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File: 8b81153dd35d773⋯.jpg (17.05 KB, 480x360, 4:3, anti.jpg)

6e5bf0  No.158210[Last 50 Posts]

Actually this is from Trump's DHS and it's happening now.

>In three draft reports reviewed by Politico, DHS says the threat posed by white supremacists is more significant than the immediate danger from foreign terrorists.


I'm not aware of any "white Supremacists". If you think American citizens should have some say on immigration policy I guess you;re a "white supremacist".

Way to go all you gun tards and your stupid tough guy rants. I'm outta here. Join me on the left as we fight for diversity and equality in Israel palestine and protest corporate money in elections.

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6e5bf0  No.158211

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is set to label white supremacists as the most serious terror threat facing the United States.

In three draft reports reviewed by Politico, DHS says the threat posed by white supremacists is more significant than the immediate danger from foreign terrorists.

“Foreign terrorist organizations will continue to call for Homeland attacks but probably will remain constrained in their ability to direct such plots over the next year,” all three documents say.

Russia “probably will be the primary covert foreign influence actor and purveyor of disinformation and misinformation in the Homeland,” the documents add.

DHS did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Hill.

Kevin McAleenan, the former acting DHS secretary, ordered the agency last year to start crafting annual homeland threat assessments. The three draft documents use varying language to describe the threat posed by white supremacists, but all of them say they pose the most significant threat, according to Politico."

Not a peep about Israel, good goy.

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c1d4c1  No.158213

File: ac13004fb51faf6⋯.jpg (19.75 KB, 299x562, 299:562, uh_mm_oh.jpg)

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6e5bf0  No.158217

File: c5a2216224ecb91⋯.jpg (211.3 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Kevinmc.jpg)


Who's this Kevin Mcaleenan?

Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan received the National Order of José Matías Delgado award from the government of El Salvador on Monday morning, a thank you for his key role in advocating for Salvadorans in the U.S. under the Temporary Protected Status program.

The big picture: McAleenan, whose last day as acting DHS secretary is Thursday, is married to a Salvadoran native and has sought to blunt the humanitarian impact of some of the Trump administration's hardline immigration policies, even as his department has carried them out.

That's pretty based.

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6e5bf0  No.158219

Chad Wolf

"There's been no one more committed to the DHS mission and the president's agenda than Chad," a senior administration official told Axios.

But some conservative hardliners have pushed back against Wolf, who they don't see as sufficiently committed to Trump's immigration agenda.

"If Wolf’s background as a lobbyist for employers of H-1B workers doesn’t disqualify him, then his time as chief of staff to Kirstjen Nielsen, who utterly failed at the job, should," Rosemary Jenks, the director of government relations at NumbersUSA, an organization that advocates for stricter limits on immigration, told Axios in a statement.

A corporate lobbyist, figures.

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28c646  No.158239

Could this be ever taken far enough that if google labels somebody a white supremacist through their data something will happen to them?

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0df25f  No.158242


This has literally already been happening for fucking DECADES. What do you think search engines even ARE? Really, anon. PayPal was caught (internally) banning all pro-white accounts. Banks and credit card processors openly admit to seizing white nationalists’ account funds regardless of if they do anything at all (no one has or will ever do anything against the ZOG), but rather if they support whites on social media. Pay attention.

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8745b6  No.158252


> Israel leeching billions and billions of USA

> Jew run fed jew run banks financially bankrupting USA

> Antifa and niggers from BLM rioting and burning down cities while the police cucks stand by and watch


Lmao. The west is so fucked.


The system is made in such a way that organizing has become infinitely harder with the web. Normies will never revolt the indoctrination is their coping mechanism which they crave. Waiting for texts on their phones to salivate over.

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31632c  No.158273


I called this years ago. Best way to stop the far right (anyone right of cuckservatism at this point) is to make it illegal to be far right, to classify them as terrorists etc. Once the west starts doing this on a large, serious scale – then it's over. At that point, you'll be risking your life by simply having a political discussion or even a discussion about race and IQ (which is academic in nature).

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c1d4c1  No.158279

File: bd7da622a2c2537⋯.png (748.86 KB, 600x900, 2:3, EhdNP5yU8AAbbJz.png)


>make it illegal to be far right

Imagine being this guy when that happens …

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1f6bc5  No.158296


> Best way to stop the far right (anyone right of cuckservatism at this point) is to make it illegal to be far right, to classify them as terrorists etc.

What about muh freedom of speech?

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05c5e4  No.158307


Imagine being anyone when that happens …

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6e5bf0  No.158320

Well if you're white you better shelf your dream of being a movie star. Here's the new diversity standards they're implementing in order to be considered for best picture.

Pretty much every movie wants a chance to win BP so this will apply to all movies.

For the 96th Oscars (2024), a film must meet TWO out of FOUR of the following standards to be deemed eligible:


To achieve Standard A, the film must meet ONE of the following criteria:

A1. Lead or significant supporting actors

At least one of the lead actors or significant supporting actors is from an underrepresented racial or ethnic group.

• Asian

• Hispanic/Latinx

• Black/African American

• Indigenous/Native American/Alaskan Native

• Middle Eastern/North African

• Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

• Other underrepresented race or ethnicity

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6e5bf0  No.158321

A2. General ensemble cast

At least 30% of all actors in secondary and more minor roles are from at least two of the following underrepresented groups:

• Women

• Racial or ethnic group


• People with cognitive or physical disabilities, or who are deaf or hard of hearing

A3. Main storyline/subject matter

The main storyline(s), theme or narrative of the film is centered on an underrepresented group(s).

• Women

• Racial or ethnic group


• People with cognitive or physical disabilities, or who are deaf or hard of hearing


To achieve Standard B, the film must meet ONE of the criteria below:

B1. Creative leadership and department heads

At least two of the following creative leadership positions and department heads–Casting Director, Cinematographer, Composer, Costume Designer, Director, Editor, Hairstylist, Makeup Artist, Producer, Production Designer, Set Decorator, Sound, VFX Supervisor, Writer–are from the following underrepresented groups:

• Women

• Racial or ethnic group


• People with cognitive or physical disabilities, or who are deaf or hard of hearing

At least one of those positions must belong to the following underrepresented racial or ethnic group:

• Asian

• Hispanic/Latinx

• Black/African American

• Indigenous/Native American/Alaskan Native

• Middle Eastern/North African

• Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

• Other underrepresented race or ethnicity

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6e5bf0  No.158323

B2. Other key roles

At least six other crew/team and technical positions (excluding Production Assistants) are from an underrepresented racial or ethnic group. These positions include but are not limited to First AD, Gaffer, Script Supervisor, etc.

B3. Overall crew composition

At least 30% of the film’s crew is from the following underrepresented groups:

• Women

• Racial or ethnic group


• People with cognitive or physical disabilities, or who are deaf or hard of hearing


To achieve Standard C, the film must meet BOTH criteria below:

C1. Paid apprenticeship and internship opportunities

The film’s distribution or financing company has paid apprenticeships or internships that are from the following underrepresented groups and satisfy the criteria below:

• Women

• Racial or ethnic group


• People with cognitive or physical disabilities, or who are deaf or hard of hearing

The major studios/distributors are required to have substantive, ongoing paid apprenticeships/internships inclusive of underrepresented groups (must also include racial or ethnic groups) in most of the following departments: production/development, physical production, post-production, music, VFX, acquisitions, business affairs, distribution, marketing and publicity.

The mini-major or independent studios/distributors must have a minimum of two apprentices/interns from the above underrepresented groups (at least one from an underrepresented racial or ethnic group) in at least one of the following departments: production/development, physical production, post-production, music, VFX, acquisitions, business affairs, distribution, marketing and publicity.

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6e5bf0  No.158324

C2. Training opportunities and skills development (crew)

The film’s production, distribution and/or financing company offers training and/or work opportunities for below-the-line skill development to people from the following underrepresented groups:

• Women

• Racial or ethnic group


• People with cognitive or physical disabilities, or who are deaf or hard of hearing


To achieve Standard D, the film must meet the criterion below:

D1. Representation in marketing, publicity, and distribution

The studio and/or film company has multiple in-house senior executives from among the following underrepresented groups (must include individuals from underrepresented racial or ethnic groups) on their marketing, publicity, and/or distribution teams.

• Women

• Racial or ethnic group:

• Asian

• Hispanic/Latinx

• Black/African American

• Indigenous/Native American/Alaskan Native

• Middle Eastern/North African

• Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

• Other underrepresented race or ethnicity


• People with cognitive or physical disabilities, or who are deaf or hard of hearing


The movies will have to submit a form and they will verify there's almost no white people any where in the process.

Be ready for every corporation to adopt this policy.

This is the introduction of systemic racism against whites disguised as fighting systemic racism, it doesn't get any more Jewish than this. The Jews have a carve out for themselves obv. Soon any white on TV will be a Jew, watch.

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6e5bf0  No.158333

File: 25fe9190b0b47f2⋯.jpg (152.88 KB, 400x500, 4:5, CharlesHRivkinJew.jpg)

Those requirements are insane, so who's in charge of the motion picture bla bla bla.

Rivkin served as Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs at the U.S. Department of State from 2014 to 2017. Confirmed by the U.S. Senate on February 12, 2014, Rivkin assumed office the following day, and was sworn in publicly by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on April 15, 2014.[2] Rivkin's confirmation marked the first time a U.S. ambassador and former CEO ever led the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs at the U.S. State Department.

Prior to his appointment, Rivkin served for more than four years as the United States Ambassador to France and Monaco where he led America's first and one of its largest diplomatic missions, which has six constituent posts throughout France and represents over 50 U.S. government agencies and sections. In this capacity, Rivkin also served as the U.S. Permanent Observer to the Council of Europe.

Guarantee he implemented anti white policy there too and he's a permanent member over seeing Europe .

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6e5bf0  No.158336

Of Eastern European Jewish heritage,[3] Rivkin is one of four children of Enid Hammerman and William R. Rivkin, who was the United States Ambassador to Luxembourg under President John F. Kennedy and United States Ambassador to Senegal and Gambia under President Lyndon B. Johnson.[4

Holy shit

He's connected to the Hart Cellar immigration players, wow. I can see him coming back in the Biden admin and making sure corporations don't hire whites.

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0df25f  No.158339


It’s literally already illegal.

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6e5bf0  No.158352

File: 30548a99441f3b9⋯.png (585.88 KB, 1687x1070, 1687:1070, CouncilofEurope.PNG)

Council of Europe? What's that

lol you can't make this shit up.

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cedd31  No.158363


Not technically. But it will be soon if things keep going like they are. Imagine SWAT kicking down your door for trying to make white babies with your wife.

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0df25f  No.158369


>not technically

Yes technically. It’s illegal to have a whites-only ANYTHING. It’s illegal to have even a white-PRIMACY anything. Are you blind or something? They don’t need to kick down your door when they’ve already made it too expensive for you to have kids (subsidizing only nonwhite children) and made women too undesirable to get married in the first place.

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6902a2  No.158408


> anyone right of cuckservatism at this point) is to make it illegal to be far right, to classify them as terrorists

That has unfortunately already happened the past 40 years. First kind of mild. Then when agenda 2030 from UN went into full swing and social media cropped up the censorship and targeting of anything disagreeing with those policies went through the roof.

> Once the west starts doing this on a large, serious scale – then it's over.

Basically already happened in a soft sense, just through soft censorship from all the social media and political points. There's no way to reach normies, let alone convince them of your points anymore. It sounds very blackpilled but that's just the reality I see before me.

And no it won't be discussions about race and IQ, that would be the extreme taboo. The next taboo is being anti vax, anti equality / UBI programs, against climate programs, against sustainability programs, against big pharma mandated drugs and so on and on. Key policy points from the UN are already reducing inequality of outcomes, that is the normie cattle must all achieve equal outcomes, get equal vaccines, get equally controlled so everyone can together become new world niggers. Yes that includes the whites, as the agenda that's laid out on the table from current leadership in the west wishes to make everyone a dumb nigger. In fact they LOVE ruling over a large body of mindless, retarded niggers since it ensures they will permanently stay in power. Which is what all sustainable development goals will entail.

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5269d5  No.158552


Javanka got Trump to let niggers out of prison where they belong

Kamala locked the niggers up real good.

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8d7848  No.159962


Hey, if you and your New Jersey fags could send me the name of that Agent who wrote the Report on “Qanon and White Supremacists” that would be great. I think I’m going to file a FOIA on the report, especially since they’re attempting to write House Resolutions using this new written document, ironically the only people the Americans don’t trust anymore is the deep state and they’re in every old establishment.

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2cdea5  No.159994

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8ebfa1  No.160006


>Waiting for texts on their phones to salivate over.

Waiting for new phones to wait for texts on their phones to salivate over. Apple released a new phone today, and already I can hear the zombie hoards raving about it.

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f1b468  No.160072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lets step back and look at the big picture.

Pretty much all corporations and govt are agreeing to stop hiring whites.

At the same time the GOP and maybe even the Dems are looking at eliminating Social Security and Medicare.

Plus if someone's black they're almost guaranteed to get hired.

What this all mean is that they want whites with absolutely nothing, No Social Security, No health care and no job.

At least poor people now can get on SS, but as the poor becomes white they're going to eliminate it..

We have to vote for Biden, it's as simple as that .

Check out this video to see how badly Trump fucked his supporters.

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8d7848  No.160074


You can just choose not to serve PoC if you want. However, I go to some businesses and I don’t see a black person for 3 weeks it seems. More Indians lately, they open shitty pizza restaurants and call it “Taste of New York” wish I cared about pizza enough to run them out of town, their pizza is SHIT.

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8d7848  No.160076


Lollllllll, you from China?????? I admit that Trump hasn’t done a great job managing SOME immigration policies for the Department of Labor, but, he’s way better than Hilary. Jeez, Biden is literally a Chinese puppet.

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a1b549  No.160086


Social Security needs to be killed. Boomers ruined the fucking economy and now they want me to pay for their heart transplants?

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0940ac  No.160095


It's probably impossible to get White conservatives to understand the shot. The upper tier ones obviously understand it and carry a visceral hatred for Whites so deep it can't be be understood casually. Liberal screeching shitters in the street are the JV team and don't even know it.

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0df25f  No.160101


>You can just choose not to serve PoC if you want.

Not according to any enforced law.

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f1b468  No.160116


Oh yea i've finally found some Russian trolls.

Much to my surprise Russia does try to influence our elections. They dominate comment sections most of seen is a bunch of shills ion the comment sections.

It's not obvious they're russian trolls but`I assure i'm replying to one right now.

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d5b1e9  No.160126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is Trump Playing Them or Us?

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d55fd3  No.160129


Wait, "them"? Who could you be talking about…

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2859dd  No.160179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If you think eliminating SS is a good idea you're retarded. You may be in a career where you think SS is bad but I guarantee your job and many other like it are indirectly funded by SS.

Just imagine being so retarded that you want to eliminate the one thing that transfers money from the rich to the poor.

Everything trump does helps China, latest news is the US at risk of the dollar losing reserve status. That would be so devastating that you can't possibly imagine destruction to everyday people.

That leaked convo between Trump and Woodward was shocking.

He knew EXACTLY what was happening the whole time. But he lies so well. Xi told him everything and he still helped spread it.

The most important two minutes of Yuri Bezmenov's hours of speeches. Don't ever forget this. That's a perfect description of trump.

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8d7848  No.160180


I think you’re a ChinesE


Again, you’re not aware of how Private Business functions in USA, I can choose to serve you or not. It’s my establishment, my property, my food, I don’t even have to explain why I don’t wanna serve you. I can just say sorry I’m not serving you. Jesus you people are morons. However, actively denying someone a service for their cash is anti-capitalistic -and is fucking stupid. I love this website, but I hate how you Uneducated schills post things that are not founded in any basis or foundation of reality, implying that you lack experience and probably should go learn how to manage your life better. Cheers

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8d7848  No.160181


Actively supporting SS, using Yuri a propaganda AGENT, as the defending point seems like a backwards argument. There’s plenty of good guys you could post. Not to mention it’s almost 30 years old. You’re just trying to Push USA and Russia apart so Jinping can ally with Russia and not fail completely in his attempted annexation of Taiwan while acting tough to India. It’s not going to happen. FUCK your one kingdom under Heaven Mandate. Fuck you.

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2859dd  No.160182


Cheers? No Americans use that term. Go tell your handlers to get their shit straight. Cheers is for subversives dispatched to Britain.


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988f5e  No.160183

File: 09347ded6d590f1⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 3000x1996, 750:499, 1595832771640.jpg)

"Our patience has its limits."

- Joseph Goebbels, Berlin 1933

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2859dd  No.160190

File: 8a2a3c43f9b8fb4⋯.png (742.69 KB, 1395x830, 279:166, Heykidwanna_.PNG)


Is that a veiled threat to the media? I'd perma ban your ass for that. It seems like i've seen that before hmmmmmm.

These Nazi retards are too much lol.

Biden/ Kamala 2020 just to save social security..

It seems we are on a path towards strict hate speech laws. that's ok, only then can we unify and focus on getting corporate money out of politics.

Learn to thrive in a diverse society, that's the game you have to play to win and ffs don't do anything stupid.

Take care gentlemen

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55aa61  No.160196

File: 27c1e0259bb2645⋯.jpg (200.49 KB, 866x1390, 433:695, an_older_man_with_downs_sy….jpg)


>B1. Creative leadership and department heads

>At least two of the following creative leadership positions and department heads–Casting Director, Cinematographer, Composer, Costume Designer, Director, Editor, Hairstylist, Makeup Artist, Producer, Production Designer, Set Decorator, Sound, VFX Supervisor, Writer

> People with cognitive or physical disabilities, or who are deaf or hard of hearing

Wew, imagine him being your Cinematographer or Casting Director

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0df25f  No.160202


>oy vey goyim communism is good

Kill yourself.


>you’re not aware of how private business functions in USA

Said the incomprehensibly retarded faggot who thinks he can deny service based on race.

>you’re a shill because I said something demonstrably false and blathered on about things I couldn’t in a lifetime comprehend

Fun fact: it is illegal in the US to deny service based on race, and you WILL go to jail for it. You know nothing whatsoever, foreigner. Sit down and shut up.


You’re brain damaged. Kill yourself.

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0940ac  No.160203

File: ed9bbee2b781433⋯.jpg (177.24 KB, 907x1360, 907:1360, imperialism_jahobson.jpg)


The Republican party is the most anti-White force in world history. It really speaks to the incredible depths of the average conservative's idiocy that they can't see through it.

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2859dd  No.160229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You know those songs that are so good you like it the very first time you heard it, sound advice too

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1f6bc5  No.160270

Zion Don or BLM Joe.

Take your pick! America is fucked.

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c1d4c1  No.160285


It's a tough call, really. It depends on how fast you want to see the US burn. With Don the Con it's a slow burn but with Sleepy Joe it will be a conflagration. Then again, everyone on old /pol/ was begging every day for "the happening", but now that it's happening, they're all screaming "fix it! fix it! fix it!"

I want the happening. I want it to burn, burn fast, and, if I survive it, live in its ashes.

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55aa61  No.160325


there's no fix it option, the whole system is rotten to the core. This country is headed towards South America political, financially and demographically speaking.

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c17a48  No.160327

File: 0bf75acc63f91d7⋯.mp4 (15.45 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 20190910_What_George_Orwel….mp4)

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049916  No.160329


Biden it is then!

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c17a48  No.160361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Twitter bans you if you post this video.

He seems to particularly like single digit aged girls, 18 is too old for him.


-Taking photo with 18 year old girl and little girl

-Grabs little girl tits -he just can't help it-, she doesn't like…

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c1d4c1  No.160370


And Trump is on tape stating quite clearly that he bought the Miss Teen USA pageant so he could hang out in underage girls dressing rooms.

Pedo A or Pedo B. Take your pick.

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25d92b  No.160374

File: 8ea27030b32598a⋯.jpg (32.96 KB, 480x481, 480:481, loool_peds.jpg)

File: 63efdceb88fef8d⋯.png (788.05 KB, 1200x629, 1200:629, gropey_grope_grope.png)

File: 92f8360e4350081⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 4188.png)


>hurrr don't vote biden cuz he's a pedooooooo

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2fe75e  No.160985

File: 8b315b00c7ec580⋯.png (545.17 KB, 720x592, 45:37, US_ISLAM.png)

File: 0f46b110a129fb7⋯.png (2.24 MB, 3912x1848, 163:77, USISLAM_HANEY.png)

File: 104f66120a5b6cf⋯.png (66.08 KB, 1272x323, 1272:323, Anglos_Oil.png)

File: d537d23728ef602⋯.png (142.38 KB, 1285x446, 1285:446, HILAIRE_BELLOC_ISLAM.png)

File: e9c732e32c43eae⋯.jpg (23.73 KB, 260x427, 260:427, DUNE.jpg)



>Not a peep about Israel, good goy.


Kek, This is all Islamists.

>Enemies Within Series: Philip Haney - National Security Meltdown - Islamic Saturation in U.S. Govt


>Homeland Security report calls for rejecting terms 'jihad,' 'sharia'

>A new Department of Homeland Security report urges rejecting use of Islamic terms such as “jihad” and “sharia” in programs aimed at countering terrorist radicalization among American youth.

>The Homeland Security Advisory Council report recommends that the department focus on American milliennials by allocating up to $100 million in new funding. It also urges greater private sector cooperation, including with Muslim communities, to counter what is described as a “new generation of threats to the Homeland related to the threat of violent extremism.”





>One such organisation (which has even enjoyed Guardian promotion) is Avaaz, formed in 2007, which claims to have a worldwide membership of over 10 million.

>Its fellows include Ricken Patel (currently the Director of Avaaz and formerly an employee of the International Crisis Group of which Soros is a trustee), Tom Perriello (founder of the Catholic Alliance for the Common Good, also funded by Soros) and British diplomat Tom Pravda. Res Publica’s advisory board includes Anthony Barnett (editor of Open Democracy), UK parliamentarian and patron of the UK branch of ICHAD Clare Short, Eli Pariser (of MoveOn), Zainab Bangura (formerly a board member of the Open Society Institute) and John Podesta (founder of the also Soros funded ‘Center for American Progress’).

The Globalists and the Islamists:


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2fe75e  No.160996

File: 1128c3561109681⋯.png (759.81 KB, 1776x2164, 444:541, Ex_Glowie.png)

File: 6cf0afd78fdeb50⋯.png (32.89 KB, 1193x637, 1193:637, D49BFBFF1E09D7AAD297FAFFFD….png)

File: b9351902483a14b⋯.png (511.92 KB, 770x2560, 77:256, 1579583678698.png)

File: e7af47432a318ac⋯.png (361.57 KB, 860x1462, 10:17, 1579583725514.png)

File: 94abbfb5d6cee22⋯.png (117.31 KB, 988x410, 494:205, 1579583344671.png)

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2fe75e  No.161012

File: f3fda39cccd6e5f⋯.png (3.88 MB, 1107x6767, 1107:6767, belfer.png)

File: 25051e9804dafb7⋯.png (127.52 KB, 863x613, 863:613, 1579583236482.png)

File: e377333d19c8fb4⋯.jpg (605.4 KB, 968x1868, 242:467, 1579583326155.jpg)

File: 250f25c82a59d08⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1170x4700, 117:470, 1579583599421.png)

File: c308f858e6f7c92⋯.png (2.06 MB, 921x5002, 921:5002, 1579583914545.png)

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0df25f  No.161054




Just want to pop in and let folks know that while these posts were reported (people, please do actually report things; how’re we supposed to see rule violations otherwise), and while I am in complete agreement that they’re obviously pro-jewish shilling and objectively false, they’re allowed to remain up. Sorry.

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1c5d22  No.161063

File: 0ca2560fc1af157⋯.png (171.02 KB, 370x312, 185:156, q893ur03w0_ie039q.png)


>white nationalist groups are honey pots

If you join one of these openly vocal groups and expect them to not be compromised by Feds, you're an idiot and deserve everything you get. Organize quietly, and don't speak of your plans online. This is just more blustering to shut the niggers and kikes up.

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2859dd  No.161137

File: 428e8eabe1347fb⋯.png (138.69 KB, 1751x1077, 1751:1077, BidenBills.PNG)


How can Biden be a pedo when every page of the bills he sponsored has something about protecting children.

You look thru Biden's bills and you'll see a disturbing picture start to form.


Republicans do that for their private prison donors. Biden does it because he's an authoritarian control freak/hypocrite.

Think Stalin, one time Biden even bragged "we'll lock you up for Jay walking." Kamala's just as bad and neither were actually elected by the voters. They robbed bernie plain as day.

Remember, there's a powerful mandate to go easy on blacks. So who will they be locking up to feed their authoritarian desires?

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0df25f  No.161143


>how can a child rapist be a child rapist when he supports child trafficking organizations

Gee, I wonder.

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c4e0a4  No.161144

File: 9d7d6b8839a4a50⋯.png (455.74 KB, 834x5758, 417:2879, Stalin_s_1937_Counter_Revo….png)


>Think Stalin

Why Stalin?

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d114dc  No.161167


>we are on a path towards strict hate speech laws. that's ok, only then can we unify and focus on getting corporate money out of politics.

Oh sweaty, then you saying that will be next "hate speech", because you will have served your purpose backing these types laws to "get rid of the Nazis". Remember how everyone always harps on how the German people gave Hitler the power with their vote to do what he did? Look in the mirror.

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1cdbac  No.161179


One could also organize through the use of cryptography using PGP and public forums and such. One anon exchanges pubkeys with three other anons and every anon forms a node in a communication network. Every anon maintains a partial directory pertaining to which of their three contacts has closest access to a resource of interest. That way if somebody in the network needs a resource or to contact a person living in a particular region, they ask one of their contacts and that contact sends the request down the network without the originator of the request ever knowing how far it went or to whom.

PGP can in theory be cracked but it is very expensive and time consuming for supercomputers to crack even one key, and every anon has their own key, and by limiting their network access to only three contacts, only a max of four people (the anon and their contacts) can be burned every time a code is compromised

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2fe75e  No.161524


Reported for what?

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c4e0a4  No.161527


For being a kike shill, kike.

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2fe75e  No.161531

File: 34fb8186f385ae7⋯.jpg (277.93 KB, 1063x956, 1063:956, 1521846515013.jpg)

File: f61702016f22151⋯.jpg (86.91 KB, 1024x711, 1024:711, 1526016480317.jpg)

File: cc8cdd930763778⋯.jpg (354.42 KB, 1028x1212, 257:303, 1526029142174.jpg)

File: eea455e670c5423⋯.jpg (540.75 KB, 1035x1790, 207:358, 1526066228379.jpg)


>post sources, facts about Islamic infiltration, Prove links with Soros and Globalists

>No,no YOU are the shill.

Oy vey.

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049916  No.161558


Would this work? Anyone wanna try that out?

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988f5e  No.161578

File: f21f17e7c47b35c⋯.png (601.74 KB, 1111x2058, 1111:2058, libertariangop.png)


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2859dd  No.161667

File: 30a6ad5c7cc1e1d⋯.png (654.4 KB, 1593x782, 1593:782, Snakes.PNG)

Ok we can now officially declare that BLM is a Jewish subversive movement meant to destroy both blacks and whites.


An observant black man reads BLM's mission statement and it becomes clear the merchant is behind this..


WebM it, how fuckin evil of the jews to make BLM's mission statement a policy that will destroy black lives. Haha they just can't help themselves.

You may be asking, what Jews? Fr the Jewish Women's Archive. They call them a power couple, i think a better description is a black puppet and a Jewish puppeteer.


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a1b549  No.161671


The libertarian party is a joke. Doesnt stand for freedom at all. Just wants more of the same under a different name. Only LP members I would call real libertarians are Ron Paul and John McAfee

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