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File: 46371ffc694f4a4⋯.jpg (31.57 KB, 400x298, 200:149, jewbluemao.jpg)

01d0eb  No.163916


Instead of the usual hidden history, nazis, holocaust, pizzagate and the usual let's look at this. (not saying I deny this stuff)

Welcome to October

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37d611  No.163923


Who gives a flying fuck about neocon civnat boomer worshipper Peter Zeihan? Who gives a flying fuck about his assuaging of boomer fears about the Keynesian system they perpetuated coming crashing down? He doesn’t care about whites or the collapse of human civilization. It’s literally just more jewish propaganda. For fuck’s sake. I’m so goddamn tired of you retarded faggots posting here as though you’re welcome. Unless he names the fucking jew in public and says all nonwhites should be removed from white nations–or, more importantly for his specialties, says that interest in all forms should be punished by death and all fiat currency should be shredded and replaced with gold and silver–he’s dead to us, and we’re all fucking dead anyway.

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01d0eb  No.163924


Without getting so enraged can you critique it some? So, his statements rely on the current financial order remaining the same? I thought it was a pretty good analysis of the ready available means of production, movement of goods, demography, educational disposition and cultural tendencies of the world.

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37d611  No.163929


That would require me to watch it. I’ll see if I can get the time. The problem with his work is that it’s extremely comforting and almost entirely accurate ASSUMING the current state of affairs remains the same. Thing is, we know that not only do jews not want it to remain the same; even if they did, it COULDN’T, due to the nature of Keynesian economics and debt-based inflation. All of his assumptions are also predicated on jewish egalitarianism of race (and sex), and on the ability of the US to magically maintain order when the dollar has hyperinflated to just a tenth of its current value, never mind a hundredth or a thousandth (which could happen within a decade). I’ll have to see if this is a new video. Gimme a bit.

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de21bb  No.163931

File: cd045e7188bac99⋯.png (12.55 KB, 536x454, 268:227, anfrank.png)


>not saying I deny this stuff

Why, no VPN?

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01d0eb  No.163936

File: 1bb7ffbe25c45fd⋯.jpg (226.35 KB, 563x651, 563:651, dumbfuckjuice.jpg)


I thought I had one on. Hurr durr

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de21bb  No.163943

File: d9a023fabf24707⋯.png (60.37 KB, 350x325, 14:13, gary.png)


Congratulations on failling.

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01d0eb  No.163944

File: 72a12041a927489⋯.png (382.54 KB, 512x512, 1:1, brane.png)


Did I? Maybe my vpn be dat good shit homie? Where I frum son?

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9fdcaf  No.163969

File: e4b8965dc023412⋯.png (1.15 MB, 675x7706, 675:7706, International_Finance_s_An….png)

File: 9b98df4d837b977⋯.png (151.37 KB, 655x2200, 131:440, mefobillsunzamericavschina.png)

File: ea2f579c34091ad⋯.png (124.09 KB, 676x1738, 338:869, mefobillsunzpublicinternal….png)

People to listen to Zeihan are top tier cringe. He is a shill and wrong about literally everything, and he knows he's wrong. Before him there was Gordon Chang, who was also wrong about everything and is thus untenable as a political commentator.

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