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6522af  No.160650

Does God choose his people by making them "evil"? I.e. giving them a big ego. Because Jews claim to be God's chosen people but many say they are evil. It makes me wonder if maybe the two go hand in hand. The Bible says those who are chosen by God are hated by the world.

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7bee62  No.160657

>Jews claim to be God's chosen people

Jews also claim they were put into death showers and turned into lamp shades by Nazis.

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6522af  No.160658


well it's not only Jews that claim that Jews are God's chosen people, Muslims believe it too and some Christians

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2b7c8e  No.160661



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ac14a4  No.160677


Muslims most definitely do not believe that Jews are God's chosen people. Where did you get that?

Muslims believe the jews are the damned ones. They are mentioned in Quran only in negative.

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af547d  No.160681


It's actually pretty neat. According to Abrahamic lore, jews and muslims are descended from Jacob and Esau, and are destined to hate each other for all eternity as the jewish race came into existence with a primordial act of jewry wherein Jacob tricked his brother into giving up his firstborn inheritance

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76f9a5  No.160732


Judaism led to Christianity which led to Islam.

It's interesting that a once tiny tribe from the desert could spawn religions that now more than 55% of the worlds population (billions of people) adhere to.


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bc488e  No.160735


Islam is more of a fuflfillement of judism than it is a branch of christianity. Muhammed actually claimed his writings.to be the true abrahamism and converted tons of Jews. He pretty clearly rejects jesus was the messiah so he can't be an offshoot of christianity.

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ac14a4  No.160738


I would say Islam claims to be a complete revision (and revival) of previous Abrahamic religions than to be an offshoot of any of the past ones.

Islam says that Judaism and Christianity were originally monotheistic religion. The original teachings were subverted and compromised to the extent that they no longer represent the original message.

For example, Islam says Jesus was a prophet of God. But he was not His son. He ascended to heaven and will return to earth.

Similarly, Abraham and Jacob were also prophets who preached worshipping Allah and Allah alone. But Islam washes its hands from the Judaist belief of God's chosen people. In fact, the Quran has several parts dedicated to criticizing Jews.

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76f9a5  No.160739


I'm not really a supporter of any of them but as far as Islam goes I think Muhammed just went into a cave and made it all up.

At least Islam is a suitable religion to Arab culture though. It is better for them than many aspects of Christianity are for Europeans, hence the Dark Age.

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ac14a4  No.160740


>many aspects of Christianity are for Europeans

Can you elaborate please?

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76f9a5  No.160742


Here is a good article. I'm not completely against Christianity, I'm a cultural Christian more or less. It's not really fully compatible to Europeans though because it comes from Judaism. I don't think God would really appear as a circumcised Jew myself.


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ac14a4  No.160744


Thank you. I will give it a read.

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95296d  No.160745


>just went into a cave and made it all up

Every religion ever in the history of mankind.

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f04dc3  No.160964

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6b71df  No.161038


Please also read the rest of the verses that follow it.

Islam's God mentions all the favors He bestowed on the Jews, and then He says their misdeeds and sins. For example,

Do you covet [the hope, O believers], that they would believe for you while a party of them used to hear the words of Allah and then distort the Torah after they had understood it while they were knowing?

He clearly says that Jews have twisted Torah.

He also says that Jews' hearts are much more rigid than a stone. Even some rocks can soften and split up. But Jews are so set in the practices that there is no hope of them ever changing.

Now how does the verse you mentioned could mean Jews are Allah's chosen people?

It's like you marry a woman and shower her with your love. She cheats on you. You leave her and state very clearly that you hate her. Can that woman keep claiming she is your true love cause you once courted her?

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f523b5  No.161111


So? It says he preferred them over the worlds You are so stupid you must be Muslim.

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95296d  No.161124


Yeah, and every parent has a favorite child until the other one buys them a car. God did favor the children of Israel to the point that he saved them from Egypt, but then they became corrupt so God turned his attention to the children of Ishmael.

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ffde5e  No.161240


CLASSIC BIBLE STORY SHOWING THE DEGENERACY OF MORALS FROM THE BEGINNING. Don't forget to mention the mother of Jacob and Esau (Rebecca) conspiring with her son to steal it. Betraying her own husband's wishes so that she could gain favor with her son. Disgusting.

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8643e4  No.161289

File: 05ee1075ec07ed1⋯.jpg (521.4 KB, 1544x1024, 193:128, 1600483907578.jpg)




Theres nowhere in the original orthodox Christian or Judaism religion that says jews are gods chosen people and that it last forever either, thats all jewish corruption that spread in the 16th century from England. God said White/European people are the chosen people of God in both religious historical accounts "jew" was just a tribal name of indo-europeans ,who then mixed with the Canaanites then continued mixing with others became what it is today which is inbred and mutted with arab.

Well from your logic too, historically White People are the only ones who have been hated for not doing anything but for spreading civilization, inventions and being the most successful ethnic group, they were pushed out of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East for this despite starting all those civilizations. The jews have never been hated for being successful they have been hated for backstabbing and hating on Gods chosen people, White People and using a tribal name they have very little genetic tie too at this point.

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8643e4  No.161290

File: acd604100a38aa3⋯.png (150.47 KB, 599x324, 599:324, muslims_inbreds.png)


You are too retarded to be commenting you reddit faggot. The Dark Ages never existed thats pertains to Italy's fall.

Islam has destroyed arabs, Central Asia, Africa and numerous, civilizations, small ancient communities that went defunct because of islam murdering everyone and then burned many books on ancient history. Islam then replaced everyone with inbreds and female hypergamy.

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f20086  No.161378


>low IQ Muslim post

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bc3b65  No.161433

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95296d  No.161462


Name one religion that wasn't started because someone went into a cave or the woods or a mountain or the desert by themselves and came back with a message from God.

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4f65ec  No.161464


Our old gods.

They had to behead everyone who spoke about them to enforce Christianity.

Christianity is what makes us weak.

>Love your enemies and divide your bread into breadcrumbs in order to give everyone the same amount

If you love your enemies, they'll kill you and if you divide your bread into crumbs then everyone will starve.

Woden with us!

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4f65ec  No.161465

Pic didn't get through

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4f65ec  No.161467

File: 2cacfbc63ca90aa⋯.jpg (96.6 KB, 500x733, 500:733, Georg_von_Rosen_Oden_som_v….jpg)

wtf, still not working

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4f65ec  No.161468

Now it worked.

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a0a6c8  No.161472

File: 747a1eb060f0040⋯.jpg (31.07 KB, 470x470, 1:1, kek_2_.jpg)


>primordial act of jewry

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ffde5e  No.161473


The chosen people meme isn't in the documentation of Christianity because Christianity DOES NOT USE THE TALMUD. Please research the talmud for yourself. This is the governing body of literature for the Talmudist people (Those we call "Jews") and is a commentary on an even earlier oral tradition of the Gemara. These documents are where rabbi's leave their mark on Talmudism ("Judaism")

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94aefa  No.161502



You are both correct. Islam helped turkroaches and the worst elements of the already bad (semitic) pre-Muhamedan arabs to become darwinically succesful through low cunning, absolute savagery and deprived from all honor and empathy pragmatism.

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94aefa  No.161506


There was some christcuck anon in this board that made a good argument based on the Old Testament that God chose the kikes SPECIFICALLY because they were worst breed of people in then existence, and he kept forgiving them regardless of how many times they went astray and reverted back in worshipping child eating bulls, just to make a case that even the lowest of the lowest of humanoid scum are ultimately redeemable God was wrong though.

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76f9a5  No.161668


>Christianity is what makes us weak.

"1. Any religion or teaching which denies the Natural Laws of the Universe is false.

2. Whatever Peoples perception of God, or Gods, or the motive Force of the

Universe might be, they can hardly deny that Nature's Laws are the work of, and

therefore the intent of, that Force." (The 88 PRECEPTS)

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e0888b  No.161810


From a Christian perspective Jews were chosen. With the coming of Jesus there is a new covenant with all people. Some jews rejected the messiah while others accepted him.

Modern jews are an off shoot of the pharisees. i.e. Synagogue of Satan

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8ff020  No.161894


Not a single fucking person in this thread has addressed the topic

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2b7c8e  No.161910


It’s a zero effort QTDDTOT thread about something everyone who belongs here already knows or doesn’t need to care about. What did you think would happen?

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