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e8e31a  No.162115

In world history, those who have helped to build the same culture are not necessarily of one race, and those of the same race have not all participated in one culture. In scientific langauage, culture is not a function of race.

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107056  No.162116

1. We’re not supporting your jewish spam.

2. We’re not supporting multiculturalism.

3. We’re not disavowing ethnonations.

4. Culture is created by race.

5. Kill yourself.

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9749ae  No.162118

In the EZ bake oven you go jew

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e8e31a  No.162121



Racism is the dogma that one ethnic group is condemned by nature to congenital inferiority and another group is destined to congenital superiority.

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107056  No.162128


So you admit that this thread is just spam, then?

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ef4e06  No.162143

File: ddb3e770bcd91d7⋯.gif (23.06 KB, 373x218, 373:218, Denzel.gif)

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46f151  No.162155


What if its more sinister than that? What if they actually are the ones that hate us and we are just defending ourselves like we can?

The perfect way to do this would be to create an event that leaves us looking like genocidal, nationalistic maniacs that care only about our own race, that way they could hypocrithically do what they don't let us do.

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e8e31a  No.162168


The history of racism is quite clear on who did what. Everyone can read it and come up with their own conclusions on who is at fault, whites, blacks, or both of them.

Regardless, this has nothing to do with my previous two comments.

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46f151  No.162170


Your history is a farce

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e65eef  No.162171


I'm not really getting the point of this thread tbh

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e65eef  No.162175


In world history the only genesis of anything is in relation to the material conditions of that period in time. The "racism" you're talking about was an ideology built on the material reality of a patriarchal division of labor and by extension the development of private property. Culture is a function of material conditions. The underlying economic reality of everything. I don't really get what you're even trying to get at.

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3eafd6  No.162176


>In scientific langauage, culture is not a function of race.

So culture does not need diversity at all? Nice, but actually I don't give a fuck. I simply want to live in 99.9% white nation, and have 100% white family. Is that too much?

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e8e31a  No.162179


Semitic: a race

Slavic: a race

Bantu: a race

Germanic: a race

Turkic: a race

Dravidic: a race

Han: a race

White: not a race

Black: not a race

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e8e31a  No.162180

Though there has been a shift from the concept of race to the more accurate concept of ancestry in Anthropology.

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107056  No.162181


Paid jewish shilling.


You didn’t answer the question. You are, by your posts, admitting that this thread is spam, correct?


Zero effort.

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107056  No.162182


Fun fact: anthropology resolves that genetic race exists. Everything you believe is a lie.

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ef4e06  No.162183


Human: a race

Orc: a race

Daytona 500: a race

Rat: a race

Marathon: a race

Wizard: a class

… wait, what were we talking about?

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fe568d  No.162185


I believe we were on the subject of exterminating the elves. My proposal is difficult but straightforward. We tunnel beneath their sacred forest and dig down to the netherworld. Then we set fire to the elf mother tree and when they all rush deep in the woods to extinguish the flames, we collapse the ground beneath them and let the knife-eared leaf lovers tumble down to oblivion

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ed1cd0  No.162307

OP is right

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107056  No.162313


OP is wrong. Fuck off.

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