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c883bc  No.158027

I think I first understood that the West was basically doomed when I saw the alt-right pushing, as the most "subversive" so-called critique of modernity, the German philosopher Heidegger (his student, Hans Jonas, a Jew, has shown how he resurrects a sort of Gnostic nihilism.)

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c883bc  No.158033


The submission of the West to the Jews is probably the best indication of its decay …but then the last "defenders of the West" are often homosexuals (Pim Fortyun in the Netherlands, Douglas Murray/Milo from the UK, etc) and the values mobilized are from liberalism (democratism, feminism, …) it makes sense : if you submit to the Jews you can *only* have homosexuals trying to "save the West" with liberalism.

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59b412  No.158349


Yep, getting rid of controlled opposition should be a breath of fresh air.

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