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File: 7af5be3ffb1a5ab⋯.png (438.83 KB, 502x400, 251:200, nigger_dad_1.png)

36e438  No.158714

Is cowardice a common trait among negroid men?

Man Abandons Daughter After Pitbull Got Loose!


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1eb14d  No.158731

How is this not QTDDTOT.

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bb9f4c  No.158744

Yes. Niggers are worthless.

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8428f0  No.158755

If the dog ripped out the uterus, someone needs to make a statue of the dog.

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5c14d5  No.158756

lmao nigga was low key glad he'd have no more alimony n shieeet

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c39efe  No.158763


Couple of things …

1] Can't be his daughter. Nigger fathers don't stick around. Probably step-daddy #17.

2] Strange to see a nigger with a pitbull that has its full tail. Normally they bob the ears and tail.

3] That pit didn't look like it was acting aggressively, just playfully.

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30e43a  No.158778


Pit bulls shouldn’t be pets. Change my mind.

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0d7a40  No.158780

File: 327121525cba073⋯.png (135.59 KB, 332x202, 166:101, ClipboardImage.png)


that pitbull is not a pet its a weapon. they dont have pets like people have pets

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c39efe  No.158781


Pits used to be pets, but every lovable aspect of them was bred out a long time ago.

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7f46df  No.158802


Niggers shouldn't have pets, or any kind of custody over animals, because they aren't human.

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4ce6e0  No.158865


well if you consider that slaves are taken from survivors and village raids it makes sense. those who fought died those who surrendered lived to work.

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9131cb  No.158882


What about legislating a law that allows white people to have niggers as pets?

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e5a49e  No.158888

File: b2f1123b1f59a54⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1000x1454, 500:727, product_of_evolution.png)

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e5a49e  No.158890


What about legislating a law that allows white people to kill niggers or deport them to Africa, you niggerlover?

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9131cb  No.158892


>you niggerlover

calm down nigger, I want to have one as a pet so I can beat it regularly.

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e5a49e  No.158937


If you mistreat your dog, it will bite people or it could kill someone, niggerlover.

Further you need a whole lot of food for humans which raises the food prices and thus reduces the food quality for white people.

It's not acceptable. You just want nigger slaves for your personal comfort, otherwise you'd pay a white man to do it.

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4ce6e0  No.158963


nice quads kummel

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0ae8b3  No.158970


It's typical r-selected behaviour. It's very adaptively helpful if you are evolving in Africa.

sage for QTDDTOT.

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0d7a40  No.158973

File: 4a30e011d41d097⋯.gif (957.69 KB, 500x210, 50:21, don_elon.gif)



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d5899b  No.159036


I've seen some blacks with courage, just like all other races they have significant diversity within their own race.

That being said, this is usually what coal burners, taco queens and common thots will see before being left to deal with desperate circumstances alone. It turns out that it's really easy to learn how to pick up women, but really fucking difficult to deal with dangers and challenges in real life on your own, without your hand being held. Who'da thunk it that women's feels were a really bad barometer after we stopped living in caves 25,000 years ago.

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ea912e  No.159040

File: a16b17672ba36b8⋯.webm (7.35 MB, 854x480, 427:240, blk_daddy_.webm)


>Cowardly Negroid Refuses to Rescue Daughter From Attacking Pitbull

To be fair, he does have 7 other kids.

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ea912e  No.159041

File: 623ecebaa5832b0⋯.jpg (28.29 KB, 304x286, 152:143, manburgundyscotchyscotchsc….jpg)


>you niggerlover?

You've got a bit of a temper, sport.

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