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6e0ca0  No.165180

Does anyone here remember about what happened on 2ch and why Hiroyuki was forced to abandon his own site? In short it was found out he was promoting stealth marketing and letting companies shill their products on various boards there. I don't remember the details about Jim being able to take over the administration, it had something to do Hiroyuki being sued and running away from the courts.

but yeah, I have suspicions he's pulling the same thing on 4chan since he owns it now. Theres an insane amount of obvious shilling for political topics and porn on various boards, as well as what seems to be AI bots creating bait posts generated from MSM headlines. Its the exact same situation on 4chan that made 2ch unbearble to the community. I was a big lurker on 2ch so what im seeing on 4chan is like dejavu for me. Endless bait posts simply designed to generate replies and generals nobody wants that get bumped automatically with the sole purpose of shilling an idea/product.

One of the techniques used on 2ch to catch shills was to use clickbait to fish for IP's. They would post a link that sometimes shills would click and it would capture their IP, then you'd find out its coming from government or an organizations address. The truth must be revealed about the real operations behind 4chan, it must be known that most social media content on the internet is generated by shills & bots

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1b09f3  No.165181

Happens that the soy is scared to lose again to the russian nazi white supremacist bots, so they fill boards with gaslighting shill shit.

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5f3981  No.166003


which specific ideas or products do you think are being shilled in this manner?

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c0900a  No.166120

File: 515fb0e60b800c5⋯.png (18.67 KB, 202x199, 202:199, 1598624222312.png)


Post evidence or your mom will die in her sleep tonight

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fd401a  No.166139


Why, exactly, are we supposed to care? Show your work.

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3031c5  No.166192


I'd help if I knew anything about IP phishing.

The time for those rascally shills to bite the dox bullet is long overdue

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a9b4a6  No.166721


i don't visit every board but from off the top fo my head

/v/ - shilling indie games, shilling game development to get people to sign up for proprietary game engines like unity

/g/ - shilling frameworks and crowdfunded IoT products

/pol/ - political shills, corona general, ptg

porn boards - mostly gay or fetish pornography leading to niche porn sites.


you must know about Jim and Hotwheels, Jim hosted 2ch and locked Hiroyuki out, he even moderated 2ch after Hiroyuki left. Before it came to that all this stuff happened about stealth marketing shills.

Here is an article documenting what roughly happened :https://www.translatetheweb.com/?from=&to=en&dl=ja&ref=trb&a=https%3A%2F%2Fqnew-news.net%2Fnews%2F2012-1%2F1.18-2ch.html


If we can prove there is stealth marketing and bots on 4chan it would be a revelation for people, Make the sheeple more aware of shills and stealth marketing not just on 4chan but on other social media sites like twitter/reddit/facebook the internet is full of shills and bots. Too many people now believing everything they read on social media is genuine.


its not so difficult, there are sites like grabify (but don't use that it will get you banned on 4chan) you can see as an example. Simply host a php or cgi script that will log the IP of whoever accesses it, it will usually redirect the user to a real article so he doesn't notice. When you post a link you would try to make it convincing for the target to click like saying its a breaking news article.

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a9b4a6  No.166726

found a better article


before you read the article its important to know Japan's LDP might say they are right wing and people beleive them to be so but in reality they still work for the globalists and allowing immigrants and media brainwashing in Japan. They are not like national socialists who work for the Japanese people but would rather sell them out for profits. Post-war Japan has always been under control by ZOG.

>Since Feb 19 2014, however, a conflict between Hiroyuki Nishimura (the founder of 2channel and, until recently, its manager) and his business partner Jim Watkins (an ex-U.S Army commander) regarding its administration and ownership suddenly became clear. Consequently, Mr Watkins secured the domain name, administrative rights and everything by exploiting his status as a 2channel administrator. He then expelled Nishimura from the site, and now maintains it himself.

>Through this internal strife, the existence of a paid service to delete postings of 2channel was uncovered on April 2, by a sudden announcement from Hiroyuki’s business partner, Mr Uchiyama, Hotlink, Inc‘s president.

>Mr. Uchiyama’s company, Hotlink, has been tied up with 2channel in an exclusive contract, and offered to monitor and delete negative threads and comments about its customers. And it was detected that among its customers was listed Japan’s ruling government party, the LDP. This information was uncovered by anonymous 2channel users. In fact, this privileged access to delete opinions was not widely known by internet users, and caused considerable alarm.

It would not be surprising Hiroyuki is teaming up with leftist groups and media now doing the same on 4chan. He seems to be an opportunist, and will side with any group , whatever it takes to profit.

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