I relate to you because we are both white trash… We are equally as worthless… The average black person lives at a much higher standard of quality than either you or I…
I'm going to be honest with you here… I actually have a chicken coop attached to the outside of my bedroom… I survive off EBT food stamps and I'm so lazy I sit on my ass collecting government disability welfare benefits…
I also have a problem controlling my temper… Once every eight or nine days I freaked out for no reason and start screaming like a girl and trying to make threats as if I'm intimidating people
But just like you… Neither of us are even vaguely intimidating
My wardrobe consists of predictable Black Satanic t-shirts, blue jeans, and brown boots covered in mud.
I want people to perceive me as a badass intimidating biker
Yet at the same time I also pretend to be a Maharishi Zen State Taoist Buddhist Meditation Guru master, and I continually spit out ridiculous Eastern philosophy, as if I'm somebody worthy of giving advice when it comes to balance and harmony
(I I already told you that every eight or nine days I completely flip out and throw sissy boy temper tantrums )
My life is a mess. My living conditions are somewhat similar to the 1960's television show Green Acres
I overcompensate for my inferiority by pretending that I am a supremacist, and I have the right to look down my nose at blacks … I accuse black people of being lazy welfare recipients that drain off the government
But in all actuality I've been on government welfare disability benefits for years… I eat my food from a EBT food stamp card
I am an excuse making hypocritical fool
Exactly like you… I am an irrelevance