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File: 359d282f9cedaea⋯.png (987.16 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Sneed_s_Feed_and_Seed.png)

efc504  No.160225

Post some infographics on gays and shit. Lost all my shit. Thanks in advance.

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0065b3  No.160243


If you weren't a nigger, you'd know how to make backups. No personal army for you!

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5a911c  No.160246


Zero effort spam. Get out of here.

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31933a  No.160269

*Homosexuals suffer from high rates of intestinal parasites because they like licking each other's assholes.

That's all you really need to know to convince any normie that faggotry is fucking disgusting.

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efc504  No.160286


nigger i wasn't expecting for me to end up fucking my computer over, requiring me to install an entirely different operating system changing my bios settings. Fucking faggot.


it's not like anything else here is important. "OHHH BRO LOOK AT THIS A FUCKIN SCRIBBLE DOOD ESOTERICS LE 1488" shit. just post a fucking infographic, maybe some newfags can pick up on why it's not just blacks or fuckin muslim immigrants are bad.>>160246

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0065b3  No.160287


Niggers can't into computer. You don't expect a complex machine to ever break down? Then you can't into computer. Therefor, you are a nigger.

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efc504  No.160293


Okay? But what loss do you suffer posting simple fucking images you mongoloid? It's not that hard to say "here you go", post some shit, and fuck off you fucking baboon.

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5a911c  No.160299


>nothing on this board is important

So leave. You have no reason to be here. You’re not getting a single fucking thing from us now.

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0065b3  No.160304


>what loss do you suffer

I lose dignity by spoonfeeding a fucking nigger.

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a39b24  No.160311


The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Fuck and Suck".

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dfe86e  No.160589

File: 8f36e5a1010e6d0⋯.jpg (156.98 KB, 921x1024, 921:1024, 1600233020637.jpg)

File: cad62de76a4c574⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1554x1379, 222:197, TRANNIEDdotCOM.png)

prepare ur anus.

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49487d  No.160632

File: 175a2ff9c4175f7⋯.jpg (137.86 KB, 1584x2016, 11:14, 175a2ff9c4175f7b4db2dd34dd….jpg)

File: c0d1dd456e3e0b6⋯.jpg (252.42 KB, 1609x2048, 1609:2048, c0d1dd456e3e0b6f5f81baa5eb….jpg)

File: f6ae8e0a6f098d1⋯.jpg (62.05 KB, 576x720, 4:5, f6ae8e0a6f098d16e2eee1f662….jpg)

File: f42b96b5d412f0f⋯.jpeg (522.81 KB, 1440x1858, 720:929, bz_5d0e153447a5a.jpeg)

File: 511275480281e94⋯.webm (1.07 MB, 640x344, 80:43, faggots.webm)

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ecd391  No.165533


Wasnt there crime statistics on FBI.gov about homosexuals?

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3a7af9  No.165538

File: 36dd56e57799599⋯.png (163.58 KB, 234x391, 234:391, 0ba901b5_1e76_4c1a_abb0_47….png)

File: c137184c7df17be⋯.png (443.4 KB, 1506x3976, 753:1988, 123634565746476400.png)

File: 1655f73b04e7ab5⋯.png (88.88 KB, 895x931, 895:931, 123634565746476401.png)

File: 4ee91fc0903fe7a⋯.png (190.26 KB, 290x391, 290:391, 0b44eeee_fb58_47b0_b7d5_28….png)

thanks for actually posting shit. i found my old stash posted on some shithole, so here's me posting some of what i had

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f72fc9  No.165619

File: 2a73636938bbb80⋯.png (98.16 KB, 356x626, 178:313, trannies_FTM_mutilation_re….png)

File: 5ff475fdc590bde⋯.webm (6.93 MB, 640x360, 16:9, trannies_gender_.webm)

File: 49008170f582bd2⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1408x5896, 16:67, trannies_one_night_in_Bang….png)

File: 30328ff534a142e⋯.jpg (574.68 KB, 1000x1910, 100:191, tranniesbullshitdisproven.jpg)

File: f05b4bc55097ad6⋯.jpg (447.8 KB, 1412x752, 353:188, tranniescatman.jpg)

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