found a better article
before you read the article its important to know Japan's LDP might say they are right wing and people beleive them to be so but in reality they still work for the globalists and allowing immigrants and media brainwashing in Japan. They are not like national socialists who work for the Japanese people but would rather sell them out for profits. Post-war Japan has always been under control by ZOG.
>Since Feb 19 2014, however, a conflict between Hiroyuki Nishimura (the founder of 2channel and, until recently, its manager) and his business partner Jim Watkins (an ex-U.S Army commander) regarding its administration and ownership suddenly became clear. Consequently, Mr Watkins secured the domain name, administrative rights and everything by exploiting his status as a 2channel administrator. He then expelled Nishimura from the site, and now maintains it himself.
>Through this internal strife, the existence of a paid service to delete postings of 2channel was uncovered on April 2, by a sudden announcement from Hiroyuki’s business partner, Mr Uchiyama, Hotlink, Inc‘s president.
>Mr. Uchiyama’s company, Hotlink, has been tied up with 2channel in an exclusive contract, and offered to monitor and delete negative threads and comments about its customers. And it was detected that among its customers was listed Japan’s ruling government party, the LDP. This information was uncovered by anonymous 2channel users. In fact, this privileged access to delete opinions was not widely known by internet users, and caused considerable alarm.
It would not be surprising Hiroyuki is teaming up with leftist groups and media now doing the same on 4chan. He seems to be an opportunist, and will side with any group , whatever it takes to profit.