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File: 7133f4e44bd5be8⋯.webm (258.17 KB, 640x492, 160:123, gfloyd.webm)

e5b530  No.164512

For far too long Saint Floyd worshippers have had dominion over what they perceive to be public sentiment, they're long overdue for a wakeup call telling them they really aren't in the majority, and their shitty criminal worship will get them rightfully bullied. Their parents aren't correcting this behavior, so it seems we have to. I think this could seriously have an impact on how these self righteous faggots think about their worldview.

I call it


It's simple

>make a burner instagram account or use one set to private

>send vid related to accounts tagged or otherwise affiliated with "black lives matter", or just any shitlib you are aware of

>when they call you racist/evil/etc, double down. make them feel unwelcome

>reap the salt

alternatively, the long con:

>make fake normie account

>follow blm normie retards

>comment under any BLM posts they may have, send anti-floyd memes

Or anything else to hassle them. The goal is to make them uncomfortable

Normies fall for spongebob memes especially hard, so you can be certain they'll watch this full through. If you have any other anti-Floyd or BLM memes, be sure to include those AFTER they watch the initial one, and after they respond to it, otherwise you could be wasting your time spamming an account that has you blocked. Sending infographics and well thought out essays about the faults of the organization don't get through to these 'people', a lot of them aren't smart enough to understand any data you send to them, and their minds have already cemented criminal niggers as beyond reproach. Simply belittle these fucks and make them feel totally unwelcome, a reminder that the world outside their neoliberal bubble is utterly hostile to their pozzed worldview. Doing the long con approach could make them more apprehensive when accepting new 'normal' accounts, they may suspect other followers are sleepers and that can only help make them more paranoid.

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412355  No.164522

>do nothing of quantitative value

>just troll and shitpost

Yeah, that’ll save the white race.

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aad6d1  No.164527


>doing nothing to disrupt leftist cuddle boxes is helping

thank you for posting nothing of value.

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f5da0b  No.164531

File: b86db52241b04cd⋯.png (527.07 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 31e97989bd9db639f7b95741a9….png)


Here we go again with your shit anon.

I know it's you the DO NOTHING poster that promotes the lazy sack of shit mindset. NO FUN ALLOUD is your call and NOTHING MATTERS is your lives goal. Just stop.

You are on anti depressants and you are not even white. No, I'm not going to tell you how I found this out.

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aad6d1  No.164551

Forgot to add;

The video is public on the instagram accounts comm.ondecency and chadocracy, try to send it from there because I think directly sending a video from your gallery gets it blocked by Instagram's censors while a public page's post slips by, correct me if I'm wrong. Feel free to upload it to any other accounts you might have, the more reach this video has the better chance it won't get taken down at a single source.

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412355  No.164572



Yep, shill thread confirmed. Sage.





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