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File: 21847fe5cf66608⋯.gif (9.42 KB, 94x90, 47:45, lol.gif)

b17844  No.157933

Hi /pnd/,

I have the autodialer that democrats are using to promote Biden and Harris.

In other words, a software that gives you numbers to call.

In other words, you can call those people and promote Trump instead.

Or say triggering things.

Anyways, here are the links:



https://www.openvpb.com/vpb_bycode/2A5354M-986128 https://www.openvpb.com/vpb_bycode/612254G-145497

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b17844  No.157934

Meme War II

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9c6ccd  No.157943


>support jew party A over jew party B, goyim!


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0fccff  No.157971


This is a great opportunity to red pill normies

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9c6ccd  No.157973


In what fucking capacity? And to what end? You realize they will literally never wake up, right? It’s fucking meaningless. When has it ever worked before now? There’s no peaceful solution to this.

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78c4e1  No.157974


Anon, you're such a prude

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861276  No.157975


Good shit OP, when I get my hands on a burner phone this'll be fun

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9980be  No.157977


It's better than doing nothing, if you repeat it enough they might look into it.

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9a1209  No.157978


It's at least a great opportunity to have fun if nothing else. If you dont want to try redpilling people you can at least have fun with them. Prank calls are still a thing, right?

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78c4e1  No.157979


He's the one FBI agent assigned to this website, just ignore.

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9c6ccd  No.157984


Not an argument.


>you have to do what jews want

>otherwise you can’t do anything

Best you can do, huh.


>lol it’s fun to watch white genocide happen


>you’re a fed because you explicitly reject the jewish narrative

Why not just kill yourself, coward?

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78c4e1  No.157987


<never do anything it's what they want


You ever think your "massive" IQ is a hinderance to your cause?

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9c6ccd  No.157990


>absolute strawman

>the exact opposite of what anyone said

Is this what you folks call chutzpah? It’s what we call spam.

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ecdb8b  No.157992

If one cared to be an epic oldfag you'd be able to phreak these resources into something interesting.

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3f9b0c  No.157993


Has some fun potential, but I'm not a big fan of having to create an account. But, I suppose someone could create a throw away email and buy an anonymous burner phone and do some fun stuff.

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1f8401  No.158517

File: 2f5d13ce44a7eaf⋯.mp4 (693.25 KB, 640x640, 1:1, biden_N.mp4)


>In other words, you can call those people and promote Trump instead.

Those things piss off undecideds. What you want to do is aggressively promote the Dems in such a way that normal people are appalled and vote der Trumpenfuhrer.


>"Helo! This is Joe Biden and my running mate…uh…"

>"'Kamala Harris!'"

>"That's right, Pamala Herrod! And we want you to know that we'll be lowering the age of consent to 8-years-old!"

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645b3f  No.158525


shut the fuck up you do-nothing, no fun, grumpy niggerfaggot. fuck you right in your ass.

>this would be funny lol

>remember doing things that piss people off and are funny?

>no! lets just grumble about how bad things are and be miserable!

why are you even here? fuck off.

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9c6ccd  No.158640


>lol white genocide is so funny

>never do anything that actually matters

>just have fun ha ha lol salt salt salt salt salt salt salt salt salt salt salt salt salt salt salt salt salt salt salt salt salt

>also accept the jewish worldview as legitimate


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