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File: 1fd24516d8284ee⋯.jpg (72.55 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, questionaire.jpg)

fcca22  No.161117

Hey Americans on /pol/,

Why don't you go house to house and pretend to be a public opinion research company and ask people loaded questions on anti-semitism? Like

>we would like to ask you a few questions to find out if the American public holds anti-semitic views and what can be done about it

Questions like

>Jesus said in the Bible that the Jews are the children of the devil, should Bibles be forbidden in schools?

>The Jews were kicked out of 109 countries, do you think these countries were anti-semitic?

>According to a New York Times article "Faces of Power", 15 out of 20 most influential people in Hollywood are Jewish, should these people be obliged to combat anti-semitism through film?

>The US gives Israel 3.3 billion USD per year, but the Israeli military budget is 20 billion USD. Is it anti-semitic that the US is not giving more.


Instead of sitting on /pol/ you could just go house to house and redpill people on the Jews, slowly turning the most populous Jewish country and by far their strongest golem against them. It's legal, it's harmless, and you could even create a fake website, and get yourself some company merch like shirts/cap printed.

i can't imagine anything better to do with your time, it's absolutely what I would do if I lived in the US.

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00d22c  No.161120

File: 6c90810aec6354c⋯.jpg (276.32 KB, 800x571, 800:571, 1600272693407.jpg)

why dont you do it and provide us the answers people gave you? ah! sounds like an incredible idea! good luck!

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fcca22  No.161121


because I live in Montenegro and we don't have any Jews here

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15f17a  No.161131

File: 18b89765acf1a1d⋯.jpg (68.34 KB, 600x429, 200:143, 18b89765acf1a1d569be6f4d6b….jpg)


Im fairly certain you've got cryptokikes too anon

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224bc3  No.161138


I relate to you because we are both white trash… We are equally as worthless… The average black person lives at a much higher standard of quality than either you or I…

I'm going to be honest with you here… I actually have a chicken coop attached to the outside of my bedroom… I survive off EBT food stamps and I'm so lazy I sit on my ass collecting government disability welfare benefits…

I also have a problem controlling my temper… Once every eight or nine days I freaked out for no reason and start screaming like a girl and trying to make threats as if I'm intimidating people

But just like you… Neither of us are even vaguely intimidating

My wardrobe consists of predictable Black Satanic t-shirts, blue jeans, and brown boots covered in mud.

I want people to perceive me as a badass intimidating biker

Yet at the same time I also pretend to be a Maharishi Zen State Taoist Buddhist Meditation Guru master, and I continually spit out ridiculous Eastern philosophy, as if I'm somebody worthy of giving advice when it comes to balance and harmony

(I I already told you that every eight or nine days I completely flip out and throw sissy boy temper tantrums )

My life is a mess. My living conditions are somewhat similar to the 1960's television show Green Acres

I overcompensate for my inferiority by pretending that I am a supremacist, and I have the right to look down my nose at blacks … I accuse black people of being lazy welfare recipients that drain off the government

But in all actuality I've been on government welfare disability benefits for years… I eat my food from a EBT food stamp card

I am an excuse making hypocritical fool

Exactly like you… I am an irrelevance

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3ab759  No.161142


>Why don't you go house to house and pretend to be a public opinion research company and ask people loaded questions on anti-semitism?

Why don’t you go house to house and kill nonwhites? You know, something that would actually fucking MATTER. Fuck off, dipshit.

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5a5a3b  No.161147

File: 67631fba4775ae7⋯.jpg (57.74 KB, 480x360, 4:3, gj.jpg)


>redditard is triggered by op

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13f163  No.161148


>Hey Americans on /pol/

/pol/? Did you copypaste from 4chan? Faggot.

>Why don't you go house to house

Because getting shot isn't on my schedule today.

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bda053  No.161150


OP you can make friends IRL

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a31f8f  No.161168


>>like Green Acres

Do you have an eastern Euro bleach blond whore like Zza Gabor or Eva her pig whore sister living with you that you can peform every possible sexual position and perversion with? If so you might actually be in an enviable position.

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fcca22  No.161233


>/pol/? Did you copypaste from 4chan?

I posted in on halfchan originally and it got slid within a few minutes. Besides, this place used to be /pol/ too, and I'm not used to calling it /pnd/.


>I relate to you because we are both white trash… We are equally as worthless

Speak for yourself. I live on the sea in my own apartment with a glass front and view of the beach. I can afford to eat good organic food, and do sports and some other things, and I've seen only 1 nigger the entire year. Income isn't everything when it comes to quality of life.

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bfb757  No.161299

This dickhead copypasted this from a /pol/ advertisment

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bfb757  No.161300


Sorry didnt see this

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3a7041  No.161303


back to reddit

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2c1360  No.161794


< I am a Slav living in my ethnostate

> I am a fuckup with no control over my emotions nor direction in life, bad hygiene and worse personal style. Also I'm a non productive societal parasite. I'm exactly like you.

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928d25  No.163384


This. Kill them all. Anything else at this point is a waste of time.

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