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4b7788  No.159017

Anons, in my shitty country that is being ruled by damn communists, it seems hope is fading, but I think that if I do things right I could start a fascist reaction to fix things and make progress possible, but no I am very well instructed on how to do such a thing to start a fascist reaction, what are the advice you can give me for this movement? More than anything I would like to base this on the English style of Osweld Mosley, but I don't know what I really need to start and I would like you to help me with some tips

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1b78db  No.159064

Start by seizing power, installing right-thinking associates in all positions of influence, and outlawing and punishing all degeneracy. If you can do that much then the rest will fall into place.

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134513  No.159065


>Start by seizing power

Pretty sure that’s the part that required the instruction, bub.

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01d601  No.159076


Write something people can believe in and use it as a guidebook. After a while, someone will form an army guided by the principles you wrote about. Slowly that army will gather strength and, perhaps, take over the nation. Then that army can get down to the business of forming a government, making laws, and becoming corrupt. Then someone else will write a book …

Lather, rinse, repeat.

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134513  No.159077


No one reads anymore, anon. Books don’t matter. It’s a goddamn nightmare world.

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c5327a  No.159110


Don't mention fascism. Mention a strong government that cares for it's people. Stamping out degeneracy and those who wish ill on the people. Solidarity with fellow citizens. (((Usurpers))) must be fought. Do no mention (((them))) by name, or you will be snuffed out immediately.

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1b78db  No.159173


> Write something people can believe in and use it as a guidebook

That book has already been written.

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