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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Self defense thread archived due to inactivity. Will resticky by popular demand

File: 76bca3c83fdf74e⋯.png (551.46 KB, 625x645, 125:129, bokros.png)

File: 80fb8f10f19723e⋯.jpg (42.53 KB, 768x768, 1:1, Noel_Ignatiev.jpg)

File: f9a437471761c57⋯.png (289.89 KB, 467x320, 467:320, JJ.png)

0dcd34  No.160377

The race that hates whites the most are whites themselves, the white race only has itself to blame for it's demise. Whites are racial masochists while no other group on earth is only whites are ashamed of being white at a time where every brown person is proud to be brown. The White race truly is the most pathetic race to ever exist but it can be changed.

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c56e58  No.160383

File: 6fc4aaabd3b4180⋯.jpg (27.37 KB, 347x453, 347:453, 89ae949c819a4f78bb76e0ddb2….jpg)

As a fellow white gentleman, I think it's important that we call out white trash and post threads dedicated to this on 8kun.

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ff9613  No.160411

File: 9f710c4102b2668⋯.png (492.29 KB, 1573x969, 1573:969, 1473452833506.png)


Reminder that the entire post war Neo-Nazi movement was made up exclusively of self hating jews and schizophrenic bottom of the barrel white trash

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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