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File: 026c066a0c887e3⋯.jpg (24.42 KB, 800x800, 1:1, payupmotherfucker.jpg)

0d2cc3  No.158849

This shit is on everything. Which means the company was basically extorted to play ///Their/// games. in order to accommodate the shylock overlords, they raise the price of the product. Taking money directly from the consumer and into shekelstein's pocket. "Thanks for paying for the murder of that palestinian child goy". This redpill should be talked about more.

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0d2cc3  No.158850

OU Kosher was founded in 1923 by East Prussian chemist Abraham Goldstein as the first independent kosher certification agency. Goldstein established the kosher certification program under the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations. The certification’s symbol, the letter “U” inside of the letter “O,” was first placed on Heinz’s vegetarian baked beans, confirming that their food was certified kosher.[2]

In 1950, Rabbi Alexander S. Rosenberg joined the OU Kosher Division as rabbinic administrator. In his 22 years with the division, Rosenberg helped increase the number of employed mashgichim, or kosher supervisors, within the OU Kosher Division from 184 to 750, which helped certify over 2,500 products for 475 companies. [3] During his time leading the division, Rosenberg set reforms in place to decrease the amount of corruption and fraud in the kosher certification industry. He ensured that local rabbis working for the OU were conforming to the uniform standards set by the division, and prevented bribery between food companies and mashgichim.[3]

In 2012, the OU released the OU Kosher app, which gave consumers easily accessible updates on certified OU Kosher products, including which products are kosher, lists of newly certified products, and updated on products that are no longer certified.[4]

As of October 2019, the OU Kosher Division is overseen by Rabbi Menachem Genack, who was appointed as rabbinic administrator in 1980. The organization now certifies close to 1,000,000 products in over 12,000 plants in 104 countries.[5] With 886 mashgichim employed as well as over 50 rabbinic coordinators serving as account executives, the OU Kosher Division is now the world’s largest kosher certification agency.(The World of OU Kosher: A discussion with Rabbi Moshe Elefant, COO, OU Kosher". Orthodox Union. April 2017.)

Women's contribution

In the early 1920s, the Orthodox Union Women's Branch was established, founded and led by Rebecca “Betty” Goldstein. The members of the Women’s Branch produced pamphlets for Jewish women to follow kashrut in the home, as well as a series of kosher cookbooks. Since the Orthodox Union was urging women to keep their homes kosher, members from the Women’s Branch wanted to ensure that the food products that were available also followed kosher requirements. The Women’s Branch personally inspected food-manufacturing plants and insisted that rabbinical leaders within the OU expand its kashrut supervision efforts.[6]

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0d2cc3  No.158851

File: ed0de0f313c2f3a⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, PCEA_OU_Agudah_UJA_Press_C….jpg)

Orthodox Union

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Not to be confused with Union of Orthodox Rabbis.

Orthodox Union

Orthodox Union (logo).svg

Abbreviation OU

Motto תורה ומצוות‎

Torah umitzvot

(English: Torah and mitzvot)

Formation 1898; 122 years ago

Founder Henry Pereira Mendes

Headquarters 11 Broadway

New York, NY 10004

United States

President Mark Bane

Chairman Howard Tzvi Friedman

Affiliations Orthodox Judaism

Website ou.org

Formerly called Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America

The Orthodox Union (abbreviated OU)[note 1] is one of the largest Orthodox Jewish organizations in the United States. Founded in 1898,[2] the OU supports a network of synagogues, youth programs, Jewish and Religious Zionist advocacy programs, programs for the disabled, localized religious study programs, and international units with locations in Israel and formerly in Ukraine. The OU maintains a kosher certification service, whose circled-U hechsher symbol, Ⓤ, is found on the labels of many kosher commercial and consumer food products.

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0d2cc3  No.158853

Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fc76de  No.158854

Looking up what the K symbol I kept seeing on my food was one of my first redpills.

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0d2cc3  No.158856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Agreed. My buddy long ago was trying his hardest to shove redpills down my throat, my bluepilled state rejected most of his "crazy" ideas at that time. Paying taxes directly to jews and the Bohemian grove/ David Gergans reaction is what finally made me open to the possibilities. Which is why it should be talked of more. Babys first redpills best redpills for awakening others

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fc76de  No.158857


It won't surprise me if new "taxes" are created to certify food as "BLM allies" or "LGBT friendly."

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ae9bd5  No.158947


Does anyone know how much they make on this swindle.

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043e6b  No.158961


Wow … I haven't heard anyone go on about the "kosher tax" since the 80s.

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043e6b  No.158962


Depends on the size of the business. The Orthodox Union charges $250 per year for small companies and up to $40,000 per year for large conglomerates.

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b65fe2  No.159007

I wonder if they sue businesses who don't pay into the scheme. "Oy you're depriving us of our human right to buy food!!!!" Since really, if their 2% number is to believed, and accounting for the fact that 90% of kikes don't even care to check the label, is it really worth cashing after this market?

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b65fe2  No.159008


*probably don't care.


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ae9bd5  No.159010

Something special for the anniversary.

The unreleased version of the Sept 11 commission report.


I was looking into Nick Berg, he's the Jew who just happened to let zacharias mousaui aka the supposed 20th hijacker use his email while in the middle of Oklahoma.

So that's an incredible coincidence and then he goes to Iraq and gets beheaded on video.

I don't watch gore but many said it looked fake.

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043e6b  No.159011


I bought a half ham today and found myself looking for the kashrut certification. I was really hoping to find one.

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833dfd  No.159020

File: bf98d58ef3123ac⋯.jpg (122.62 KB, 640x905, 128:181, boycott_israel_poster_1_.jpg)

The Kosher Food Tax is the biggest consumer fraud existing in America. Examine every item in your cupboards for either the (U) or (K) labels. These symbols represent a Jewish "blessing" and when these small symbols are detected, it means that you have unwittingly paid a tax to a Jewish religious group. They will not always be on the front of the package; they may be hidden amid the small print near the label's seam. This cryptic code has to do with a Hebrew "secret," a heist, which illuminates the Jews' power in the United States.

The circled "U," sometimes with the word "Parve," stands for Union of Orthodox Jews (UOJCA), the "K" stands for Kosher (KOV K). Both will not be found on the same package. These symbols mean that the product's producer paid the Jews a kind of "tax" to have some rabbi "bless" it.

Don't confuse these letters with the letter "R" which stands for registered trade mark or a letter "C" which stands for copyright. These two letters will probably be there too. You have now discovered what the Jews call "hechsers," a rip-off code found on most grocery items.

In 1959, the Wall Street Journal estimated that this massive Jewish payola at about $20 million. That is almost forty years ago. Since that time, the Jewish owned Wall Street Journal has remained silent. The rip-off is thought to be in the hundreds of millions today. The Jewish Post of July 30, 1976 reported that Rabbi Harvey Sentor admitted that Kov K was a "profit-making concern." The UOJCA extracts exactly the same levy as Kov K, and in exactly the same way.

Jews, of course, defend these "blessings" in any way they can, but what this rip-off really boils down to for the Gentile is legalized extortion. After all, the Jews represent but 2.9% of the population. It is not an option for the Gentile to have this "tax" removed from products he buys or have the little Jewish letters erased. He has to pay this "tax" to the Jews whether he wants to or not.

If this were nothing more than a bizarre religious ceremony, giving rabbinical approval to food and food products prepared in a specific way to meet an unusual diet, then why are steel wool and kitchen utensils also included? The Jews have a strange diet indeed! If these "blessings" are so important to Jews, why do they charge for them? You would think that they would be willing to give this service freefor benefit of their own peopleand perhaps pay something to food product companies for providing this Kosher identification. Instead, it's the reverse–companies have to pay to have the Kosher identification.

Since Jews represent a small percent of America's population, why is it that they place most of the burden of this "tax" on the shoulders of the Gentile? Why have the Gentile consumers been so silent for so long about this perennial extortion by the Jews? And since this burden comes off as a "tax," don't Gentiles have a right to know where and how this money is spent? How on earth do the Jews get away with this daylight robbery? The answer is that the Jewish blessing agencies wield enormous power through Jewish domination of the retail and distribution trades..and Jews own America's press. Non- compliance by a food producer would quickly bring about a Jewish boycott of the product. Bankruptcy!

Here is how this clever scheme works. An Orthodox Rabbi will approach a company and warn the owners that unless their product is certified as Kosher, or "fit for a Jew to eat", they will face a boycott by every Jew in America. Once they succumb to this BLACKMAIL, they are required to keep the total amount paid the Rabbis every year a strict secret!

The growth of this Kosher racket has been nothing less than phenomenal. In 1960, only 225 food products paid the Kosher tax. By 1966, this figure grew to 476 and jumped to 1000 by 1974. Today, a whopping 17,500 companies have been intimidated into paying this multi-level tax.

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833dfd  No.159022

File: cdaaebfa40cbfca⋯.jpg (156.41 KB, 640x908, 160:227, 14260bf87ccd250008bad08247….jpg)



How The Kosher Tax Operates

The Union of Orthodox Rabbis which issues the (U) symbol controls 80% of the Kosher certification business. They employ some 300 Rabbis who travel nation-wide "inspecting" food processing plants. First, the company must pay an annual fee for the use of the copyright symbol–the (U) or (K) or a version thereof. Second, the company must pay a separate heavy fee each time a team of Rabbis shows up to "inspect" their plant (Certain meat packers are required to hire Rabbis full time at extravagant salaries). Third, the company must pay these fees over and over again for each different product they make.

Thus, General Foods pays dozens of separate fees. Also, each sub- contracting company which provides any type of ingredient which goes into the finished product must also pay separate fees to the "visiting Rabbis". Sometimes a single product may eventually be taxed as many as a dozen times right down the line before it reaches you the consumer! Last, but not least, these fees must be paid annually and they are increased each year.

Only by increasing the public awareness of the Kosher Food Tax and doing our best to refrain from purchasing products with the "K" or "U" symbols, can we begin to end this outrage being perpetrated upon our people. With the purchasing power of the dollar less all the time, we cannot afford this outrage to continue unchecked.

In addition to the above article, I would like to add if this is their code, just what are they putting into the foods without the code? This code is more than "kosher" is represents food that is safe to consume for the Jews.

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ae9bd5  No.159023


Their religion is actually a genocidal cult and it should be treated as much. Iirc it's listed on the list of cults.

Zionism needs to be reclassified as a racist movement. The UN used to have Zio classified as racist until John Bolton got them to remove it.

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833dfd  No.159027

File: 2a7e233312d61e1⋯.jpg (30.16 KB, 640x400, 8:5, bolton_640x400_1_.jpg)

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043e6b  No.159028


Meanwhile, Trump is busy making Muslim countries bend the knee to the kosher masters.


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7c0921  No.160417

File: 58c0d51aa2d7bee⋯.png (851.15 KB, 619x780, 619:780, 7PGPyX.png)

Occasionally, one of these cuck products ends up in my home; so I use a sharpie to mark a black cross through the hesher. This small habitual act of memetic war causes assorted misfortunes, large and small, within the global kike terror machine.

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043e6b  No.160424

File: 13d5ffffa9c1a86⋯.png (508.7 KB, 820x1261, 820:1261, Facepalm_Girl_PNG_File.png)

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045538  No.160565

File: 09e1b381b76991f⋯.jpg (120.87 KB, 1200x768, 25:16, Kosher.jpg)

one day ago


Kosher Crisis Hits $19 Billion Market With Rabbis Stuck at Home

To certify food, much of which originates in China, factory inspections are going virtual.

While China doesn’t have many Jews, it’s nonetheless an important part of the kosher food industry: Chinese factories produce canned fruit and other packaged goods and also play a critical role in the production of artificial flavorings, amino acids, and other ingredients that make their way into the diets of observant Jews. “Anything you pick up in a supermarket or a drugstore, there are most probably between two and six ingredients from China,” Moskowitz says.


I don't wanna hear any more crap about vaccines and Bill Gates when the Chinese and Jews are the source of food and drugs.

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