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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Self defense thread archived due to inactivity. Will resticky by popular demand

File: a24b707d389b109⋯.jpg (74.65 KB, 618x410, 309:205, providence_sexual_assault_….jpg)

4a7a1a  No.160310

So the number jumped up to 9 suspects today of the facebook rape.


Why the fuck is it the cool thing to " Run a train" in black/moreno culture? Disgusting….

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4a7a1a  No.160313

File: 7471c1e814243d1⋯.jpg (52.9 KB, 862x560, 431:280, thefuckingcreepcanroll.jpg)

File: dec36f08de08ee4⋯.gif (906.48 KB, 498x249, 2:1, nfwtf.gif)

File: 3d7adb426b137f2⋯.jpg (42.38 KB, 621x531, 69:59, edd45e37905e7545a36d3e7855….jpg)

These jizz muppets look like they were in the first of the month music video. Boner thugs have no harmony

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4a7a1a  No.160314

File: f87bf917e4d33ea⋯.png (318.77 KB, 528x396, 4:3, creep.png)

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12f313  No.160331

How is this a thread.

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481f4c  No.160352


>Why the fuck is it the cool thing to " Run a train" in black/moreno culture?

They're too cheap to buy lube. Also, if the faggot mods would stop banning Surfshark VPN IPs, that would be great, thanks.

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5737f9  No.160392

What kind of vile animal would want to share a vagina with 6 or 7 other men? Fucking disgusting trashy mongrel monkeys! They should all be executed for their crime.

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eb7bd7  No.160393

File: 6989a53d30e9772⋯.jpg (8.95 KB, 480x360, 4:3, fdhf.jpg)


>What kind of vile animal would want to share a vagina with 6 or 7 other men?

gay niggaz

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