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File: 538fe911ddfb3c7⋯.jpg (490.88 KB, 794x1308, 397:654, dawsons_creek.jpg)

d2fcf6  No.164834

It's nice to see a former Hollywood celebrity defy the norm and have a traditional white family instead of adopting a bunch of niglets. Thank you James Van Der Beek for doing your part in helping to preserve the white race!

And it's also good to know that he's moving his family from pozzed Los Angeles to Texas:

>James Van Der Beek's wife Kimberly explains why they're moving from LA to Texas with their five kids


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fe4b9d  No.164860


Back when TV actually had attractive White actors.

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cef231  No.164864


>James Van Der Beek

Van Der Beek married business consultant Kimberly Brook on August 1, 2010, in a small ceremony at the Kabbalah Center near Dizengoff Plaza in Tel Aviv, Israel.[24][25] The couple have five children, Olivia (born September 25, 2010),[26][27] Joshua (born March 13, 2012),[28] Annabel (born January 25, 2014),[29][30] Emilia (born March 23, 2016),[31][32] and Gwendolyn (born June 15, 2018).[33]

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6a1dc4  No.164897

File: 5735318c621aab9⋯.pdf (1.91 MB, In_Gods_Image_Myth_Theolog….pdf)


Apparently jewish religion commands to reproduce, making reproduction as important as commandment not to kill:

>The creation of humanity in God’s image and the commandment to procreate reflect God’s yearning to expand and augment his presence in the mundane realm.

>If the prohibition of bloodshed (and by extension on the implementation of the death penalty) are purported to prevent the diminishment or annulment of the Divine image, then the commandment to procreate was intended to reproduce prototypes of God.

Jews even recommend to divorce wives that are unable to bear you children:

>The obligation to procreate is liable to curtail the marriage: “If a man take a wife and lives with her for ten years, during which time she does not bear a child, he may not nullify [the commandment of procreation]” (Mishnah Yebamot, ibid.). The Tosefta, ad loc., supplements this ruling stating that “He must divorce her and pay her ketubah, because he did not merit building himself from her.”

>A man without sons is forbidden to marry a woman who is “a barren woman, an old woman, an eylonit (a woman who has never reached sexual maturity), a minor, or one unable to give birth.”

As well as advocate against contraceptives:

>The duty to procreate similarly gives rise to a prohibition on the use of contraceptives: “A man must not take a root-potion for the purpose of becoming impotent”;

Purpose of marriage is to procreate images of God:

>These blessings give liturgical expression to the theurgical theosophy of creation in the Image. The placing of these blessings at the beginning of the Nuptial Blessings, at the moment that marriage is being constituted, is an explicit proclamation that the principal purpose of marriage is to procreate images of God, who inhere in the human image.

Have fun knowing that jews have stable theology on value of human reproduction.

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d2fcf6  No.164955


>Van Der Beek married business consultant Kimberly Brook on August 1, 2010, in a small ceremony at the Kabbalah Center near Dizengoff Plaza in Tel Aviv, Israel.

I don't know enough about Kabbalah to offer criticism or praise. It seems to be popular among some celebrities for whatever reason. Celebs seem to be drawn to strange religious cults like Scientology and Kabbalah.

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cef231  No.165051


I know right. They just happened to pick Tel Aviv because it seemed like a great honeymoon spot.

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4f96ee  No.165059

Imagine having such a large forehead that it looks like your hair line is receding but it's actually not

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dd3543  No.165102

File: 1b02455105bfefe⋯.jpg (112.23 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Richard_Lionheart.jpg)


Coastal plain north of Tel Aviv is such great honeymoon spot, Richart Lionheart himself fought a Battle of Arsuf there.

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559b19  No.165114

File: af69e51b72200e9⋯.jpeg (194.61 KB, 718x1026, 359:513, 6984D303_2BD6_4E4D_A54F_F….jpeg)

Don’t you worry about those niglets, they’re just accessories and sex toys for the degenerates in Hollywood to play with! It’s like throwing a dog a bone.

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b4c066  No.165137


Please stop saving your garbage fantasies of baby cannibalism on your computer or making such pictures at all.

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13cc0e  No.165169


the monoclonal antibodies that Trump is on are from fetal stem cells. So Trump is being treated/saved with dead babies.

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999594  No.165213

File: 45fe43461ab41fa⋯.gif (496.85 KB, 150x220, 15:22, facepalmriddler.gif)


> in a small ceremony at the Kabbalah Center near Dizengoff Plaza in Tel Aviv, Israel.

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d2fcf6  No.165256

File: 75e848593df78a7⋯.jpg (38.16 KB, 333x499, 333:499, 51zhVpFWNfL_SX331_BO1_204_….jpg)

Kabbalism is Luciferianism, confirmed.

The jews try to satanize every person that wants to work in Hollywood.

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646a8c  No.165260

How is this even important for politics? I'm glad he has a nice white family but it just annoys when califags leave there shithole to go somewhere better instead staying in cali to fix their state. When the califag leaves there state just get worse and worse until the problems spill's off into other states.

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cb8a3d  No.165271


Literally nothing wrong with Lucifer though. If anything jews hated Him first.

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785547  No.165391


"The jews", not "the jews".

The real jews today are christians. The satanist jews are the same that killed the prophets and Jesus.>>165271

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1340d1  No.165394

File: a2d0c52ebdb5d1e⋯.jpg (73.26 KB, 561x650, 561:650, JEWISH_ROMAN_WARS.jpg)


>jews killed Jesus

Whatever killed Jesus, jews wouldn't have time to fight among themselves during occupation by oppressive roman empire. Romans murdered bunch of jews, and either jews themselves made a revenge tale to get back at romans, or romans made new myth to pacify the jews. Paul certainly tried to co-opt new growing religion to get back at hellenics. Most of Christ's miracles and prophecies are allegories to War of the Jews. Many early branches of christianity weren't even about divinity of the saving godman. Either way it ended up killing both empires and created western version of religion where man steals glory of a God, akin to how buddhism did it, but in messianic jewish style.

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2f9ca5  No.165396


Many people in Hollywood are into Kabbalah due to the preponderance of Jewish influence. They're like normie whites who live in an Asian area and pick up Taoism or whatever. I wouldn't say it was an educated decision but at least he isn't a degenerate.

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785547  No.165397

File: 0a761177058ec94⋯.jpg (25.77 KB, 474x272, 237:136, zeitoun.jpg)


>muh christianity is fake

Lanciano miracle.

Holy Shroud.

Holy Fire miracle.

Zeitoun's apparition…

Everything "jewish tales", amirite?

Get lost.

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2f9ca5  No.165398


>How is this even important for politics? I'm glad he has a nice white family but it just annoys when califags leave there shithole to go somewhere better instead staying in cali to fix their state.

There is no fixing diversity, as diversity is enforced by law. It's illegal to fight against it.

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c5024c  No.165461

The amount of jews in this thread is disgusting.

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13cc0e  No.165462


Jews are like roaches in your home. If you don't see any, you have hundreds. If you see them, you have thousands.

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