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File: e1bea00ea78830b⋯.png (80.08 KB, 640x385, 128:77, tomy.png)

ca5eb7  No.165413

Sorry for spacing (on mobile)

We all know plebbit is an SJW cesspool devoid of any real opinions and just a forum for NPC's.

And you'll pretty much get the same drivel on the normie tier shit like FB, insta, snap and Twitter and whatever the fuck else people are using, it's to be expected right?

Well I've noticed recently (especially after the wave of new Jannies) that 4chan is becoming increasingly censored.

Post's that don't break any rules deleted for no reason, getting banned for very minor things and rules being used in loose terms to justify bans. Lefties invading /pol/ and there to stay, faggots and trannies in abundance.

I can see 4chan already in it's death throws…

Has anybody else noticed?

Is 8kun a safe place to seek refuge?

Are things comfy here?

Redpill a newfag.

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ca5eb7  No.165425

Ahem… Niggers

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115f23  No.165426

You're about 6 years late to the party, both because anyone worth a shit left 4chan to come to 8chan at that time and since then pretty much all of them have left 8chan because it too has become a censorious shit hole. An anonymous free speech platform with some semblance of popularity no longer exists on the internet.

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ca5eb7  No.165427


Damn… If 8chan is censored why do you choose to stay? Are things really that bad?

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115f23  No.165429


I think of it like watching a family member slowly succumb to dementia until they're just a husk of their former self but you have to be there with them until the end. Where as with 4chan its like watching your closest friend growing up turn into the most insufferable cunt that you can no longer stand to be around and you just accept the person you knew is never coming back and have to part ways with them.

For you though its more like going to a nursing home and finding a random person thats riddled with dementia, with no ties to them yourself theres really nothing motivating you to be there for them.

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4affd0  No.165433


Name any place that's isn't censored and it's a guaranteed CP dumping ground. Everyone censors. Everyone. Even you.

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3e23c2  No.165440


>noticed recently


You realize this site was created six fucking years ago, right? FOR A GODDAMN REASON. Get the fuck out of here. You put up with the jewish takeover of cuckchan for six fucking years. You’re ONE of them.

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6cb0b9  No.165467

File: 1c58d6def7aded5⋯.webm (12.99 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Tommy_Robinstein.webm)

File: 0c8301ed66dd82e⋯.png (2.87 MB, 2142x1266, 357:211, KMac_and_Dicky_shilling_fo….png)


>Redpill a newfag.

This might shock you, but Tommy Robsinstein isn't your friend either.

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0bec84  No.165472


>Name any place that's isn't censored and it's a guaranteed CP dumping ground

Not to mention it would be shut down pretty quickly. Freedom of speech is like speed of light, or absolute zero, you can, and should, try to get as close as you can, but you'll be never able to reach it.

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0e8ad0  No.165476


As long as IPv4 is used, the internet will be censored, and therefore left-wing. Fuck NAT, fuck the lack of static IP's by default, and fuck the inability of peer-to-peer services to connect peers without a centralized host needed for UDP hole punching.

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f5ec4e  No.165496


>static IP's by default

You mean dynamic, right? Because why the fuck should someone be personally tagged and blocked from the entire internet forever, simply because the government didn’t like what his only IP address said?

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251e29  No.165509



You "free speech but" people are why we have access to totally free platforms on onion sites yet they're only used for the singular purpose of CP because people like you would rather have their freedom curtailed so long as it means you get to be in a safe space. If the thousands of people that used to come here would all go to an onion imageboard we could have a truly free imageboard once again but that would mean no longer being in a safe space where anything that triggers you is forbidden.

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3e23c2  No.165511


So are you defending the extended of CP, or…?

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3e23c2  No.165512


Existence, what the fuck was that, autocorrect…

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115f23  No.165514


It exists whether you like it or not. The government can't even prevent the existence of things in the physical world like drugs, you really think they can eliminate the existence of anything digitally?

But thats beside the point, the point is that you lot have already chosen security over freedom, the reason theres no anonymous free platform on the internet anymore isn't because its impossible but that theres no longer a demand for it. Everyone has resigned themselves to the fact that they'd rather have their identity linked to their social media and everything they say under heavy restrictions than have to see things they don't like. They want everything they don't like to be deplatformed and destroyed for the "greater good".

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c62258  No.165519


As someone with beliefs the mindless masses want deplatformed and destroyed I demand an anonymous free platform. I want CANDID back. That place was perfect. You could talk about anything you wanted.

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52b835  No.165522

File: 71c41c58ecbd2a1⋯.jpg (124.89 KB, 808x522, 404:261, Screenshot_20201007_153728.jpg)

The irony.

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115f23  No.165523


You do realize candid was just a method of training an AI algorithm to better censor you right? They sold it to google and I'm sure they've integrated it into things like youtube, I've definitely noticed more youtube comments on controversial topics just randomly disappearing right after being posted and I have to use other characters with similar shapes to trick the bot while also being legible to people. It sets a scary precedent for the future in having to outsmart a robot in order to be heard.

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c62258  No.165528


Even if that's true, Candid's format was PERFECT. Just make a new Candid but don't sell it to kikes.

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4affd0  No.165529


Like I said: everyone censors. Humans are not content to ignore things they don't like, they want it purged, silenced, and everyone responsible killed.

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7d3993  No.165548


>Well I've noticed recently on 4chan

>posts deleted, trivial bans, muh roolz

>Lefties invading /pol/


How long were you in a coma?

>Is 8kun a safe place to seek refuge?

>Are things comfy here?

8kun is great.

It's like 8chan but with ku instead of cha.

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f13a8b  No.165578

> 4chan is becoming increasingly censored.

4chan has its own problems. That is mostly related to it being impossible to be anon there due to them blocking all the vpns. Then you have 4chan pass but that will leave a money trail so you're still not anonymous. It's quite funny how it is harder to be 'anonymous' on 4chan than on fkn facebook who requests real life IDs.

> I can see 4chan already in it's death throws…

This was already the case during 2015 when US election happened and mass shills flooded it. Then a lot of normies and redditors also flooded it. The board became dumbed down and the same spam threads (presumably bots) just posted the same 20 threads over and over and over.

> Is 8kun a safe place to seek refuge?

Yes, you can TOR post here despite anons claiming its an obvious honeypot (which is stupid since users have a fkton of ways to protect themselves and keep their identity anon here in contrast to 4cuck).

> Are things comfy here?

No because it's dead. Nobody really feels like reviving it either. Or starting a new /pol/ on another kind of imageboard. Likely new pol would fail since it would only attract a small amount of users. Old pol on 8ch worked well until at least 2016 since 8ch was a diverse board with many interests. Kind of sucks that it died since community for most part was amazing (except the handful of shizos towards the end having (50+) posts in a thread of calling each other kike, effectively derailing and killing every thread).


> anything digitally?

It's far easier for intel agencies and police to shutdown digital things than physical things. The digital things require digital expertise which police can easily afford. Physical requires man power that the police simply don't have especially when it comes to drugs.

> They want everything they don't like to be deplatformed and destroyed for the "greater good".

This is kind of the problem of social medias. Back in the day you had a forum for everything and if someone thought the forum was shit and would complain you would tell them to go somewhere else. You can't just tell people to just 'stop using faceberg' and they find an alternative (they don't want an alternative lol).


Prob something meguca based with real time posting. Or a hybrid between the two. That's one area or a couple of threads with real time posting to better enable socializing and one area for more serious discussion / threads.

Problem is it would take some time to create and get it up and running + moderation (and potential handling of fed agents). All while you probably won't make a dime of profit out of all that effort.

Meanwhile faceberg app extension or some other simple website with lower maintenance efforts would rake in a lot more money. So it's easy to see why devs aren't really excited to make a superior imageboard.

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b92f41  No.165593

Fascist are not SUPPOSED to be tolerant, and do not claim to be so. But this place is still more free than any place else. It is what it is. Internet is closing, exept dark web. It's closingtime.

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95dd01  No.165707

The internet itself is a tool to stage CIA revolutions and subvert the masses, it is the matrix. there is no refuge, you have to look completely elsewhere.

>Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that he still does not have a smartphone, after revealing last year that he has no interest in joining any social media networks.

>“You said that everyone has smartphones. But I don’t have a smartphone,” Putin said, to laughter in the audience. He responded to a comment from Kovalchuk that “everyone has a smartphone in their pocket.”

>“I personally practically don’t use this,” Putin said of the internet, adding that members of his staff do get online.

>In past years, Putin has claimed that the internet is a “special project of the CIA” and “half pornography”.


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bc60f8  No.165777

I think 8kun and voat are safe havens. I still use 4chan, I don’t wanna see the fags and trannies get hold of it because of nostalgia and how much history I have with the site. I also use consumeproduct.win. That’s the site for the subreddit that got banned.

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3e23c2  No.165778


Spoiler alert. They literally took it over completely over 6 years ago. It’s the reason this site exists. Cuckchan is totally co-opted and no traditionalist speech can take place.

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bc60f8  No.165781


I know, it’s just the site holds a very special place in my heart and it’s hard to let it go

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c62258  No.165782


>So it's easy to see why devs aren't really excited to make a superior imageboard.

Yeah, that's the problem. 8kun and Voat are all that remain and there's no motivation to make something better in case we go under again. You could probably monetize something like Candid by allowing users to buy pretty animations for their posts like confetti. Didn't discord do something similar and it worked out well for them?

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2024e6  No.165794

File: ed29589c2209331⋯.webm (3.97 MB, 640x360, 16:9, rabbis_agree_on_just_1_th….webm)


>you really think they can eliminate the existence of anything digitally?

You sound like a leftist. Yes you can minimize things you don't want. And they do. But mostly they minimize good things. There have been several operations which have massively reduced the amount of establishment honeypot material on the internet. Very effective work has been done.

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c62258  No.165804


You can't even find work supporting St. Thomas of Aquinas on google anymore. Instead you get literal essays of liberal mental gymnastics saying ACKSHUALLY THIS IS WHY ST THOMAS REALLY MEANT THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF WHAT HE OBVIOUSLY SAID. St. Thomas is gone. Christian Identity is gone, but British Israelism which is pro-jew is still there though. Lots of conservative versions of wikis are gone. Honestly, people better start archiving this stuff and leaking what search engines censor or else there will be no history in the west except what fanfiction communist kikes decide to invent for us.

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c62258  No.165807


And they will replace your history with jewed communist fanfiction once they feel ready. Just yesterday I watched a video on youtube claiming to have the missing info schools don't teach us anymore, asserting some our earliest ancestors, the Scythians, were communist drug loving hippies. It was a popular video too. Once no one knows about it anymore, no one bats an eye or doubts the made up story that replaced the truth.

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8f80a8  No.165827


So you're in support of being relegated to this backwater imageboard that can barely qualify as public because your views are seen as unwanted?

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e6c11d  No.165964


>The irony.

Real irony is mods deleted a thread I bumped the other day.

<censorship in action

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2024e6  No.165987

File: d6dfdd2285b9c7a⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1355x766, 1355:766, riddle_me_this_batman.png)


>You can't even find X on google anymore

There was a great day in the mid teens when the internet fulfilled its promise. Then they took it away. Save everything.

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3e23c2  No.165999


>mid teens

✡Google✡ et. al. had shown their true colors long before that.

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3c7dd9  No.166082

>I can see 4chan already in it's death throws…

If you are just now noticing this you must be retarded

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3c7dd9  No.166083


he's done more good than harm, nothing wrong with Tommy (atm)

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3c7dd9  No.166086

File: ee25f51847cac7a⋯.png (203.68 KB, 494x397, 494:397, look.png)


>you can't be anonymous with IP4

>fuck the lack of static IP's by default

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3e23c2  No.166116


>nothing wrong with a proven zionist shill masquerading as a traditionalist

Fucking kill yourself.

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b69b83  No.166177



Woah, dude chill. Tommy is a stand up bloke. And there's nothing wrong with supporting Israel.

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c6d8f9  No.166811


> You could probably monetize something like Candid by allowing users to buy pretty animations for their posts like confetti.

Yes this would be possible.

> Didn't discord do something similar

Discord wasn't made by some guy in a caravan. It was made by someone who faced multiple lawsuits in the past for unethical selling of user data. So it continues to do this. Further it got funding from Tencent, which was enough to make it grow and cover cost.

The strategy discord used was quite simple. Push it on reddit, so that they replaced IRC channels with discord. This was very successful since discord is way easier and more comfortable to use than IRC.

Also I doubt many people would be interested in buying stuff like extra emoticons and so on but that could be a viable business model. Buuut, here comes the problem you still want to guarantee user anonymity so payment options are probably going to be garbage (cryptos only, and even that doesn't secure anonymity 100% since a money trail is still being left). Also naturally due to this I don't think anyone using a similar service would be exciting. Having people being able to buy stuff requires accounts though and you'll be moving more towards something like discord. I think there's definitely some stuff possible here but getting people to pay for any of it would be a nightmare. Nobody wants to create a better /pol/, promote it, put in a lot of effort to get moderation going and then end up with nothing for the effort. And of course also deal with having feds visiting you eventually since someone who went on a killing spree posted their manifesto.

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3c7dd9  No.166813

File: d6d46adf03656cf⋯.png (125.53 KB, 212x272, 53:68, jack.png)



stfu simple simon, you are a belligerent retard that knows nothing of psychological and tactical warfare

>someone isn't in lockstep 100% agreement with me on every political position so even though they are a powerful and effective weapon against one of my enemies (mass Muslim immigration and anti-white communists) I will try to destroy them instead of using them to my benefit to further my cause

You people are so fucking stupid you shouldn't even be allowed to post. Read the Art of war and the prince you illiterate retards. Don't get involved in grown folks conversations stick to screeching in youtube comments on Sargoy of Cuckad videos

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3c7dd9  No.166822

File: 588af716cf99fc7⋯.jpg (12.14 KB, 220x369, 220:369, GNFOS.jpg)


As opposed to what? Flooding the kikes into western nations? What do you fucking retards think is the alternative to not "supporting Israel". Can your smooth brains even think that far ahead? The 3rd Reich "supported Israel" you fucking idiots.

I am all for a Jewish state and ejecting every single one of the rat bastards from all western nations into quarantine there. What exactly are you two idiots for? Nuking it? I bet you will get a lot of support for that position and accomplish it some day.

I don't give a flying fuck about Israel existing all I give a fuck about is politically neutralizing it and dumping the rats in our midst there with the other rats. Anyone who doesn't see this is the only obtainable political solution is because they have the mind of a simpleton. I am all ears though if either one of you screeching imbeciles want to try and rebut the positions of an actual adult with a fully developed frontal cortex.

I didn't say I like Tommy, I dont give a fuck about Tommy Robinson outside of him being at the front of an attack a major problem Europe has. He is attacked, jailed and shield for out cause and people and as long as he is doing that you dont need to support him but at least stay the fuck out of his way you morons. If you are too stupid to understand realpolitik then don't get involved outside of your moronic rambling on an obscure forum.

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f5e4d3  No.166826

File: 5ae89e00a96a335⋯.png (121.32 KB, 569x707, 569:707, Hitler_on_Zionism.png)


Nope. The Haavara Agreement was abandoned in favor of settling the kikes elsewhere.

But even aside from that, Tommy isn't just supporting Israel as a place to send jews. He's an ardent supporter of them whose job is to hide the fact that they're the hidden hand behind multiculturalism. His devotion to jewry is so extreme that he said if a war started tomorrow, he'd be fighting for Israel.

Nothing is going to change unless we address the root of the problem.

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3c7dd9  No.166827

File: 69712998f3da49b⋯.gif (3.23 MB, 728x728, 1:1, DOGGED.gif)



>Nope. The Haavara Agreement was abandoned in favor of settling the kikes elsewhere.

Ok but they didn't openly go to war with Israel now did they? They DID support it? This is pointless anyhow and just you whatabouting to try and save face. None of this matters to this conversation or addresses the points I made. If it makes you feel better to post it, w/e

>Tommy isn't just supporting Israel as a place to send jews.

I didn't say he was. I don't two give a single fuck what Tommy Robinson thinks about Israel as long as he isn't trying to use media platform to try and convince other whites to support something that is harmful to their interests. As far as I know he has never done this. If I am wrong post your sources and I will reconsider.

>He's an ardent supporter of them whose job is to hide the fact that they're the hidden hand behind multiculturalism.

How has he done this? Post your sources for when he has actively tried to convince people Jews aren't behind multiculturalism.

>His devotion to jewry is so extreme that he said if a war started tomorrow, he'd be fighting for Israel.

Ok and? He can go there are die for them for all I care.

>Nothing is going to change unless we address the root of the problem.

Wow look at the galaxy brain on this dude. I am really impressed how did you figure this out?

We still need front line soldiers attacking the symptoms as well which is what Tommy does. As long as he does do that then he has value to us. This is just common sense shit why do I have to explain it to you? Every eceleb you faggots watch is not the God Emperor of red pills, they have a part to play in the bigger picture. No one suggested nominating Tommy the minister of truth, he is a low level street thug fighting Muslims and communists. He has a platform and is a very visible icon of injustice against whites that garners us a lot of support. You use the tools you have until you get better tools, you don't throw the tools out and just sit there with your dick on your hand

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