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File: a507fa5204db75c⋯.jpg (126.1 KB, 900x616, 225:154, bflvlsust6v21.jpg)

8c8a05  No.160131

Looking to collect good books on the history of French and Russian revolutions, their jewish origins, and the promotion of anti-Christianity within them.

So far:

>The Reign of Terror: A Collection of Authentic Narratives of the Horrors Committed by the Revolutionary Government (Simpkin)

>A French Genocide: the Vendee (Secher)

>The History of the Clergy During the French Revolution (Barruel)

>The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit (Jones)

>A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind (Goodson)

I haven't begun on the Russian revolution, but I have seen mention of Solzhenitsyn as a good start. However, it seems he has cucked out and denies the jewish involvement, according to his English website. His book on the topic, Two Hundred Years Together, is also not available in English print. I need hardcovers to stay the test of time, not digital copies.

What would you lads recommend to add to the French Revolution, and to start off the Russian Revolution? I am specifically looking for anti-Christian/atheist promotion and jewish involvement, so no modern cucked """""history""""" please. Also, any books on murder and genocide that took place within the revolutions.

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d12e5b  No.160132

File: 26882a501eb6797⋯.jpg (2.4 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, alpha.jpg)


google to find the purchase link, translated by my friend didymus sumydid

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d12e5b  No.160134


>His book on the topic, Two Hundred Years Together, is also not available in English print.

8chan translated this years ago and you can find other translations too. check archive.org or libgen. it's online.

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d12e5b  No.160135

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ddf09c  No.160136




>need hardcovers to stay the test of time, not digital copies.

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d12e5b  No.160137


you can just upload a text pdf to lulu and order print copies if you need them, sell them too. or pay an exorbitant amount for a rare secondhand copy from an antique book store. lulu is really cheap so opt for that.

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d12e5b  No.160139


elite strategy: order printed copies from lulu and donate some to university libraries so they end up logged in worldcat. make it easier for people to access the material.

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39f198  No.160158

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a09222  No.160169

File: 5d03752b5e3b553⋯.jpg (62.45 KB, 574x460, 287:230, 12_volumes.jpg)

File: bb4c308f1eb8c6a⋯.jpg (97.46 KB, 464x640, 29:40, Anti_commie_russians.jpg)


There's a series of books known as "Archive of Russian Revolution" that is made by immigrants from russian white army. Its in pre-reformed russian language as well, not modern one.


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512227  No.160170

The Nameless War by Sir Archibald Ramsey covers many revolutions and analyzes them, from the Glorious Revolution in England to the French and on to the Russian and Spanish ones.

The Sumerian Swindle covers a long history of them in Mesopotamia and the Hyksos coup in ancient Egypt.

I highly recommend both, and both can be found as audiobooks if you look.

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ffbe13  No.160696


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8c759a  No.160698

I'm not sure the anti-Christian bent is as relevant today as it would have been 80 years ago. American Christians today are virulent anti-White zealots and rapacious vampires for israel. If you want to find a horde of half-nigger kids minivanned around town by people who want to send someone else's kid to die for israel, go to church.

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d12e5b  No.160708


>American Christians today are virulent anti-White zealots and rapacious vampires for israel. If you want to find a horde of half-nigger kids minivanned around town by people who want to send someone else's kid to die for israel, go to church.

True. Although, Protestantism and Catholicism are both effeminate, anti-white cancers now. Eastern Orthodox is the only non-degenerate form.

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d12e5b  No.160712

File: ffa3a6001bf2eba⋯.jpg (81.64 KB, 955x1500, 191:300, 714ACs2VCbL_SL1500_.jpg)

File: 0b0a2c84b30d002⋯.jpg (69 KB, 900x500, 9:5, jdm.jpg)


Reflections on the Revolution in France. Written by the lawyer and political philosopher Joseph de Maistre, who was a nobleman, an ambassador to Russia, and minister of state to the court in Turin. It's more on the philosophical side of things, but you get to enjoy the observations and analysis of a rightwing, galaxybrained aristocrat who actually lived through the revolution.

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44a765  No.161047

File: 7ab4f24628e29d4⋯.pdf (282.75 KB, The_Nameless_War.pdf)

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78924e  No.161079

"The Plot Against the Church" by Maurice Pinay

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a064c4  No.161093

File: 9fbbe04f30eb72e⋯.png (331.48 KB, 601x589, 601:589, 1421015101561.png)

File: 5d54153069046d5⋯.jpg (151.39 KB, 789x588, 263:196, 45_communist_goals.jpg)

File: 1b25fa8c0d8d84e⋯.png (710.41 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1597034093469.png)

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03ecd2  No.161272

idk if this is on topic but when does Plato - the republic get good? Ive been listening to the audio book and so far its just been shitty pointless semantic debate and definition dance around shallow concepts. is the book actually worth it?

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d12e5b  No.161276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Requires context and proper analysis to understand properly and be worth your time.

Start here with this philosophy analysis series: https://youtu.be/-sljjBb6rW8.

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dcbd47  No.161324

File: 0f93c7d148d0357⋯.png (1.47 MB, 800x1100, 8:11, PP2V_Barras.png)

Right now I'm reading the memoirs of Barras. He was one of the key figures of the revolution, in fact it was Barras that at several junctures in Napoleon's career raised him up from obscurity and promoted him to positions of increasing power, which he ultimately regretted. He felt that the Bonaparte family were grifters, their women prostitutes and the men all scammers and parasites who embezzled money outrageously from every position they were named to in the government of Revolutionary France.

Barras saw the revolution from the inside, from it's very heart; he even saw a young Napoleon with his cabal of friends, who were mere nobodies dressed literallyl in filthy rags to make themselves fit in with the Jacobins, hanging around the antechamber of the evil murderous Robespierre , sucking up to him shamelessly, crying out "Vive Robespierre, vive la revolution!" every time he passed.

This is volume 3 of 4. I'm reading them in original French.


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fffedb  No.161406


Yeah, you need philosophy training and knowledge of the history of philosophy in order to understand most works, especially the old classics. Beginners should refrain from picking up these texts; you can't expect to make sense of a 2000 year old Greek text without a solid grasp of philosophy and its history. Imagine trying to understand an ancient religion that only survives in written form from your modern paradigm (lens): you're going to struggle to come up with any coherent interpretation of it.

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86fcbe  No.161408


What does revealed religion even mean?

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dcbd47  No.161424


Herodotus is very accessible and fun to read

Thucydides is more sophisticated with greater insights but still very readable.

Xenophon is really enjoyable to read too, like a great adventure story.

The only thing you need is a good atlas and thanks to Google earth you can go right there to where they said things were happening and see not only the location and the terrain but the entire logistical and strategic impetus of the land imposed by geography.

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dcbd47  No.161425

It's off topic, typical behavior of fanatical (((christians)))

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d28162  No.161428


>I am a paid jewish shill

Nice of them to out themselves like that.

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86fcbe  No.161430


Thanks, that form of study can be applied to many things.

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96ea68  No.161466


You're not proving him wrong though.

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fffedb  No.161499


History vs philosophy. Two completely different beasts. I was making a point about philosophy in that post. Of course, history is obviously much more accessible to a general audience. You're right.

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2af395  No.162730


Plato is shit.

Read Aristotle and Machiavelli.

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9688b3  No.165224

Is Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by E Michael Jones a good book? Been wanting to get it for a while.

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27f962  No.165709


Jones is a talentless hack who writes lengthy books that are filled with repetitive historical examples of one idea he puts forth. Few good arguments. He's a meme. Spend your time on more thoughtful writers/see other books ITT.

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2af395  No.166501


>one idea he puts forth

Which is what? If you're going to attack a man, explain yourself.

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af367e  No.166505

File: f9f3d3249a6be2b⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 1625x2560, 325:512, SCP.jpg)


Watch this

6000 Year History Of The New World Order


and read pic related

Wont hurt to read this as well

Trail of the serpent – Stoddard Christina M.


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af367e  No.166509


dl'd sumerian swindle and gonna read it now ty fren

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af367e  No.166560

File: af4dba17d3a88a4⋯.png (182.16 KB, 488x600, 61:75, SaveThePlanet.png)


hmm interesting I read the first chapter and this wasn't at all what I expected. Not in a bad way just an unexpected way. He gets a lot wrong with respect to history in the first chapter, but that is to be expected from 99% of the general populous as they only have (((conventional))) knowledge of history aka the manufactured history.

There have been two histories going on side by side, one for initiates including Atlantis and Lemuria and many other topics hidden from the masses and a different one for the commoner plebs. It doesn't effect anything else negatively however so it's fine. Reading esoteric works these kinds of things annoy me a little because I personally dont like to offer sources to people I know have a lot of bad info in them no matter how good the good info is.

You can rarely find a perfect source however because the amount of research required to be an expert on just one of these topics takes many years let alone multiple topics to have an expert level gestalt on all of them so it is what it is I guess.

If you are interested in this kind of book try the pied pipers of Babylon


It is the most in depth book you will probably ever find in this genre. This is also my video archive for anyone interested. Pretty much everything the people in this thread will be interested in will be here


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