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3cfb41  No.164493

India must be an entire subcontinent of Kangz because everyone outside of Indian associated with India is a Kang in some way. Gypsies claimed that they wuz Egyptians n' shieet despite being originally from India, the Europeans didn't name the Gypsies after a random location mentioned in the bible the Gypsies called themselves Egyptians so the Egyptians Act of 1530 in England expelled the "outlandish people calling themselves Egyptians".

Another variant of Indian Kangz are Siberian Americans, they usually prefer being called "Indians" despite the fact that "Indians" are what the white man called them and it was a name forced on them, "Native American" was a term for Native born whites in the United States so whether or not you subscribe to the Solutréen hypothesis either whites or Siberian Americans could be the Kangz.

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