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57cfb3  No.160379

Is this guy even alive? What's their plan now?


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57cfb3  No.160380

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52f4e2  No.160407


this is a bad person, the one who laughs at mentally incapacitated person better watch out for it may be that the same thing happens to him/her in the future.

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7ccc2a  No.160418

File: cce273d9b088b81⋯.webm (6.44 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Biden_points_and_waves_to….webm)

You see, here's another JewTube link to this, 'Redpilled,' Jewtube account.

But, here's the webm so you don't have to click on his shit.

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87d65c  No.160423


>Is this guy even alive?


>What's their plan now?

The Democrat Party Platform states that if the candidate for President dies during the campaign, the candidate for Vice President takes over.

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c3e03e  No.160428

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This the pre-VFX edit? They dun guff and should had just framed it like hillary did .

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756f43  No.160448

Dementia is hell of a drug.

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50d21f  No.160467

File: f43f6630f98ed77⋯.mp4 (95.96 KB, 662x360, 331:180, MFREVNg5ar09XT6b.mp4)


The entire democrat plan with Kamala is to put her as VP knowing that Biden will did in office and dems could claim first female president. A vote for Biden is a vote for Harris. She even let a Freudian slip the other day and called it the Harris Administration

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37e697  No.160533

Yooo hahah this is sooo good. I'm voting for this nigga in 2020. This dude is going to make better comedy than MDE, all he has to do is be himself.

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2203d8  No.160634


and whose puppet is she?

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b95eae  No.160726


The same as every single other scumbag politicians. The ZOG. I'm 100% convinced this cunt legit doesn't have a soul because she sold it to become the first negress president. Her eyes scare the shit out of me, I'm serious.

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d3e8b9  No.160729


It's clear he was told they would CGI a crowd over there. This shot is it not superimposed yet. Remember both parties are using tricks to fain populism.

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58c928  No.160743


it’s feign

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127107  No.160750



>it’s feign

it's also 'popularity'

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94fafe  No.160752


WHO GIVES A SHIT. Your one sentence jew puppet theater thread doesn’t mean a damn thing to us. Are you going to put a bullet in his head? Or Trump’s? No? Then sit down and shut up, because you’re not taking us on your fantasy ride.

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94fafe  No.160753


Eh, that one’s okay. Populists are the politicians who claim to men of the people.

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55f3ee  No.160758


>old money quadrillionaires living in penthouse mansions and shitting in gold plated toilets

>men of the people

God I hate this so fucking much. There are no good billionaires. None of them are /ourguy/, that's innate to their kind. I hate to sound like a commie but they really do need to be dragged from their homes and shot

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94fafe  No.160770


In the era of statesmen, there were true populists. Rich men like Henry Ford openly railed against the jews. Not anymore, though.

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d3e8b9  No.160795



However you care to nitpick it they are going to CGI people in there. Look out for completely digitally fabricated events. Many of Trump's press conferences they weren't even in the same room, he was superimposed in the room with the reporters.

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57b737  No.160818


Got any sauce on that claim there, anon?

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127107  No.160908


looks like he was waving/signalling to the guys next to the trucks. cgi schizos are schizos.

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b97f6f  No.164837

File: 5a83062873ad6e7⋯.mp4 (5.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, SOLDHERSOULTOTHEKIKES.mp4)


This, this nigger bitch has no soul.

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