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2fd6f3  No.164944

Yesterday on Fox News Overtime, host Melissa Francis opined that the anti-Christian attacks from Democrats at Catholic judge Amy Coney Barrett would be denounced as anti-Semitic by the media if Republicans directed such criticism at a Jewish Supreme Court nominee (such as RBG). Immediately, (((Jessica Tarlov))) ran defense for Feinstein, rudely interjecting and continually talking out of turn in an effort to derail the conversation and change the subject, prompting scorn from the other guests on the panel.

WATCH: https://youtu.be/IN29bAU6lnI

An almost identical incident happened two weeks ago in which Tarlov singlehandedly shut down Newt Gingrich upon his criticism of George Soros funding local DA races, and forced the other anchors to follow suit.

Here's that video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1nM4y77t2g

Is this actually fooling anyone?

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70e891  No.164945





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10067a  No.164961

Damn, we need more of this.

Call out the jews, the jew lost her shit.

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6cbfab  No.164964

I enjoy seeing the jews get nervous & defensive.

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4c7b93  No.164987

File: d19c2c1cdc1dfd6⋯.png (411.85 KB, 774x592, 387:296, jew_the_h_word.png)


>that reeeeeeeeaction

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2bbbfc  No.164990


They aren't jews in anything but genetics (which is bad enough).

They are criminal mafia.

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2cc487  No.165001


1. Catholics aren’t Christians.

2. Fox News is jewish.

3. ACB is a traitor just like the rest of the jew lovers.

4. Women shouldn’t be in politics.

5. Nothing in the video has anything to do with naming the jew. You don’t even know what naming the jew is.

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0e2625  No.165002

>better defend the corporate stooge with nigger kids cause that's what's been put in front of me

can always count on dumb fuck, deracinated conservacucks to charge full steam ahead into the proxy issue

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edf4ce  No.165007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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42b5c9  No.165016


Ok Melissa, you can come back. I've now forgiven you for telling based Newt he shouldn't bring George Soros into the conversation.

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ba0dc1  No.165030


Bait thread.

The video is nothing like the Newt/Soros incident, and is nothing like the title. It's limp-wristed pushback against Christian bashing, at no point even mentioning anything critical of jews. Why are you even watching the nigger trannies on Fox News?

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8cbaaa  No.165056


Actually that video clip was as far as you can go in naming the jew on TV in the last 60 years or so.

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03c624  No.165058


You forgot number six:

> 6. That youtube channel is pure cancer, operated by a dishonest grifter who steals content, consistently gives the videos false and misleading titles, spams this board with the lies, and begs for money on the grounds that his non-existent family is starving on the street.

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6156a2  No.165062

File: c6fbfbd28916087⋯.png (187.21 KB, 500x637, 500:637, 1424966477086.png)



Jewish "women" have higher levels of testosterone than jewish men. This is why jewish women are usually so aggressive and jewish men are soft-spoken faggots. Jews are nothing like any other race. They probably aren't human.

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9e34d0  No.165066

File: 34da671b37b3566⋯.jpg (27.29 KB, 296x314, 148:157, 465h65jek.jpg)


Why do they have boxy bodies and often look like neanderthals when they become of age? I'm not talking about Israelis who are mostly arab, but western jews do not look like other people, other races share more in common than any with the jew.

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69a4db  No.165075


Listen here shill just cuz fox is watered down and plays it safe due to Jewish handlers does not mean your right. Your pilpul tactics won't work here in the last bastion of free speech.

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2cc487  No.165076


Still not naming the jew.


Oh, I didn't even view the link. Even better.


The worst fucking part of this post? It's not ironic. It's true.

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e36a41  No.165092

File: 469db3ad2884b04⋯.jpeg (106.99 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 6B97A746_B5C0_47E8_BC7C_5….jpeg)

File: ced5bec6a53089d⋯.jpeg (256.04 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, 5FB5DDF9_469A_4FB7_B321_4….jpeg)

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529183  No.165095


These corporate owned Christians are worse than Jews. How can you overlook the fact the all these stupid churches support massive third world immigration, especially Catholics. When the Jews need some dumb fucks to manipulate who do they call, fucking christ cuck.

They're fucking stupid gullible whack jobs, i can't stand em.

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e7b8ac  No.165188

File: bec62b5bc1f5497⋯.jpeg (98.62 KB, 480x448, 15:14, 7305915A_86DA_4031_9CA3_4….jpeg)


Based and witnessed.

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7deb63  No.165190

File: 38885860f54b432⋯.mp4 (163.61 KB, 344x360, 43:45, trump_wrong.mp4)


>These corporate owned Christians are worse than Jews

If they're owned by corporations, they aren't Christians. No man can serve two masters.

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205701  No.165197


Pretty much this. At the very least, it's pushing the overton window on cable news. "Why couldn't we criticize jews like this?"

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0e2625  No.165199


>At the very least, it's pushing the overton window on cable news.

No, it isn't.

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