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a63141  No.160670

More interracial bullshit from pop-culture slime.

In this music video, Justin pretends to be a hard working blue collar guy who comes home to his black queen and she makes him feel "holy".


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3b21da  No.160694

I'll take your word for it. I block google/youtube embeds, and you should too.

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7e06d0  No.160709


Wow, this is kind of cute <3

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97a274  No.160718


>In this music video, Justin pretends to be a hard working blue collar guy who comes home to his black queen and she makes him feel "holy".

Negro worship is at its zenith thanks to the Floyd incident and the mass stress caused by Coovid causing a great uptick in religious behavior (religiosity goes up in times of stress). Bieber is pandering to this trend in behavior and the song is gonna be really popular because the whole production is one big virtue signal which normie NPCs will gobble up.

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8558ba  No.160722


Why are you giving it free advertising?

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7e96e8  No.160733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Haha about a decade ago Alex Jones went on a epic Justin Bieber rant, i guess he was right.

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7e96e8  No.160734


In 17 hours the video has 8.5 million views

1 million likes

17k dislikes.

Holy shit

I'm telling you guys, better learn to thrive in a multi cultural environment .

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a63141  No.160859


Absolutely fucking epic!

I miss the old AJ.

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a63141  No.160861


>I'm telling you guys, better learn to thrive in a multi cultural environment .

Iceland and Japan seem to be doing fine without multiculturalism.

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95eb3c  No.160878


Congrats on missing the point.

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23011d  No.160965

File: f43571a68712e58⋯.jpg (76.83 KB, 1422x800, 711:400, slowpoke.jpg)

>hey, guys

>did you know that Justin Bieber sucks?

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23011d  No.160966

File: 43c3267d36fdda9⋯.gif (1.53 MB, 325x235, 65:47, 43c3267d36fdda90996490996e….gif)



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003ae3  No.161037

I've seen a big increase in WMBF shilling as well. Totally organic.

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853c17  No.161045

File: fd7ac9f6ead6b7e⋯.jpg (48.16 KB, 1056x458, 528:229, Katalyst_2.JPG)

File: 3bd776d908a4dab⋯.jpg (83.99 KB, 315x700, 9:20, Katalyst.jpg)

It's not the fact he's boning a nigger that's funny.

It's seeing that little Toronto jew faggot larping as a oil refinery worker that's hilarious. He's never done a stich of work in his entire life.

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af9832  No.161591

He's a jewish faggot. Why are you shocked?

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92bd6f  No.162311


Justin Bieber is a oil driller. LOL

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573950  No.162316

The guy can't even look like A blue collar worker.

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