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File: 0d433116e7bcdac⋯.png (8.35 KB, 290x174, 5:3, index.png)

f6c8ce  No.158750

Cancel Netflix is trending big time because of insane leftist and their films. Its time to promote Blockbuster streaming service to replace netflix

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889621  No.158753


>replace jewish propaganda with jewish propaganda under a different name

You fundamentally do not comprehend the problems facing the world.

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91042e  No.158754


>be a shill for blockbuster


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fdbdd0  No.158782

File: f3ebdca9ee97005⋯.png (437 KB, 984x664, 123:83, the_movement_you_need.png)


>You fundamentally do not comprehend the problems facing the world.

Step 1. Replace current jewed shit with other jewed shit.

Step 2. ????

Step 3. Better things

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4334e9  No.158806


How about a more traditional and conservative approach- just pirate the shit out of everything.


Nailed it

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b655e9  No.158808

Muh movies!

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add0b2  No.158810

Aight so lemme get this straight. Black folks is dying in America and yall wanna talk about cancelling Netflix? Damn I know yall dont care nothing about no one black but it like you aint even pretending to care.

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4334e9  No.158814

File: 562a60b587e8f8c⋯.png (532.09 KB, 1597x1600, 1597:1600, 1586062685741.png)


Oh holy shit. Honest to god bait! I haven't seen that in so long- it even nailed the vernacular. I can hear the breathing and see the gesticulations. Bravo lad. 10/10

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add0b2  No.158817


Anon… I feel honored to have such esteemed praise bestowed upon me.

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4334e9  No.158826


A job well done always demands praise

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561f5d  No.158835


Like the news, we only report when there's a white guy involved.

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c389cf  No.159045

File: 558de7af01c50ec⋯.jpg (56.27 KB, 643x360, 643:360, blk_ancestor_shame.jpg)


>but it like you aint even pretending to care.

That's some master bait, there.

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33c6b5  No.159062

I've got your replacement for netflix right here pal: https://solarmovie.mom

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90127b  No.159074

Hopefully people begin to recognize how pozzed everything has been the entire time.

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3f3e2d  No.159096


Anon, came here to say this, you nailed it in the third response. Your ancestors are proud.

OP is a faggot, how do you know blockbuster isn't full of jews also?


>I've got your replacement for netflix right here pal: https://solarmovie.mom

Impressive, movie piracy for the completely non technical. Better have a VPN though.

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33c6b5  No.159177


> Better have a VPN though.

If you're on here without a VPN then you've got bigger problems than watching movies without permission.

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