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File: 0618c4ab999260d⋯.png (6.85 KB, 323x412, 323:412, Abraham.png)

2cae3c  No.161922

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are said to be the ancestors of Muslims, Christians and Jews. But the only one of these three that claims to be genetic is the Jews, who say for someone to be a Jew the mother has to be a Jew. (which is another strange thing) The other two religions are full of converts, there is no genetic element at all. Even among Jews there are converts, and there is also the theory that the present-day Jews aren't genetically related to the Jews in the Bible but are descendants of the Khazar people which converted to Judaism. This guy says in passing that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are "forces of nature", so he seems to be implying that it isn't literal. The video doesn't even say Muslims, Christians and Jews, it talks about Islam, Christianity, Israel, Europe, Russia. What is the real meaning and where can I read about this?


But this is confusing because he says Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but then he says Ishmael. Looking it up it seems Isaac and Ishmael are sons of Abraham and Jacob is son of Isaac, so it makes no sense anyway.

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79fbbe  No.161924


Does this look like the religion board.

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fb4d1e  No.162016


it's politics

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10bebb  No.162020


Religion is the combination of money and politics. Read a book, nigger.


This doesn't have jack to do with Islam. Islam as most of the legitimacy and history in the Qu'ran is something they do not care about at all. Muslims are heretics, period.

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dc3ef7  No.162023


>relations between christians and muslims


maybe i should stop being a bagan fuck, and convert to christianity just so i can round up some muslims and some frens and start pulling some Putin-Bashar shit.

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10bebb  No.162037



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efc12e  No.162070

File: 8b9a2a5308de0a6⋯.jpg (41.11 KB, 480x653, 480:653, soitseems.jpg)


Islam is not the true enemy. Progressives are using the Muslims as pawns against us. I used to hope their Muslim pets would turn on them, but I don't anymore. Islam is withering under the same cultural, intellectual, moral, and economic assault that crushed Christianity. Islam has gone degenerate before, but this time there are no wild Turks on the edge of civilization to come bail them out.

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b28691  No.162071


Abrahamism is cancer, I hope they both kill each other.

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fc55f0  No.162092


There is no genetic element to Islam at all. Some Arabs are said to be descendents of Ishmael but it's not a religious thing. While the original Jews are considered sons of Jacob, who is Isaac's son, and their descendents, most of them converted to Islam through the years or assimilated with the other nations. The rest are tiny minority who mostly abandoned their monotheistic Judaism for satanic occultism. Think about it, according to their history and the history of the Arabs their nations started in just about the same time (two brothers, Isaac and Ishmael) the Arabs population is now at a few hundred millions while the Jews' barely reaches thirty million(!?!).

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79fbbe  No.162104


It’s not. Fuck off.


>religion is

Not what this board is for. Fuck off.

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e923ec  No.162177


That's what I said fucking idiot. Learn to read.

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dc3ef7  No.162410


pagan, you fucking knobhead.

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