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b90870  No.161930

When I read about migration from Africa to Europe, I always hear phrases like "migrants in search of a better life."

It's as if it is assumed that "a better life" applies only to material standards; food, clothes, cars, houses, infrastructure.

When I first went to Africa though, it seemed to me that the people had better lives than myself.

I was an only child, and spent countless hours alone as a child watching television or sitting on a computer. I had a room filled with toys, but often no one was there to play with me, so I'd play alone.

When I went to any beach frequented by ethnic Europeans, I always noticed how the people would try to avoid each other. If the beach was 2 miles long, the first group to arrive would go to one end; the second group would go to the opposite end, trying to be as far away from the others as possible.

The first time I traveled Africa, I went to the beach in Senegal. It was a huge beach stretching miles in either direction, and I was amazed, because there were around 500 people on the beach, all concentrated in an area of maybe 100 meters. That stretch of water was packed with children so that the noise was quite loud, but they all seemed, on average, to be quite a bit happier than your average American or European children.

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01dcd2  No.161933

So I assume the moral of the story is that you're going to stay fucked off in Africa?

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6015b1  No.161944


One can only hope.

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604355  No.161953



This isn’t your blog. Please do as the other guy said and fuck back off to the third world, being raped to death by the niggers you love so much.

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b90870  No.161960


What are they ignoring?

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b186c3  No.161961




I didn't get the impression that OP *likes* nogs, he seems to just be noticing a difference between how modern Europeans behave compared to modern Africans. Sadly, there does seem to be a little truth to it, in that Western countries seem to have forsaken much of their humanity.

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6015b1  No.161962


Yeah, we all know that niggers are apes.

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efa08b  No.162076

Even though I'm very antisocial I notice there is a lot of this too. Whites have severed such a big number of themselves from one another. You hear that front doors used to be left open because the trust in your community was so high but this is no longer true, even in white neighbourhoods. Locked doors, curtains pulled, high fences.

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e29949  No.162078


I like how you took out all the Muslim references here …

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64af1f  No.162080

lotta lonely faggots ITT


It's because we don't associate freely without exception, if you want that, mutt yourself like OP. You're welcome to a greeting, directions if you're lost, courtesy, that's all. We don't take you in just because you're white, you must have worth. We associate based on merit. You have to earn our respect, then you get access to our time, and we benefit from your company as well, since you've been vetted and are now deemed of worth.

This is also why systemic racism is bullshit. You're not granted special privileges for being white. You can be locked out just like anyone else. But who do we know that associates based on race? Who gains special in-group status by birthright? Right, joggers and hand rubbers.

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b90870  No.162117


Social communes are actually a sigh of the disintegration of familial values and ties of kinship though.

Do you treat your father, son brother the same way like any other man?

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48a9f4  No.162165


It may seem funny but I blame this on having other European nations mingled in as well. We can tolerate other Europeans but really each Nations people wants to live alone by itself if they are going to see a return to that level of trust. USA used to be much more segregated when it came even to White nations.

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b90870  No.162205

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88645f  No.162324


So op is a sand nigger

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d8d390  No.162327

I can assure you, that I would much rather sit in my room alone with my toys (now with my books, computers, electronics etc) than hang out on a dirty beach surrounded by loud niggers.

Also OP, it's not our fault that you couldn't make friends of your own.

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e29949  No.162339

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e44fe2  No.162363


Its definitely part of it. Language and culture is different among whites, even whites of the same nation can be pretty different. Multiculturalism kills a lot of cohesion. I think the media fear mongering aids this too, lots of TV about home invasions, assault, rape, murder scare people, if only subtly.

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292794  No.162408

I for one, think is great that you like yourself and your own kind.

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fcd3b3  No.162413

File: 53fc217a61c6407⋯.gif (9.28 MB, 429x498, 143:166, tenor_1.gif)

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