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File: e464f9e43c7bd83⋯.jpeg (19.68 KB, 275x183, 275:183, index.jpeg)

c633e8  No.158335

Is it possible, that the BLM movement is trying to start a state religion based around Black Men that are "Victims of police brutality" They want people to worship them like church icons. From https://blmdeception.wordpress.com/

"George Floyd was molded into a Jesus-like prophet by the left, Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, Eric Gardner, Freddie Gray have been turned into saints by the left. This is the lefts way of establishing a new state religion, centered around people (victims of white bourgeois class oppression) rather God."

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84552f  No.158344

Nope, that would most likely upstage the current state religion dominating all of the developed world. The victimhood totem isn't supposed to ever be fiddled with.

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84552f  No.158346


*totem pole

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58fc5a  No.158364

It's simply part of the black worship religion of the west, the church of negro. Floyd is one of its martyrs.

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5b63ab  No.158375


>trying to start a state religion

The First Amendment prevents that from happening. However, it also allows them to worship whatever crazy thing they want.

>the current state religion

The US doesn't have a state religion. We're not savages.

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c7ea0a  No.158378


>the US does not have a state religion

Really? Cause I could have sworn everyone worshipped circumcised kike dick

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5bac2d  No.158379


I don’t believe that modern kikes mutilate themselves any longer. I think that mutilation is only for the goy slaves.

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5b63ab  No.158380


Maybe some people do. There are people who literally cannot stop talking about cutting baby dicks, so it seems like it's an object of worship. My point was, though, that there's no "state religion" to replace in the US and BLM cannot make a state religion. It simply cannot happen without BLM literally taking over the state through military conquest and abolishing the United States entirely.

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b75782  No.158382

Marxism is not a threat and it does not exist today. How the fuck is blm marxist, anyway? They mention nothing about class and economics.

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fc68c9  No.158389


I think dum dums are throwing around Marx and Marxism a bit too much lately. It will likely have the Streisand effect of demystifying the terminology and leading people yo research Marxism theirselves. They will find in it what appears to them to be a useful solution to today's problems. I think it's silly to allow Liberals to label "Pink Capitalism" as "Cultural Marxism." We've already seen thr term Socialism lose its boogeyman status. Marxism is next along with Anarchism. Hard to believe this isn't some Surkovian 4d social engineering marketed and employed by the right but in reality being a gift to Leftism.

I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing. Our working class could certainly benefit from some pro-labor policy and in the impending financial collapse farmer and industrial co-ops may indeed be a smart way to curtail the impact of what our corporate and executive class have collaborated to cause. I'm no Marxist per say but I'm certainly interested in seeing Neoliberalism be replaced with sometjing more humanitarian and beneficial to societies blue collar producers.

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4f8b8a  No.158395


Feel free to never post here again. No one’s falling for your spam.

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33db3e  No.158397


>How the fuck is blm marxist, anyway? They mention nothing about class and economics.

The cofounder of BLM, Patrisse Cullors, stated that the original BLM organizers were "trained marxists", using her exact words.



This should put to rest any confusion over the ideological nature of BLM. They're a marxist organization.

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fc68c9  No.158423

File: 22ebe5e984a1772⋯.jpg (667.29 KB, 1080x2009, 1080:2009, 20200909_163453.jpg)


She may be the co-founder of the named org. Hardly representative of the entire movement though. I don't see or hear anything about them holding conferences to discuss Marxist theory or even pushing for a Marxist economic or social reform through their demonstration.

That said, even if it were Marxist 100% i don't find Marx's social theory incompatible with religion or even focused on deatroying religion. At the time it was written Russian religion had alot of power and Hieratchy in society. They wanted seperation of church and state which we already have here. If this movement was Marxist you think we would be hearing some mention of cooperative economy being introduced to black neighborhoods to overcome the poverty to crime correlation. Idk. I understand the higher ups may be onto Marxism but that's not abnormal for politic avtivists nor do I personally believe it to be overwhelmingli harmful if they were. Most radfem and idpol elements of Marxism were added. Marxism is strictly class oriented. Idpol is disdained by the majoritt of adherents. They ARE all inclusive. I don't think inclusivity = idpol in the way that "woke capitalism" attempts to profit from identity.

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fc68c9  No.158425

File: ea012898aa6c89a⋯.jpg (452 KB, 1077x1436, 3:4, 20200909_163435.jpg)


P2 I find BLM to be a poor representation of American Marxism. A better example would be the electric and agricultural worker Co-operatives that exist all over the country. Providing 25% of our electricity and a healthy margin of our produce.

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58fc5a  No.158462


It, the movement if we may call it that, may not directly espouse Marxist talking points and ideas; however, their behaviour betrays their nature: they are using the class struggle narrative to justify and rally agitation and attacks against whites (their defacto bourgeoisie class) in an attempt to gain power. Their so called plight is portrayed as a class vs class in which one is being subjugated and abused. BLM is Marxist through and through. Saying they aren't because they don't state that they are is like saying that multiculturalism isn't about economics and the destruction of white countries because the leftists advocating for it are rattling off platitudes about how it's good and about love (because they're lying).

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74ae7a  No.158522


In an army one has different battallions, different cadres; cavalry, artillery, infantry, grenadiers, pioneers, scouts, military police and so on.

So too in a revolution. BLM are the shock troops of the revolution performing functions that require only the lowest level of political gnosis. Higher cadres of intellectuals have their own much more evolved idealism to direct their activities.

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2b8981  No.158561

File: fb9c9747e17c8a0⋯.jpg (172.27 KB, 1080x622, 540:311, 2ujqgy.jpg)



>The intentional flooding of White countries by violent, anti-White hordes is totally organic and not an attack on White people at all.

Why are you gay?

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88bf16  No.158565


>How the fuck is blm marxist

Look up "critical theory" and do some research about the Frankfurt School. You're welcome.

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88bf16  No.158567


>I think dum dums are throwing around Marx and Marxism a bit too much lately

BLM, like Antifa are based on Marxist principles. Like the whole "proletariat being oppressed by capitalist pigs" scenario. Of course, this scenario doesn't exist in reality. Niggers are not oppressed, nor are they even technically "proletariats" since most of them don't work or contribute to society in any way. BLM is a modern version of the Black Panthers, the only difference is that the Black Panthers literally claimed to be communists from the get go.

>I think it's silly to allow Liberals to label "Pink Capitalism" as "Cultural Marxism."

That's literally not even a thing

>Our working class could certainly benefit from some pro-labor policy

That could mean 1000 different things. Are you talking about more low wage workers on H1B visas? Or are you talking about deporting workers who work under the table? Or are you talking about X?

>I'm no Marxist per say but I'm certainly interested in seeing Neoliberalism be replaced with sometjing more humanitarian and beneficial to societies blue collar producers.

You sound like a Marxist. As a matter of fact, you sound like a Richard Spencer Bolshevik type who pretends to be against the left while adopting their policies, much like a Neocon.

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dcb8ad  No.158580


>I can't imagine the assumptions one would have to make to truly believe that Marxism is some sort of anti-white ideology.

It has become thoroughly attached and fused to the anti-white currents of the west.

>For one well over half of the movement is comprosed of whites.

Who are self-hating. They are the opposite of nationalists and even patriots.

>They're there because police violence and authority is something they believe needs to change.

White police who are acting as a strong arm of whiteness that oppresses blacks, according to them.

>There are right Libertarians all the way through to liblefts and everything in between.

Oxymoron. A poor choice of term to differentiate libertarians from the very leftwing libertarians.

> It's an illogical assumption that advocating for equal justice in the black community is an anti-white sentiment.

Equal justice is just a euphemism. The left always couches its ideas in this deceptive language.BLM is about fighting back against whites who oppress blacks because whites are evil racists who kill blacks for no reason.

>It's illogical because B doesnt follow from A. IF they were advocating instead that police start incarcerating more whites or that they begin over policing white neighborhoods also then maybe.

Blablablablablah. Cool story.

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1109ad  No.158585


>Ew. He's a skilled debater but I could care less about his views. I'm a flexitarian.

He is literally exactly like you. You might think you're smart or something but literally everything you are saying is the same shit Richard Spencer and his Nazbol crew are about. Nobody gives a shit, you're gay.

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c2e5a6  No.158623


>To say black people aren't oppressed is braindead

Oh yeah? Show me one example of how blacks are "systemically" oppressed in the US or any western country. Just one.

>They're still suffering a history of economic depression

Why is that? What causes the poverty? Is it the blacks themselves? Yes

>and face harsher sentencing than white people

Are they facing harsher sentencing because they are committing more violent crime? Yes. Also, what about all of these BLM niggers who get a slap on the wrist for committing violent crimes? What about affirmative action programs?

>My statements may sound bizarre to you

They don't sound bizarre at all. You're literally just repeating SJW rhetoric.

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a1591e  No.158653

File: 23cf29a44d4b069⋯.jpg (24.85 KB, 239x300, 239:300, 1591392250894.jpg)

File: da140d6f6cfd4b4⋯.jpg (71.48 KB, 600x479, 600:479, we_have_never_been_the_pro….jpg)

File: 049c080d9a39710⋯.png (120.21 KB, 333x381, 111:127, Screen_Shot_2020_08_08_at_….png)


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a1591e  No.158654

File: 994c7c376cc4cd6⋯.jpeg (420.99 KB, 1279x1281, 1279:1281, inner_city_teacher_1.jpeg)

File: 650987349361b67⋯.png (870.24 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, inner_city_teacher_2.png)

File: 723298b19b28cc8⋯.png (119.67 KB, 1402x904, 701:452, inner_city_teacher_3.png)


>Take meds

Get a load of (((this guy))) projecting his mental illness

Here's your (You)


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fdd3e4  No.158656


I don't blame whites faggot. Im an individualist. Good for them lol. Businesses fail most often due to lack of initial capital.


Oh look. Reddit. I've been a paramedic in a murder capital for 5 years. I understand that black communities certainly need to take initiative and overcome some of these problems. Unfortunately the socioeconomic climate makes this much easier said than done. The thug life is turned to because other options aren't there. What? Fast food? Fuck that. I don't blame em for selling drugs. I would stop at no means to provide for my family either. The problem is the fact that people think its primarily bilogical.

White people commit more crimes against children. Similar drug use rates. More likely to be sexual predators. Should I assume that whites are just biologically sexually violent and pedophilic?

No. That's retarded. I can think critically about situations without resulting to some comfy confirmation bias to make me feel happier about muh "race"

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c633e8  No.158657

File: cefc2800ed462e1⋯.jpg (62.02 KB, 400x640, 5:8, jewsplan.jpg)


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a67d04  No.158666


It's a brand known as cultural marxism. The goal of which is to destabilize a nation and make living conditions so unbearable for the population that they will become more receptive to communism, which will be presented to a solution to the problems that the marxists themselves have introduced. Interesting fact: marxists from the very beginning have been opposed to labor unions because they claim it makes worker's lives too easy and they will never rebel in such conditions. Marxists don't care about the workers, they care about power.

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a67d04  No.158671


>It will likely have the Streisand effect of demystifying the terminology and leading people yo research Marxism theirselves. They will find in it what appears to them to be a useful solution to today's problems

This, but the exact opposite will happen. People will research it and see how retarded it is. That's why we should amplify the message and make sure that everyone knows the dangers of M*rxism. The Russian peasants in 1917 had no clue what they were getting themselves into, and they paid for it.

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b2f0ac  No.158686


>derp not real c*mmunism

Like fucking clockwork. This is one of many reasons why no one trusts marxists. They always lie and never accept responsibility for their failed ideology.

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4f8b8a  No.158709


Next time instead of spamming, please feel free to report the posts. We don’t have to put up with his shit. We really, really do not.

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5b63ab  No.158715















Holy fuckballs …. you got triggered, son.


>delete the post, but not the sperg spam replies to it

/pnd/ moderation, kids

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5b63ab  No.158722


How else are we supposed to interpret it when one guy goes on a non-stop reply rant? I don't know what the deleted post(s) said, but something in there triggered you so hard you blew spaghetti all over the thread.

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5b63ab  No.158726


Ok, but did you need to chimp out like that? Reply once, maybe, but then report, hide, filter.


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4f8b8a  No.158729


You’re right; the page loading bugged out. I thought I had wiped the soyjack posts as well, but it didn’t commit.

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4a3d28  No.158730


>I love white people

You have a weird way of showing it

>I hate anti-intellectual racist whites like you

Accusation and ad hominem

>so weak-minded

Ad hominem.

>you have to visit image boards full of equally brainwashed idiots

Assumptions, accusations, and ad hominem

>and ask them to further brainwash you

Assuming I am somehow brainwashed. What does brainwashed mean to you? A convenient term for someone you disagree with politically.

>All of that to develop an ideology that no sane white person would ever support

Social shaming and appeal to majority fallacy.

>It's sad

Social shaming

>You came and screeched and whined

Sharing an opinion is not screeching and whining

>like you were raised to

Another false assumption. I was raised to treat everyone equally and not be racist, but that was simply illogical in the face of overwhelming evidence of the biological distinction between races.

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4a3d28  No.158732


The only reason school segregation harms blacks is because they don't have smart white kids to bring up their average test scores. They can't help that their race is born with inferior intellectual capabilities, that is how they evolved in nature.

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4a3d28  No.158733


>I'm just able to comorehend that it isn't anti-white.

Affirmative action is anti white because instead of the most qualified (white) candidate, they give the job over to a less qualified nigger. All of this in the name of equity which deprives whites of economic opportunities regardless of how hard they have worked to reach it. You talk a lot about black victomhood but are quick to dismiss it as "whining" when it happens to white people. You can't contain your anti-whiteness.

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4a3d28  No.158734




I'm a simple man, I see soy, I post soyjak.

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5b63ab  No.158739


I understand, but, you can post more than one image per post. Keeps you from having to post one at a time and all that. Efficiency, and all that. What we used to mean by "condense your shit".

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13e901  No.158746


>Like fucking clockwork. This is one of many reasons why no one trusts marxists. They always lie and never accept responsibility for their failed ideology.


<but guises! they're not reading the communist manifesto out aloud six times a day while facing the holy communist village of Trier! It's not real communism!

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c633e8  No.158751

The juice believe their messiah will come in either 1 of 2 scenarios. World peace or world chaos. And it is said, its easier to promote chaos than peace.

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