, 713x757, 713:757, remember_the_electric_conv….jpg)



We joke, "fellow human", and things like this. But things start to look really fucking strange when you examine the "jewish refugees" that magically started appearing in the 1940s and 1950s. They have a certain naivety. They legitimately don't appear to know what's believable to human beings.

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a138a8  No.167039


Sorry Mike, well glad you enjoyed the story all the same.

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086c81  No.169546

File: f93a7ba28031dcc⋯.jpg (53.65 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, TJTEC3UDXHULPE2Y7JCOOE62OA.jpg)


lol based nigger. that white man fucked around and found out. just be polite to people and see how much your life improves

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a6e6ba  No.169671

File: f80f0e42de592c5⋯.jpg (27.87 KB, 308x450, 154:225, 1442179126275.jpg)

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ffbf6d  No.169730


>Because you stood up for yourself.

Yeah, they smell fear. When I carry my pistol they stay the fuck away from me. I must project some "don't fuck with me" aura.


>Your existence provokes them

Truth. Any weakness provokes them.


Wish germans had made a murder factory, it would have been awesome. There wouldn't have been "square miles" of blood, there would be drainage for that shit. Could have just had a spinning fucking blade like they do with chickens.

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43f81e  No.169775

Is there any proof that the old guy said the n-word other than the chair-nigger screaming it?

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d6bd1c  No.169791


niggers are reactionary, just proves they are animals who cannot think, only react

they cannot even react in a clever way, they just get violent

i will never believe that any nigger has agency

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c98040  No.169794


Learn to control ape emotions when a human speaks.

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02188e  No.169797

File: a4778e001260f2b⋯.jpg (119.36 KB, 975x677, 975:677, fentanylfloyd.jpg)


>My god, and niggers have the audacity to call us snowflakes

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6aba02  No.169809

File: 2c0a747292823dc⋯.jpg (70.29 KB, 650x432, 325:216, oy_vey.jpg)



I wonder (((who))) runs this site. Surely a nigger can't handle the tech required to run a website.

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6f75d9  No.169813


The only one that was screaming nigger was the screaming nigger. Upload yet another nigger attack video to the internet and vaguely, nebulously imply that the victim said something impolite. With absolutely nothing to back it up of course. Majority of "Human" cattle will not question the accusation nor the justification of the given retribution. 9 out of 10 times one of these videos are uploaded there is absolutely zero proof of the accusation in the video, despite the videos beginning when the trogs have clearly been recording before the video started. Along with the heightened emotional state of the trog in question, with the perceived aggressor aka victim attempting to deescalate the situation. Then showing the savagery of the nigger in question as it bravely attempts to correct a perceived wrong as it brutalizes someone who cannot and will not fight back. Queue the end of the video. The 1 out of 10 when they're somehow magically able to conjure proof of the accusation the video is clearly in the middle of a major dispute, aka a fight. Is anyone ever going to step in and stop these bullshit one-sided beatings and murders? Look at the nigger-hate threads. Hundreds of videos of niggers savaging innocents surrounded by onlookers. Heavy emphasis on onlookers, because none of the "whites" that are watching ever do a fucking thing to step in or retaliate or fucking nothing. Truly never more a wretched race

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