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Libertarian Choice Awards winner for best neonazi forum of 2020!

File: 23371992686dfad⋯.jpg (170.28 KB, 788x1015, 788:1015, liberty.jpg)

6e41a2  No.160918

Let's get Rand appointed to SCOTUS


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904d95  No.160936


Not a thread.

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99774b  No.160971


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44bdae  No.160972

Trumps going to fuck this up just like he fucks everything up. Every appointment hes made is a do nothing kike lover just like he is. MIGA lovers can suck my dick.

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d20c93  No.160975

File: 481e4cbd0b30219⋯.png (730.42 KB, 720x2356, 180:589, Screenshot_2020_08_30_Are_….png)

File: 9a28499ac0d7996⋯.png (1.92 MB, 822x5850, 137:975, Screenshot_2020_02_07_Trum….png)

File: 0eaf926fb3ff05a⋯.png (349.44 KB, 813x2127, 271:709, Screenshot_2020_01_19_Nati….png)

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806e93  No.161639

Yeah, a middle of the road libertarian! Just what we need.

>Legalize abortion to 9 months

>Legalize every drug under the sun

>Open the borders

>Destroy unions

>Destroy min wage

>Destroy 8 hour work week

>Handcuff the police so they can't do their job

>Selling meth to minors? Bruh thats not a federal crime… .

>Sorry I never got around to free speech or guns. Retiring now.

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f958cc  No.161718


>Legalize abortion to 9 months

That's an unfortunate strawman. Pro-choice doesn't mean such a long term, nor will it change overnight.

>Legalize every drug under the sun

That's an unfortunate strawman. Look up drug laws and see how marijuana was banned to begin with.

>Open the borders

Where did this come from?

>Destroy unions

So long as unemployment is low, why does htis matter?

>Destroy min wage

Increasing the minimum wage leads to those self-checkout machines you see at McDonalds

>Destroy 8 hour work week

Where did this come from?

>Handcuff the police so they can't do their job

Where did this come from?

>Selling meth to minors? Bruh thats not a federal crime… .

Who said this?

>Sorry I never got around to free speech or guns. Retiring now.

Why would they not fight for these? Those are two important subjects for many liberals

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d20c93  No.161721


Conservative got triggered.

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904d95  No.161725


>oy vey repeating exactly what someone is saying is a strawman

Kill yourself.

>pro choice doesn’t mean

It does. Abortion must be made illegal for whites and legal for nonwhites. Go fuck yourself.

>where did

Literally the foundational documents of your ideology, you stupid fucking ✡libertarian✡.

>so long as


>increasing the

There should be zero minimum wage, but if having one causes us to enter the technological paradise we should have had 50 years ago but were kept from thanks to jews, the minimum wage should be eighty trillion a month. You have zero problem with that, right?

>where did

Literally the foundational documents of your ideology, you stupid fucking ✡libertarian✡.

>where did

Literally the foundational documents of your ideology, you stupid fucking ✡libertarian✡.

>who said


>why would they not

Because libertarians have never, ever fought for anything. Ever. Even Satan himself stood for something in the face of the Almighty God. Libertarians can’t even manage that.

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514102  No.161726

Doubtful that Rand has ever been on the jew-approved shortlist, kosher as he is.

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9e4b40  No.161739


I want every drug on earth legalized

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003217  No.161746


>Legalize abortion to 9 months

Abortion should be illegal for Whites and mandatory for kikes and niggers.

>Legalize every drug under the sun


>Open the borders

That is why libertarians are gay and North Korea is awesome

>Destroy unions

We need a proletarian revolution against (((capitalism)))

>Destroy min wage

There should be a living wage for all workers, who should own the means of production

>Destroy 8 hour work week

Fuck capitalism

>Handcuff the police so they can't do their job

Fuck the pigs, they are the enforcers of ZOG

>Selling meth to minors? Bruh thats not a federal crime… .

based. free the meth dealers

>Sorry I never got around to free speech or guns. Retiring now.

Free speech should only apply to anti-Zionists, not Zionists

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