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4fac38  No.159925

Late yesterday, an Oregon woman caught a Muslim trespasser on her yard with a box of matches but curiously no cigarettes. After a tense altercation at gunpoint, it was made clear that she stopped the extremist moments before he could set a deadly fire that would have engulfed the neighborhood and potentially spread to other areas. This is just the latest arsonist caught in the act setting fires on the west coast. There has been no media coverage thus far.

WATCH: https://youtu.be/Qy5VpLYSJZY

Better angle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy5VpLYSJZY

The media has been gaslighting the public successfully into believing that the west coast forest fires have been caused naturally or by climate change, but this video has the potential to dismantle and shatter that entire narrative if we get it out.

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4fac38  No.159926


I have uploaded a mirror to bitchute in the likely potential that the video gets taken down like all of the covid and riot footage.


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a0d763  No.159928

File: 356937206781061⋯.png (385.29 KB, 657x700, 657:700, purpose_of_civilization.png)


How do you hold someone at gunpoint for possession of a lighter? He looks like a spic not a muzzie. And so does she?

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8ac66e  No.159937


thank you for your reporting kind anonymous sir, i nobody says this here enough or at all, but people reporting such news here are much appreciated, even if nobody tells them that

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247cb5  No.159939

Do people really think global temperature change is real now?

If there are more fires than in the past every year, it's most likely because someone set them.

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31ea15  No.159954


Is there evidence he was planning on starting fires? I carry matches and I don't smoke. Is some Karen gonna call the cops on me for it?

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4f3d4a  No.159980


Especially considering this mysterious rash of fires is not affecting Canada which has had about one tenth as many as the US had this month

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84ddd7  No.159981

oh, it was a muslim? wtf i love israel and zionism now.

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38d7dc  No.159985

CCN told me the fires are being caused by Donald Trump's science denial

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52fef3  No.159988


>CCN told me the fires are being caused by Donald Trump's science denial

Well muslims are doing God's work, and God hates Trump, so this is Trump's fault. The problem is that liberals are atheists.

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ad86e5  No.160021

>this faggot is still spamming his mirrored jewtube videos here begging for shekels

And as has already been pointed out, that's clearly some kind of spic.

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bc9796  No.160069


If you are prowling their yard with them in your hands, yeah, sounds good to me.


Also funny that it's only happening in liberal states. Apparently, global warming only happens in liberal states.

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e885a6  No.160124


Leftards and jews tried to drown the heavy red areas in Norcal a few years ago when they let oroville dam break on purpose. Half a million Right wing Whites were evacuated. Now they are trying to burn them out like the Paradise fire.

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e96429  No.160174

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ea7da4  No.161904

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721de8  No.161996

ANTIFA has set hundreds of wildfires in Washington, Oregon and California. The goal is to destroy everyone who hasn't pledged fealty to the Chinese communist party.

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85595e  No.162081


How did he get arrested twice for arson in 12 hours??

Do they just let them off the hook for that?

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31ea15  No.162082


Don't ask questions. Just believe whatever you're told. #trump2020 #wwg1wga

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79eb4d  No.162086


sounds pretty based to me

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7b93e9  No.162126

File: ea5e170e980e236⋯.png (45.63 KB, 905x310, 181:62, nationalinterestexcerpt.png)

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ea7da4  No.163817

File: 4d7ae295c0c2c87⋯.jpg (4.65 MB, 3118x4267, 3118:4267, China.jpg)

File: 9b62b2f7ecd31db⋯.jpeg (56.29 KB, 640x407, 640:407, Yanqing_Ye_China_Spy.jpeg)

File: 0f8c38822afcace⋯.png (642.76 KB, 1022x731, 1022:731, Tiresome.png)


>Nooo! Defend the honor of China.

>China is actually based.

Chinese are funding Jewish Antifa to subcontract Muslims start the fires.

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5695d9  No.163822


That’s a fairly long-winded way to say “It’s the jews and I’m covering up for them.”

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ea7da4  No.163826

File: f9e311caf537913⋯.jpg (78.87 KB, 563x716, 563:716, Heaven_Will_Destroy_The_CC….jpg)


Why so many white knights rushing to defend the honor of the Chinese Communist Party?

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d2a64d  No.164071


That's not a muslim that's a spic.

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5695d9  No.164072


Is there a single person here defending chinks? Name the fucking jew. That’s all I said.

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