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13144c  No.160439

This is something I don't understand about Islam. Many Muslims think that if you have a bad relationship to your parents you are a bad person. One time I think a Muslim asked me about my parents and I told him we didn't have a good relationship. He said in Islam this is not allowed. I don't remember more. Then two times it happened that a Muslim asked me about my relationship with my parents just so they could have a reason to show a condemning attitude. I don't understand this attitude that you are a bad person if you have a bad relationship with your parents. Because a lot of Islam seems to me to be for the purpose of keeping the family strong, keeping you loving your family. These two people grew up in Muslim countries. I grew up in the West. I think you are to a large extent a product of your environment. If you are not at all a product of your environment then these people might as well dispose of Islam altogether.

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7dacc1  No.160445

File: 222c821a3d10240⋯.jpg (55.14 KB, 390x512, 195:256, lmipa.jpg)

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13144c  No.160447


yeah I posted it again because I got a few shit replies and then the thread was deleted, despite this being a legitimate topic, so fuck off retard

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7dacc1  No.160452


Your mom has sexy eyebrow

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b07a47  No.160494

Not a thread. Not your blog. Stop spamming your nigger image. Stop posting your irrelevant bullshit. Just stop. It’s not going to be allowed.

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5965ad  No.160497

Op just leave the towel heads alone

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8f86b2  No.160756


> you are a bad person if you have a bad relationship with your parents.

This is because Islam puts particular emphasis on respecting your parents.

For example, Quran has this verse,

"And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age (while) with you, say not to them (so much as), "uff", and do not repel them but speak to them a noble world."

Quran has several other verses on it.

Prophet Muhammad also has several specific quotes attributed that ask Muslims to respect and obey their parents, to the extent of sharing their wealth with their parents.

The result of all these specific instructions is that you can't be a good Muslim or be eligible for heaven if your parents are not happy with you.

Why Islam puts so much importance to it? I am not sure why.

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8f86b2  No.160757


True. But shouldn't we understand the enemy?

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8f86b2  No.160759


>These two people grew up in Muslim countries. I grew up in the West. I think you are to a large extent a product of your environment. If you are not at all a product of your environment then these people might as well dispose of Islam altogether.

The thing is Islam comes up with its own culture.

Say, an Aryan westerner woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, for some reason, hypothetically converts to Islam. Despite her upbringing and culture around her, she is supposed to dress modestly and keep her distance from other males.

When you are trying to understand Islam and Muslims, it is difficult to split the religion from the culture and environment.

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7dacc1  No.160769


There is only one enemy. Everyone else is just a puppet.


>she is supposed to dress modestly and keep her distance from other males.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

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785ad1  No.160998


you didn't get my point retard

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785ad1  No.161000


No this is not how it works and you don't get my point either, retard. Islam isn't just about the individual. I laugh when I see Muslims leaving their children to kindergarten in my Western country, still thinking they are Muslims. Honestly Jews are the only ones of the 3 Abrahamic religions who aren't complete idiots like yourself.

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8f86b2  No.161035


>You say that like it's a bad thing.

It's definitely NOT a bad thing. I gave its example because dressing modestly and distancing from males is highly unusual in Western culture.

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8f86b2  No.161040


How could I get your point with your lousy writing and inadequate comprehension skills?

Anyway, it isn't the best of my time to respond to you. You are more interested in being a faggot than having an actual discussion.

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4cc5ab  No.161114


Let me spell it out in simplified form for you numbskull.

>Islam involves a number of practices which serve the purpose of keeping the family strong, i.e. keeping people in a loving relationship with their family, this is practically all of Islam

>claim a person who grew up surrounded by a society practicing the opposite of this should still be able to love their family

in other words they are just as stupid as you

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3e9641  No.161380

I'm surprised not a single fucking person in here understands my point. You're all fucking retards.

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a09601  No.164333


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b07a47  No.164336


Fuck off.

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d43110  No.164340

File: 15b4c5170550e54⋯.gif (912.67 KB, 230x286, 115:143, Muslim_jack_off.gif)

Yeah, I really worry about what fucking muslims think of me and you should too, because their study of holy writ makes them so superior to our own culture.

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8ea78b  No.164347


Its because in islam you fuck your family members, so that means no wife cousin.

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644bcb  No.167676


the quran is bs… it also contradicts itself all the time… its the ramblings of a bedouin caravan robber…

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