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🦀Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead!🦀

File: b7802e4050fcaa1⋯.jpg (58.12 KB, 624x624, 1:1, 35666748_1629799863804444_….jpg)

9af06a  No.162445

How can one squinty eyed plain Jane dame be so Redpilled?? I could gaze into those little slits forever as she drops redpills all over my face and body. Why does she have to look like an SJW? I'll get over it if need be., but if she embraced a traditional style she would be perfection.


>inb4 muh politics

Politics because this board is dead and boring

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94125b  No.162446


Eat shit and die.

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9af06a  No.162449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I never will faggot

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dbe946  No.162450


Squinty eyes?

Also women’s fashion is the most fleeting thing on the planet.

This sounds like ‘love’ anon. Lol

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9af06a  No.162453

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9af06a  No.162455

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94125b  No.162469

Eat shit and die.

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6a6e09  No.162472

>nose ring

I always found those disgusting, especially on women.

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9af06a  No.162524

File: 385f511c4074c50⋯.jpg (150.89 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, b90004aa4a59a8e1575b305d32….jpg)


For sure. Especially the septum. a small little stone on side of nostril I will accept that. But the bull dyke piercing is fucking disgusting. Barf.

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10116b  No.162531


fucking shit, being woman in a blackened democratic society is certainly one of the lower circles of hell

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