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File: 20a80272f2be041⋯.jpg (97.51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

e76362  No.165544

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598867  No.165561


I'm truly heartened by the fact that it's not just platitudes. No one here gives a flying fuck about the debates between jewish puppet parties. Wonderful. Thanks for the metric, anon.

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033766  No.165579



They faked the fly.

Network collusion!!!!!

The fucking fly just appears on his head.

It's a fake fly.


Slow playback speed to .25.

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e76362  No.165583


But why

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033766  No.165585


My guess is to keep the feeble minds talking about the fly instead of Pence schooling her.

And how Kamala, knew the questions a head of time.

With the whole “That’s a great Segway” comment.


I also believe Tulsi was a trial run. They got her with a pimple. https://youtu.be/WtcdVOJ2ekA?t=90

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8fe6eb  No.165618


It was certainly very strange, and it worked. All the plebs are talking about muh fly.

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841264  No.165641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If it was faked then it wouldn't show up in the reflection.

At the 2 hour and 32 minute mark, fly appears, 2 minutes after when the camera has switched, Pence's reflection you can see the fly.

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598867  No.165643


You realize CG reflections have been done for decades, right? What the fuck is this psychopath discussion? Next he’ll claim the planes on 9/11 were holograms…

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8aa947  No.165761


>At the 2 hour and 32 minute mark, fly appears

Video is 1 hour and 31 minutes long…🤔

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486a44  No.165765



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0dc41c  No.165769

So the most interesting thing was a fly

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486a44  No.165771


Yeah, pretty much. VP debates are usually pretty dull, though, so it's not surprising that a fly won the night.

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a97cde  No.165772

Pence owned that dumb slut lol

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598867  No.165774

Merging thread:


I enjoyed this gentleman's down the middle, straight to the line, view of the debate. He didnt take sides and just cut it down to the middle as to who did bad and who did well and criticized and complinmented both sides. I wish actual media and press could present an issue like this YouTube dude can!

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387a26  No.165779


Pence literally did not answer a single question until that fly came in and fed him some answers.

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5f3175  No.165787

"I'm talking"

She kept turning to Pence and saying that, followed by a smug smirk.

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387a26  No.165788


That's what you do when someone interrupts you.

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cf1544  No.165791

>literal kike shill thread

good to see it's getting zero traction outside of two kike shills yammering back and forth with each

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c169dc  No.165796

File: af9b5516255b8a0⋯.png (908.87 KB, 918x506, 459:253, ClipboardImage.png)

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32cccb  No.165818


why does the dnc insist on running women with low likability?

"as a clearly a incompetent legal scholar-"

can't wait for those scotus confirmation hearings.

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