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File: 4afccdefc2bb60e⋯.jpg (43.49 KB, 960x540, 16:9, neonazikanji.jpg)

cf57ad  No.158760

Something that I feel isn't questioned enough is why do some white nationalists associate with Japanese culture? If I may, the Japanese are almost nothing more than a people with a passion for anime porn and are borderline pedophiles. Everything about their culture just feels so sordid and kike inspired. They are nowhere near as bad as the groids or the obnoxious pajeets, but they just don't belong in white society. Some of them come into white societies (or what's left of it) and try to integrate into it. Take fore example that one nip that went by the name TVFilthyFrank. A lot of whites tend to love the fagish and over the top shit for kids that he produced. The same can be said of that one video where a different yellow monkey says apple pen. However, they are a very small minority compared to other races in the west, so they are still nowhere near as much a concern as chimps. I just get confused when white supremacists, like the ones in Charlottesville, start to adopt their culture. Some of them put asian tattoes on their body (pic related). However, I think few of them realize that Hitler never actually liked those nips as a race. They also forget their attacks on whites. I.e. invading Germany's property in WW1, the Russo-Nip war, Pearl Harbor, etc..

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cf57ad  No.158761


> white supremacists

I should have proof read my post as I really hate the word "white supremacist." It just sounds like something that say in the media all the time. I prefer white nationalist.

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cf57ad  No.158765


One last thought I would like to add is that the Nips helped aid the defeat of the Third Reich by going on a white rampage and involving the US in WW2. No sweat of their backs as they were pardoned after the war. Probably the biggest reason I'd call for the extermination of their race.

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98e9b0  No.158770

File: 3cd403bad543dde⋯.jpg (162.6 KB, 768x432, 16:9, examples.jpg)

In my opinion, It's good to associate "white nationalism" with japanese culture, this is it because most of the children (their genes made them naturally resistant) that have gone through social isolation due to the inept corruption and perversion of the modern world had found relief on japanese media.

Anime and videogames, at least, used to be based, redpilled and pure, nowadays it has been pozzed which is why normies are making videogames and anime a mainstream, both anime and videogames showcases characters primarily with european features with messages that appeal to the values of the white race, on top of that, there's a good image in the redpill thread on this board, where an anon explain that another reason right-wingers are attracted to anime visuals while leftists aren't, is because left-wingers have underdeveloped amygdalas that makes them aggressive towards overly cute aesthetics, I'll like to add that left-wingers probably prefers hollywood BS because it alligns with their values.

The Japanese have been trying to copy western culture since the Meiji Restoration, the fact that they've become the main exporter of the media that right-wingers consume is so coincidental that it's almost like God made the japanese exactly for that purpose, then the south koreans are also doing their own flavor of western-focused media with things like K-pop and korean novels (which also involves cute aesthetics that women who lean to right-wing values like) and E-sports (again, something that aims to the exact kind of people that we need in our team), every other asian phenotype is a total subhuman trash that needs to be genocided, specially the chinks.

To resume, I think that integrating certain parts of Japanese/South Korean cultural exportations is a good thing to do, but mainly in the aesthetic part, while also we need to recognize that everyone that have gone through a childhood of social isolation is probably a right-winger in the making.

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c039db  No.158772

File: c0ee2780bb0493b⋯.png (191.56 KB, 625x682, 625:682, cc4.png)

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c90d83  No.158774

File: 65f4900e6295f5f⋯.jpg (42.3 KB, 585x585, 1:1, pol_pm_Bluzka_damska_z_dlu….jpg)


I suppose I could somewhat understand your perspective. Japanese media does tend to have themes that leftists would piss their bridges over. The less strict censorship on material allows the content to be more interesting. I used to watch some of this stuff when I was younger, but as I've aged, I've learned to have more respect for my culture as a white nationalist. As I thought about the Japanese garbage I consumed, I realized that in almost all of it, it was essentially anti-white in nature. Almost all the material they release centralizes the Japanese race. They basically glorify themselves in everything. A lot of it is also very perverted and disrespectful to my ability to rationally think. As a white nationalist, I can't accept putting yellow people on a pedestal and forget my race. I prefer to learn more about my race and the history of it rather than consume more of their garbage.

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70412f  No.158775


The Third Reich was going to lose the German-Soviet war no matter what, US and UK only joined out of hatred of the German race. The US knew about the Pearl Harbor attacks in advance.

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98e9b0  No.158777


What is the point of this shitpost?, excuse me if I posted something you didn't like, but it'd much more helpful if you developed your response beyond social shaming.


And I agree, I'm not trying to make an argument for mixing the japanese and the white together, I'm just saying that at least something can be learned about the impact of their cultural exportation to make something good out of it, but I'm sorry anyway, I didn't meant what you understand, from my part, besides videogames, I've barely watched anime at all, but many of the friends I had over my life did and we were more alike with each other than with other people, such things should give a hint and allow us to start connecting points to understand the whole picture.

But as a whole, I agree with the sentiment that asians should be genocided given the chance.

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4317a7  No.158845

File: 5ad88abbd335fcd⋯.jpg (539.27 KB, 1828x1628, 457:407, asians_white.jpg)

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4b1def  No.158847


While you're right, that is a media term, is it really that bad? If Whites aren't supreme, then who is? Of course we may lose out under very specific metrics, but on the whole, for all criteria that matter to us, whites are vastly supreme. While I don't want to keep blacks as a slave race, even more so, I do not want to be ruled by any non-whites. I also reject the idea that blacks have a certain entitlement to Africa. For what reason shouldn't we take from them as our needs require? Why shouldn't we expand our nations and rule supreme as we see fit? Blacks have shown themselves to be poor stewards of the land, and are demonstrably too inept to make use of the resources they stand on.

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cdc808  No.158852

File: d81462eb855ffde⋯.jpg (141.07 KB, 1536x1024, 3:2, 3.jpg)

File: e5456615fcdfaad⋯.jpg (68.78 KB, 700x394, 350:197, 4.jpg)

File: d1511b301597d74⋯.jpg (75.48 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 2.jpg)

File: 99aef99bb29a81b⋯.jpg (42.28 KB, 647x400, 647:400, 1.jpg)


>Japanese are almost nothing more than a people with a passion for anime porn and are borderline pedophiles


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96bec8  No.158855


Bring me the degenerate, and I'll show the jew.

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d6a77b  No.158859


Japanese and Europeans are high IQ people with interesting cultures. Since many of our values are compatible, we can have friendly relations with them, and there are obviously opportunities for trade and cooperation. That doesn't mean you have to go full weeb. As for wars, Europeans have been fighting each other for the better part of our history. Should we never talk to each other because of previous conflicts? Regarding anime, if you don't like it, ignore it. I've never seen a watched anime show in my life, it's very possible to live without it. Even if you're a big fan as a white man, it's only a serious problem if you let it become one.

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7945cd  No.158862


To be fair, Trump has since the 90's had that tanning-sallon tan.

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7349ca  No.158868

Its just weebfaggots existing on 4chan and then moving over.

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72075d  No.158917


Astute anon. All those people pictured are actually jews.

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dd8722  No.158985


The discussion of this post was meant to discuss the degeneracy of yellow people, not encourage it. Go polarize a different post, faggot!


I never claimed the west wasn't collapsing under the faggotry of jews. I was trying to analyze a more niche issue that involves white nationalists believing it to be acceptable to look to other degenerate forms of culture to fill their emptiness. This emptiness being their identity stripped of them by kikes.


I agree that there could be benefits. However, staying true to the Third Reich, I think the ultimate goal should be to create a self sufficent ethno state. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is why Hitler expanded the Reich.


There's nothing wrong with the term white supremacist. It's just personal preference that I like white nationalist better. They're essentially the same, but I just get flashbacks of ZOG network (CNN) when I hear that word.

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72075d  No.158987


Bugs are disgusting and deformed. End of story.

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1fec99  No.158990


The Anglosphere is not pro-White.

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1fec99  No.158992


>There's nothing wrong with the term white supremacist. It's just personal preference that I like white nationalist better. They're essentially the same

They aren't essentially the same. Supremacist implies that we want to remain above non-Whites within a shared living space. We don't want these people around us at all in any way shape or form. We don't want their support, we don't want their labor, we don't want their capacity for consumption, we don't want their ideas or inclinations.

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72075d  No.158993


>We don't want these people around us at all in any way shape or form. We don't want their support, we don't want their labor, we don't want their capacity for consumption, we don't want their ideas or inclinations.

No one could have expressed the sentiment of my own heart any better, anon.

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dd8722  No.159009


That's a really good point. I never really thought about that. The dictionary definition does confirm what you're saying.


This is news to me. I don't claim to know everything, but looking at the history of the US, the ZOG infiltration naturally makes it anti-white.

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e16c5b  No.169523


asians tend to avoid sun exposure since its considered a low class trait for peasant who labour in the sun

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31578a  No.169524

I agree japs are disgusting degenerates who's culture never accomplish anything other than making cartoon porn and becoming a glorified U.S. military base

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31578a  No.169525

The people Hitler liked were the Chinese which are superior to japs who are basically Asian Jews

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4ef5ee  No.169780

You're confusing all white nationalists with imageboard lurkers and degenerates, former or current. 4chan was a place for weeaboos to talk about anime and manga and 4chan's culture and humour started with Japanese influence. This carried on for years and even over to other imageboards like 8chan and 8kun.

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4200f7  No.169796

File: 225f07e63bb59ca⋯.png (122.79 KB, 478x936, 239:468, Emperor.PNG)

File: ad974020c81bf37⋯.pdf (1.51 MB, Japan_s_Holy_War_The_Ideol….pdf)



Japanese are equal to jews when it comes to their religious interpretation of foreign politics. They believe they have as much gibs on the world domination as the jews are. Probably the true reason why japanese culture is as popular as jewish Hollywood.

Those people would own you if they could.

But then again so is the germany, we destroyed them for same reason.

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d67073  No.169798


the opposite of what you typed out is true

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25a3cc  No.169869


Asians are convinced to avoid vitamin D. Drop in testosterone/sperm/offspring children which is dependent on sunlight/vitamin D exposure. Wonder why the population is dying out in Japan since they don't have sunlight to make Vit D/testosterone.

Maybe there is another agenda behind the push for people who are 'brown' aka POC to be more 'white' (as if this was possible; NOT since being the Children of God is a DNA thing and not a POC thing).

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25a3cc  No.169871


Even the suggestion is appalling. No one likes the chinese. Also, the only reason Hitler liked the japs is because they have a small percent of Ainu blood in them. Mostly japs are the mongrel offspring of Aryan Whites and chinese rape babies and slaves which just makes them POC to me…or part chinese mongrels; nothing special.

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ab2e44  No.169935


kill yourself retard

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b6b367  No.169973

File: 87e986f9f878052⋯.jpg (40.27 KB, 640x429, 640:429, _.jpg)


The fact that the Japanese unabashedly glorify their own nation and people is one of the draws for atomized white men. Witnessing a strong cultural and ethnic identity resounds in those who have lost such things, even if they don't know why. The other draws are the generally right-leaning attitudes, particularly concerning women, and depictions of genuine beauty, which leftists cannot stand. Yes, there is much degeneracy and perversion as well, but if that were the only draw then men would look no further than the nearest porn site.

>I can't accept putting yellow people on a pedestal and forget my race.

If the anime viewer sees anime as an inspiration to pursue the rebirth of their own ethnic identity and culture, then it's a fine thing. If he instead actually buys into the idea that the Japanese are superior or ought to be supported to the detriment of Aryans, then he would earn the label "weaboo" and be rightly shunned. And, if one wishes to ignore anime to focus on the works of his own heritage, that's a fine thing too. However, even we can sometimes learn things from other cultures, or use their history to gain a greater appreciation of our own.


Even Aryan cultures have had similar ideas (although Hitler did not). The Romans considered themselves to rule the whole world. The stark contrast between these and jews is that Japs and Aryans do not infiltrate other nations in the guise of citizens and take positions of power from within by wickedness, but instead overwhelm by military force and cultural superiority. We can argue over whether these other methods are justifiable or not, but they certainly do not wreak the same level of moral harm as jewish infestation.

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25a3cc  No.169990


Bug are absolutely putrid.

Few things are worse than these insectoids. Also, if they were not just vile, gas lighting manipulators and operatives on a personal level, you would still be putting an end to your genetics by fucking a inhuman POC. Your children will never look or think like you do and your sons will not be attractive to any woman on the planet since asian men (which will be their primary DNA after the destruction of your own delicate and refined recessive DNA) are not attractive to any female. You are cursing your son with the looks of a mongoloid, the brains of a mongoloid (no empathy or higher ideologies). You are basically totally destroying the DNA of the gods by breeding with the insect/retard race.

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26ddc1  No.170013


Guess it's time for you to learn about the Ainu.

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898e33  No.171784


metal af. anymore?

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c01328  No.171978

they allied with AH and invented the waifu

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4a7f8b  No.172045


If you're going to compare skin tones it has to be between people within the same picture. Otherwise the lighting will fuck the whole thing up. Your pic is useless, just look at the the asian guy next to Pence.

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379c28  No.184652

File: 954dd1a2ebb1226⋯.jpg (51.96 KB, 415x415, 1:1, 20201128_104218.jpg)


I have it on good authority that the BO prefers Irish girls and would never touch a waspy chink girl with a 10-foot stick, thank you very much.

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c977bc  No.184655

File: da4186643dc8b60⋯.png (233.97 KB, 441x334, 441:334, hmmmm.PNG)


>It's the japs!

Asians face more legal discrimination in college and job acceptance than whites. Japan is one of the last remaining 1st world ethnostates, and I'm sure that makes zionists seethe. This is a D&C thread.

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e525ab  No.184662




Why are newly uploaded files getting 404'd?

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b398ff  No.184663


>outright lies, as though anyone will ever believe him

Just kill yourself, yid. Who are you fooling?

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2cc77e  No.184714

File: be68cece63d256b⋯.png (1.35 MB, 942x495, 314:165, Screenshot.png)

File: 52d6348f6150461⋯.jpg (77.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3277565_2518234594_King_.jpg)

File: 2857d8d6e0ae03d⋯.png (357.48 KB, 952x542, 476:271, jojgerzekqv.png)


>why do some white nationalists associate with Japanese culture?

This came up, once, years back, and I always liked the reply one anon gave: "Because they remember their alliance and are patiently waiting for us to remember, as well." You can see it in their anime and manga. Germany (especially a certain familiar type of Germany) pops up all the time.

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