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File: d87e1f9db213b7a⋯.jpg (67.94 KB, 696x670, 348:335, 1.JPG)

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bd25e0  No.161736

Here you go. Have fun kids.


A 7 page document proving Satanic cults exist in the world elite within 2 pages. On the 7th page is a link to the full 178 page document redpilling on virtually every important topic.

>is it based and redpilled?

>ctrl f "Jew"

>result 1/213

halfchan are acting like spergs with no attention span. Help shill it there, that is the most receptive place to attack.

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bd2bb7  No.161740


Neither, unless you want to be thrown into the lake of fire and subject to unimaginable torment. Jesus Christ is the answer, they are trying to start the apocalypse and the end of the world

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03b70a  No.161741

So how do I become based doomslayer?

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22dd3d  No.161742


I'd gladly jump in a lake of fire to stick my flaming dick into one of these tbh

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1589ac  No.161744


>You want to redpill normies?

No. I want to teach them to redpill themselves.


"Stating" is not "proving". If you want to get "nornies", you're going to need more evidence than "lol jews bad, mmkay".

>178 page document

Not bad, but if it reads like a manifesto, "normies" won't read it.

>Help shill it there



>Jesus Christ is the answer

And the kike lover outs himself. Fuck off and never post again.

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8d290f  No.161749


>And the kike lover outs himself. Fuck off and never post again.

Are you trolling or just actually retarded. You didn't read a single page that is screenshotted. The normies only get 7 pages, it's not a manifesto.

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1589ac  No.161750


>doesn't know what the word "if" means

I said fuck off, kike lover.

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ac662d  No.161759


the first step to getting people to believe that the synagogue of satan, who say they are jews, but are not, is the real enemy

is to make them want to believe it, and to make them stop wanting to disbelieve it

otherwise, they will not believe it, no matter what evidence is presented to them

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ac662d  No.161761


excuse me; satan is a bigger enemy than its synagogue

but yeah

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300a2d  No.161766

Op why did you only like the 7 page document and not the whole 178 pages

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813503  No.161801


Fuck off Jew worshipper.

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fa3d8c  No.161901


full document is on page 7.

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a5d896  No.161945


It would be great if you didn't worship a Jew and have such bad formatting and ifunny memes.

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030b22  No.161968

File: 44dae02b9593879⋯.png (270.44 KB, 400x490, 40:49, YouMustBE.png)

what an absolute shitshow of a pdf

>page 15, "unmasking the serpent"

>please watch this dude bezmenov

is this what the WOKE community is up to?

paste this on social media instead

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97b9d6  No.162049


I watched Kappy's last video but I was disappointed. Seems like he was on acid. He didn't actually provide any useful information in the end. No real proofs, just accusations.

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f97ead  No.162317


Why didn't you just link the full document why do I got to download a document to download a document

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f97ead  No.162321

Op your document is also incredibly wrong on Trump you didn't even mention the Council for national policy.

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48743d  No.162475

normies don't care about satan. its not the 80s anymore. the god-fearing generations are dead now. you'd be better off redpilling normies about epstein island or something

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626b1d  No.162616


Yuri Bezmenov was a CIA nigger.

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c7fb23  No.164045


Showing normies that the elites care about Satan is Christpilled. Fuck off Jewish shill>>162475

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29dcb4  No.164061


There are a few people in my town who refer to X candidate as satan or say satan walks among us. I accidentally made it worse by comparing their paranoia about corona being one of the four horsemen to the 90s fear mongering that mandatory credit card chips were coming and were the mark of the beast and how that turned out to be a nothingburger. I reminded them and now everywhere they look they see demons and beast marks and signs of the end times. Holy shit I wish this christianity meme would die already

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619701  No.164064

File: bae865bbf400173⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB, 320x240, 4:3, yuri_bezmenov_demoralizati….mp4)


>You want to redpill normies

Thanks, but I really don't think that you can 'redpill' the unwilling

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dd664d  No.166376

File: 255e3ed2d17a663⋯.mp4 (15.92 MB, 640x360, 16:9, purple_rain.mp4)

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e5174a  No.166428

File: d389ebe3a154c22⋯.jpg (30.46 KB, 647x229, 647:229, holocaust_chamber_with_mov….jpg)

File: d6dfdd2285b9c7a⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1355x766, 1355:766, riddle_me_this_batman.png)

File: 0dbbe541a092da5⋯.png (279.31 KB, 476x270, 238:135, ClipboardImage.png)


You must understand reasons for these behaviors. These things are ways of (a) gang initiation (b) control pols (most obvious) (c) most ruthless group wins the 5D chess game (most important)

The most ruthless group will genocide all competition while simultaneously framing their competition as genociders.

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