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File: 25e7785c92725a9⋯.png (181.91 KB, 480x366, 80:61, bullshit.png)

b955c9  No.161478

Found a new lead in trafficking network. Calling all autists to help investigate. More evidence is needed. Details and guidance below. I need an anon to please repost this on 4chan /pol since I am technically unable to atm. (*Note: Pastebin copy of this linked at the bottom. I am not OP.)



2. Evidence

3. Actions


-DO NOT contact or visit the store in any way. We want to stay below radar as long as possible. You need to work quickly to research before they turtle shell. Also I dont want any of you tightwads visiting in person and causing trouble like that guy at Comet in 2016 (even tho he was prob not a civilian).

-DO NOT send this tip to the FBI. Clearly higher-ups are comp’d

2. Evidence

SUBJECT: Staggering Ox

Chain of comet-like sandwich stores in Montana (doesn’t cross state lines)

Significant red flags abound, similarities to “comet culture”


Explicitly claims to be family friendly, and has events and materials for children and teens. This clashes with evidence below


Has the “pedo swirl” featured prominently (leaked from other FBI investigations)

Choice of a bull as mascot (reference to Moloch child sacrifice?)

Bull looks evil

Pedo swirl is also common on website, printed materials

There’s also an event flyer on the site with the bull logo superimposed over the outline of a uterus. So it’s also a female genitalia reference. (This may also be an interesting aspect of Moloch mythology I didn’t know before.)


Weird juxtaposition of kid-friendly design (rainbow colors, heart shapes) with sexually explicit content/general creepiness (lots of nudity in the “art” inside store, evil-looking mascot, sexual and political references in menu items)

(Inside the Helena location (VERY close to STATE CAPITOL building) has lots of amateur community “art”. Some benign, but high percentage contains nudity, disturbing themes, sexual kinks like furries).


Besides nudity, other suspicious themes familiar to you lot. In the Helena store I saw several pieces clearly similar to the Kim Noble monarch-themed victimization paintings (look it up). Overall the art (covering ALL the walls in a helter-skelter way) is not what you’d expect from a simple lunch place trying to attract business from the local community, much less families (as they claim.) Way to disturbing.


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b955c9  No.161479



Strong preoccupation with religious imagery, taboo, and politics in everything: the menu, marketing, and art. (see promo flyer). Always in the context of being shocking/anti-religion (similar to the art/music at comet)


The central gimmick for their food brand is actually pretty unique. The sandwiches are rolled with the filling inside (their signature “Ox Tail”). But this has symbolic proximity with the Pedo Swirl in the logo, and also the anus (where the tail is located) and the phallus (tube with filling). Odd.

My inference is reasonable, considering some other menu items make sexual and gore references, plus references to politics and the Montana State Capitol building iteself. “CamelToes”, “OxFingers”, “StickyFingers”, “BreadGuts”, “Rabbit Habit”, “Swinging Singles”. (Note: They seem to have toned it down a bit since I first noticed, but some remain).


If this place felt like a nice, normal restaurant, I honestly wouldn’t worry about oddities. But I got a very weird vibe from being in the store itself (Helena location). The owners purchased a large warehouse-like space. The Staggering Ox occupies one area. In the far back is a stage/music venue (also not “family friendly” as billed, and similar to Comet obsession with weird art). The whole thing is connected by a large common area filled with tables and “art”. The strange this was I was there at peak dinner time and the entire place was not only empty, but the lights were half off. The space seemed little-used. How/why do they have such large space with so little customers?

Reviews of the Ox are mixed online. Doesn’t seem to pull in much revenue for such a large space. The art seemed like the main focus of the space. But it’s not attractive stuff. Actually it made me lose my appetite and not even want to eat there.


Saw a picture of the owner inside. Very strong “gaypedoface” physiognomy. Wish I had snapped a pic.

[FULL: Justpaste.me/PMG2020]

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b955c9  No.161481



They have an online store that just sells postcards for a dollar. Only a couple options. Suspcious, could serve a communication purpose (similar to Wayfair). Some of the designs for sale are odd, namely “The Day the Twins Arrived” (some weird magical figures glowering over 2 sleeping children), and one with a Panda (sometimes is sexual reference—like Seth Rich’s online username). Look at the Twins one: two animals have LABOTOMY scars and look asleep, evil looking bear, elf man, two ice cream cones (ice cream can be pedo code supposedly). Why are the children on a wooden pallet?

Also the online store only exists on the page of the website dedicated to the Helena location (state capitol), and not the others. Weird


Just says “if you would like to place an order call 406.443.1729”, without any other details or info you might expect about catering, pickup, etc. Kind of vague. Might be interesting to see what metadata is associated with that number.


In May 2019 they had a Teen Literary Reading event…with the theme of domestic and sexual violence. Typical projection/cover story for seedy stuff if it’s happening. Plus obvs an opportunity to connect with abused kids (seems predatory). Or it might be completely benign…but in context of everything, it’s weird. Why would you bring teens to share stories in public about being abused, instead of offering professional counseling in private?? And why couch it as a “Literary/Reading” event then? Pretty dodgy.

“Donations to the FRIENDSHIP CENTER and MONTANA COALITION AGAINST DOMESTIC AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE can also be made at the event.” Might wanna dig into those organizations. We all have seen how non-profits like that can be fronts (C.F. in Haiti, others).


On their printable menu .pdf, at the bottom is features references to Maxim, Esquire, and Food Magazine, presumably bc they’ve received coverage there. The Maxim one actually looks like an award of some kind. And Esquire cover for that issue features Obama. Kinda similar to how Alefantis was featured in some major magazine as top 100 influential people in DC, for no good reason. (anyone have link to that?)


FULL: JustPaste.me/PMG2020

PICTURES: img.bb/album/hbc1cc

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b955c9  No.161482




Need OSINT research. Anything you can find beyond what I shared. Remember this is just down the street from the Montana capitol building, with locations around MT, but ONLY in MT. (Why not expand into nearby cities in ID & WY since they’ve been around for like 20 years?) We want to find any connections possible to local authority figures (besides just eating there of course). What can we find in public records, real estate, tax, business filings, WHOIS, etc.? If local, visit discreetly, look around, find the owners names and start digging. See if they have weird personal social media like “JimmyComet” did.

Are any state authority figures on the board or major donors of the non-profits listed above? (2.k)

This post does not condone illegal activity of any kind. If anons are technically skilled they should find whatever info they can on staggeringox.com through legal means. Would be interesting to learn more about their online postcard store.


I’d prefer to wait till after we’ve researched a few days before anyone tips off the cops. Then, ideas for who to share with:

-Local police in cities & counties with Ox store locations

-Local and State politicians of all kinds (some could be implicated of course)

-Local media

-Other research sites (InfoWars) and social media personalities into this stuff

Keep in mind, we don’t know for certain anything sketchy is going on. It’s just highly likely =D. After all, DHS did tell us in 2016 to watch out for suspicious pizza shops.

Please repost/refresh this on 4chan (unless there’s already a live thread)

PASTEBIN: (JustPaste.me) Justpaste.me/PMG2020



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1b5195  No.161483

>I was there at peak dinner time and the entire place was not only empty, but the lights were half off. The space seemed little-used. How/why do they have such large space with so little customers?

Its almost like theres a global pandemic going on or something.

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b955c9  No.161484

>Its almost like theres a global pandemic going on or something.

last year. thanks for being a shill

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b955c9  No.161485

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e34b79  No.161537


Learn what shilling is, dumb fuck.

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e7941d  No.161542


Kind of busy now anon but just going off the website yeah its kind of sketchy. The symbol on the ram head just looks so out of place.

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e7941d  No.161543

File: 746712f2f973f5b⋯.png (219.39 KB, 2550x1406, 1275:703, heyo.PNG)

If any local anons are dedicated enough. You know, I always wonder why suspected front buisnesses are never infiltrated by anons. Would make a fun thread at the very least

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e7941d  No.161544


I mean if you fuckers really think… then go ahead and look

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983d78  No.161554

Bump… this thing's got legs.

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983d78  No.161556

I actually did a lot of looking online at their menu and their art. It's weird and a lot of it doesn't make sense.

WTF can anyone do with just that? and what if they're just idiots who don't know how to brand and do a restaurant??

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1c93a7  No.161571

Might want to look into the connections between this and the Red Atlas Beverage house. Outright connected via sharing a menu with the Staggering Ox. If we can't find anything on one we can try the other.

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1c93a7  No.161572


Also just found this in a search for the Red Atlas. Odd coincidence with the name. Could be a one off reference

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1c93a7  No.161574


Not Govt, but found a connection to the Lewis and Clark Literacy Council. I spent an hour looking so be grateful nigger

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cd0345  No.161583


This pizza joint is glowing obviously, but the real thing is that OP is a glownigger. This kind of thread is allowed to exist so that feds and TPTB can find out how autists can search for breadcrumbs. Then they find them, destroy the trail, make sure this ends up on the news as "Whackjob conspiracy from 8kun" and then they get better at keeping their trail clean.

That's why 4chan and 8kun are allowed to exist. They're massive glowing honeypots used for calibrating the effectiveness of certain types of propaganda and monitoring how leaks spread from information and then using the data to prevent further leaks.

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29c702  No.161584


Edgar Maddison Welch proved this whole fucking thing completely retarded when he went to Comet with a gun and a mission. The reason conspiritards don't "investigate" is because they know that they're idiots and investigation proves it.

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5d19ca  No.161590


Where do you think you are? You're glowing. Nothing to see hear, yeah right. Everyone knows about Pizzagate and your boys the Podestas. This is very weird to say the least and needs more research.

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29c702  No.161604


You just refuse to acknowledge that you might be wrong and that a pizza place is just a pizza place, a pizza is just pizza, and a spiral is just that same fucking spiral humans have been drawing on cave walls since the beginning of fucking time. Do you even know who Edgar Welch is or what he did? What is it you idiots are so fond of saying … "do your own research"?

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62bcf3  No.161613

I think pizza gate was real but I don't think every pedophilia ring in us is connected to pizzagate however this does glow

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da1868  No.161627


>Do you even know who Edgar Welch is or what he did?

Again, where do you think you are?

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29c702  No.161645


I'm on /pnd/. You seem to think you're on /qresearch/. You are wrong. You satanic pedo cult conspiracy theories have no place here. It's not politics, it's not news, and you are not interested in debate. So fuck off.

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80f1e8  No.161647


if you're so convinced theres something to it then why not go there with a gun and make a fool out of yourself?

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