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File: 7f1eba1e933e3cc⋯.png (272.29 KB, 560x560, 1:1, Carlos.png)

b2c5bf  No.162058

Everything so far has just been setting the stage for what really starts in October. It starts in Louisville and dominos from there.

Below this line is where the real message starts


The time has come. How do you not see. I know you can. Say it with me.

I suppose you should have known. Say it with me is the rule of thumb.

Anyone who denies this will be left to the wolves.

Let your third eye recieve what comes. Action first begins with a thought. Rally behind what you know to be true. Please don't dally.

Question all that you know.

Imagine a world without we are not just chattel. Suppose that world could be reality.

Anything is possible

Negate the evil with truth and find your own self worth. In the final moments of night it always the darkest. Greater things are still to come, but now is when it starts. Gods are greater than man. Enjoy the pleasures while you can. Remember the Path Of Light.

Think for yourself. Reconsider all that you know. Understand that all that is to come has is a part of a plan that is against your best interest. Muster the strength you need now. Ponder what the ultimate objective is.

Look into yourself. Original thought is now a rarity. Virtue will be your saving grace. Emancipation will comes, but first we all must suffer. Soon enough though, we shall prevail

Kindness must take a backseat if you are to survive. In becoming an animal you will lose the pain of being a man.Know that you must make a choice, and that choice will dictate your eternity. Enjoy the chaos, for it sets us free. Signal out.


Did you put it all together? I was bored and this board needed a banter thread

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2dc1d9  No.162067





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06c91e  No.162072


I'll put a call into agent kington. He'll be able to help you.

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80e49a  No.162073


I'll put a call into agent kington. He'll be able to help you.

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a4e191  No.162102


>i was bored

Don’t post here again.

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c8816a  No.162106

File: f4b56acbc112ad0⋯.jpg (17.33 KB, 448x322, 32:23, BANTZ.jpg)


fraid of a little bantz m8?

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a4e191  No.162112


Thread’s spam. Do not post here again.

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c8816a  No.162113


ur spam

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9d0d1c  No.162213

File: 20332e433f9fb2e⋯.jpg (8.65 KB, 206x255, 206:255, this_nigger_again.jpg)



>trying to tell someone not post here again

o i am laffin

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f7b7e5  No.162244

File: b7d970796999d66⋯.mp4 (3.63 MB, 640x358, 320:179, y2mate_com_The_U_S_Israel_….mp4)

File: 54c7527123591af⋯.mp4 (5.79 MB, 854x478, 427:239, y2mate_com_The_U_S_Israel_….mp4)


The U.S, Israel vs Iran Nuclear War Coming soon 100 views•Sep 18, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BO_xP4YLPX4

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87b99a  No.162778

Message received, but it's hardly anything new. Anyone who's been here more than once knows all of it already, even if they pretend otherwise.

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cadac8  No.164018


white people are all talk, always bow down to bbc, every time

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