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File: e160f64f52d97e2⋯.jpg (104.07 KB, 800x600, 4:3, china_cry_cry.jpg)

fbb182  No.161881

The chinkoids are getting mocked and laughed at all over pajeet social media.

Video shows Chinese soldiers crying as they allegedly head to Sino-Indian border



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04aa24  No.161909

File: e4b8965dc023412⋯.png (1.15 MB, 675x7706, 675:7706, International_Finance_s_An….png)

File: 9eb94344664a0ab⋯.png (879.42 KB, 812x2149, 116:307, JoshHowley_NewColdWar.png)

File: 9b98df4d837b977⋯.png (151.37 KB, 655x2200, 131:440, mefobillsunzamericavschina.png)

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9a7bbc  No.161912


>Sages his own OP.

You sage everything. I can't wait till you're permabanned. Forever.

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909dbf  No.161914


If that were actually possible nobody would be here. Case in point the first IP I tried posting on was banned for a year for having the wrong opinion.

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d61149  No.161925


Why would that happen.

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9a7bbc  No.161990


You're a gigantic faggot.

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86d23d  No.162013


If vishnu is with them they'll get some prime desi bobs and vagene.

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a65f72  No.162041

Haha imagine being so weak of will a street-shitter psyop gets your goat.

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69b401  No.162054


Lol I hope you are not holding your breath on that one.

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e20e94  No.162060

Go sit in on a Platoon when they're out at the rifle range and learning how to snap in with a tight sling. You'll see a whole platoons worth of future US Marines crying like babies. In fact, just stop by anywhere on Parris Island, and you're likely to see recruits crying somewhere.

If you're not getting fucked with with, both psychologically and physically, to the point of breaking then your drill instructors aren't aren't doing their jobs or you're in the chair force/army

TL;DR, shit like this is normal in any real military. But China is still the nigger of the Orient and I wish their commie asses the worst.

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ae60f5  No.162091


Nixon was right about Indians!

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9023d0  No.162169


Some people are colder than your Drill Instructors. Some people will outrun them, out eat them, and out fuck them.

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fbb182  No.162223


>Nixon was right about Indians!

What did Nixon say about Indians? Just curious.

I understand the whole bit of making soldiers cry in bootcamp and pushing them to the limit. But seeing these soldiers cry like little babies because they got an assignment on the Indian border is just pathetic. It's not even a real war, just a few border skirmishes, yet these guys are in tears.

China always gets dicked around by its neighbors. The Japs, the Mongols, and even the Vietnamese have beat them in battle.

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fc0093  No.162224

Indians are subhuman though and one of the worst races of them all. I hope china blows those 82 averaged IQed fucks the fuck out.

Most indian men are either perverted pigs who sexually harass random strangers over the internet or creepy little incels that cry about being virgins at 30. Your women are ugly, have moustaches and hairy armpits. Your nation was a savage backwater dump before the brits brought CIVILIZATION to your shithole of a nation. They put an end to your barbaric and typically indian practice of burning widows alive with their dead husbands. They put an end to the thuggee and dragged your giant toilet of a country into the modern world which you let degrade back into a shithole never modernizing it again once they left after all your complaining about not being able to rape anymore yet all you pajeets have the nerve to ask for reparations in return (free gibs). Indians shit in the streets because they're too stupid to use toilets so india made a music video called poo in the loo to encourage you pajeets to use toilets but unsurprisingly it didn't make any difference. You just kept street shitting like you always have. India has an average IQ of 82 and before you bring up the tired old line: but muh google (jewgle) CEO. Google are a bunch of cunts that ruin everything that they touch. They turned youtube into a censoring anti-free speech pile of shit (youtube heroes lol) with a shitty layout (anyone remember pre-cosmic panda youtube) and no dissenting opinions allowed (bad goyim!). They also spy on you, data mine, etc, etc (see project veritas videos of former google employees. Ironically jewgle hasn't gotten around to censoring them yet because the backlash would be too much but soon, goyim). Also all they did was invent a shitty search engine (those already existed) and they diversity hire.

Indian Villagers Worshiping Newly Built Toilets Instead of Using Them


Delhi: He offered to pay if they used public toilet, they beat him to death




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fbb182  No.162230

File: 264d7d08c80bd1a⋯.jpg (34.61 KB, 414x263, 414:263, indian_women.jpg)


Pajeet land is indeed a giant stinkhole and a dark lesson of what happens when whites get overwhelmed by the brown flood.

White Brahmans ruled India a long time ago, where they formed the caste system which use to be based on race but is no longer today.

The ancient Brahman DNA is still present in a small percentage of Indians, mostly in northern India.

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02312e  No.162237


>a whole platoons worth of future US Marines crying like babies

your platoon was a bunch of pussies then. We had one guy cry because someone pissed in his canteen, then he got the shit beat out of him and learned not to cry any more.

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a1c1ec  No.162239


no and shut up

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a1c1ec  No.162243


no, and you have a very poor understanding of indian history.

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a1c1ec  No.162249


*modern indians

ancient indians were far smarter than modern indians. Also, Sathi was a practice that only came about due to mudslime hords invading. India would have been much better off if european idiots had never come. The cholan empire invaded countries all the way to indonesia, and aboriginal australians have evidence of tamil blood, indicating an attempted settlement there too. Hinduism developed many ideas that are being proven right everyday. The women weren't fucking whores in india, (atleast for the most part), and men married based on intelligence rather than muh dick like europeans and africans. Sure, India can't claim too much, and it would be idiotic to say "we wuz errythang" as africans do. But, chinese are garbage, communist pig-eating morally unrestrained idiots in comparison to the traditional loyal hindus of india. India has been successful in sustaining such a large population even in ancient times. When you go to India, it doesn't feel like a billion people. But china does, and that is even with all the extra land. Essentially, it would be best to stop the chinks from westward expansion into europe. Chinks like race mixing, chinks are also trying to influence indians to become communist. China is bad for every other country, and unless its communism is ended, they will become imperial. It will not be a joke, china will destroy the planet by their licentious quality of storing nuclear waste under religious sites, and in general polluting everything. They are a large cause of global warming, and while india is increasingly being subverted, it really is nothing in comparison to china in its destruction of the environment.

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926b74  No.162271


Lol pajeet, there's a good reason Whites are the only other racial group that speaked Aryan languages. Just accept that your ancestors where your betters (Europoids) and that dropping the Caste system was the worst thing that could happen to your lands and peoples.

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25301d  No.162318

File: 3d8e908d46ddf4b⋯.png (22.91 KB, 366x401, 366:401, Untitled.png)



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fbb182  No.162319


>no, and you have a very poor understanding of indian history.

DNA evidence doesn't lie pajeet!



>Moreover, the affinity to Europeans is proportionate to caste rank, the upper castes being most similar to Europeans, particularly East Europeans. These findings are consistent with greater West Eurasian male admixture with castes of higher rank.

>Analysis of these data demonstrated that the upper castes have a higher affinity to Europeans than to Asians, and the upper castes are significantly more similar to Europeans than are the lower castes. Collectively, all five datasets show a trend toward upper castes being more similar to Europeans, whereas lower castes are more similar to Asians.

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fbb182  No.162320


>no, and you have a very poor understanding of indian history.

DNA evidence doesn't lie pajeet!



>"Moreover, the affinity to Europeans is proportionate to caste rank, the upper castes being most similar to Europeans, particularly East Europeans. These findings are consistent with greater West Eurasian male admixture with castes of higher rank."

>"Analysis of these data demonstrated that the upper castes have a higher affinity to Europeans than to Asians, and the upper castes are significantly more similar to Europeans than are the lower castes. Collectively, all five datasets show a trend toward upper castes being more similar to Europeans, whereas lower castes are more similar to Asians."

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704e2b  No.162356


"Where we're going we won't need toilets"

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500ec4  No.162359


No, our drill instructors just made us practice snapping in with a tight sling in the sitting position until we went far past just experiencing numbness and were all in immense pain. We got honor platoon for a reason, and it's because our DI's made our lives as miserable as possible so we'd have the mot table with the most pointless trophies on it on the island.

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422f21  No.162491

File: 93b72e4f0db101a⋯.png (329.3 KB, 345x362, 345:362, chinese_nooooo_.png)


>tfw you leave the smelly broke-ass sewage system in your home country to go to an even stinkier place with streets paved in the locals' curry-ridden feces.

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f5a230  No.162500


Troup morale must've been great in your niggerhole of a platoon.

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a73227  No.162507

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

China has forced Russia to officially enter the Indo-Pacific

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926b74  No.162518

File: 81c92f84ae464a0⋯.png (87.06 KB, 597x247, 597:247, BpPkRsHCUAAxSrC.png)


My bad.

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3f34cc  No.162886

File: 6410e64bdc94d9d⋯.jpeg (97.28 KB, 400x597, 400:597, Eh2TAJwXgAEmGX1.jpeg)


>They turned youtube into a censoring anti-free speech

Imagine believing that CEOs do that and not the (((people))) who own the alphabet corporation.

>before the brits brought CIVILIZATION

How is the precious CIVILIZATION working out for the Brits now? BTW who were the bankers for EIC?

Poo in loo is a dead meme. India is practically open defecation free now thanks to Modi.

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57406e  No.162892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This Indian banter is pretty good not going to lie

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468019  No.162894

File: 2b19e0f56aa899b⋯.jpg (29.92 KB, 267x336, 89:112, John_Marshall.jpg)



Infamy of modern India keeps people from reading their theological literature. Just as much as infamy of the jew keeps people from reading Talmud.

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d68157  No.162930


That last part is especially true. China is a paper tiger. They like to pretend they are a powerful civilization but they have always been kicked around by their neighbors because they are both the asian jews and asian blacks. If WW2 had been won by the good guys then China would have been annexed and eugenicided by Japan. Chinks are pussies.

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a665e3  No.162931



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e2c612  No.162932

File: 716467d7664da54⋯.jpg (23.64 KB, 376x500, 94:125, VHW0293_4320896550_l.jpg)


Again you have poor understanding of india and cherry picking if you are that malayalam faggot pajeet who brings up 12% european dna studies to feel superior my condolences.

Pic related is a based aryan bihar brahmin kek.


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e326ed  No.162973

File: 559df12a48611b4⋯.jpeg (126.32 KB, 500x333, 500:333, chinese_wong_on_so_many_l….jpeg)


When the pajeets are ripping on you, you've officially fallen too far as a country.

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0e88e1  No.163788

File: 38e2f5874d0aad6⋯.gif (1.85 MB, 332x378, 166:189, 1601371094634.gif)


Gonna call bullshit on this one. I'm a vet and I never saw more than two soldiers cry. And one was crying because his best friend just killed himself.

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d68685  No.163791


they're crying because they're about to be poo'd on.

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8e37aa  No.163797

You’re going to Brazil Pajeetistan

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dff241  No.164547


It would be fun to see a China Vs. India war. My moneys on both of them destroying each other while the West is comfy because chinks are retarded coward soy boys while indians are cowardly, smelly and retarded.

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