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608b0a  No.157757

Joe is in lockstep with the Chinese.

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4333df  No.157761


So is every American. Get over it.

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c381ac  No.157769


This isn’t even remotely a thread. No one here gives a fuck about your jewish false dichotomy. No one here will ever fall for your jewish hoaxes. It’s the jews. Not China. China is meaningless.

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fe54fa  No.157777


they do admire the jews. what if ccp figured out how to make jewish tricks cheaper? that would be a rickety pickle

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96d415  No.157787

The "pivot to Asia" strategy happened under the Obama administration. The uniparty is still a thing. Biden is NOT pro-Chinese and neither is the American establishment. Is he more amenable to being bribed? Yes. But the die is cast as far as America vs. China and every level of the military-industrial complex wants you focusing on chinks instead of niggers and jews.

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4333df  No.157789


Suddenly I just imagined getting a box of "Jewish Tricks" from Amazon and seeing "Made in China" on the label. It made me laugh.

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fa3913  No.157790


Good lord … do you children really believe this began with Obama? I've been seeing "cheap asian garbage" jokes on TV since the 70s and you idiot kids think it started NOW? No wonder we're lost. You fucking zoomers are idiots.

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7e60fe  No.157791

Remember, before the Neo-Cohens started targeting China openly, when the Saudis were the big kosher conservative bogeyman?

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4333df  No.157793


It'll change in a couple of weeks. A new boogeyman will show up and it'll be all the rage with the twitter crowd.

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c381ac  No.157795

File: c7846cd8a7f26d3⋯.png (118.58 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, scr.png)



They’re already starting to push Russia again. And everyone is going to fall for it. It’s literally that simple. You’ve seen the articles where they admit Trump will win on election night and they’re simply going to steal it in the subsequent weeks with mail-in voting. And you’ve seen the articles where even former CIA officials are saying there will be literal civil war and secession by democrat states. Everyone is just going to accept this.

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4333df  No.157801


Meh … the Presidential election is "stolen" every 4 years. Someone's always butthurt. I don't care anymore. My local city council and school board have way more effect on my life. The temporary steward in the oval office is basically meaningless.

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d6532a  No.157813


Interestingly, The Gateway Pundit is trying to blame Russia for the "anti-Semitic infiltration" of the Q LARP, which I guess is just actual /pol/acks trying to redpill retarded boomers.

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96d415  No.157818

File: ea5e170e980e236⋯.png (45.63 KB, 905x310, 181:62, nationalinterestexcerpt.png)

File: e4b8965dc023412⋯.png (1.15 MB, 675x7706, 675:7706, International_Finance_s_An….png)

File: 9b98df4d837b977⋯.png (151.37 KB, 655x2200, 131:440, mefobillsunzamericavschina.png)

File: a8088e7afafe364⋯.png (58.85 KB, 670x893, 670:893, mefobillsunzcapitaloverlab….png)


I'm referring to the formalization of the shift in strategy. There was a decades-long project to subsume China into the liberal world order that is now being recognized by the military-industrial complex as a total failure in a formal, publicly acknowledged sense. In order to save the liberal world order which all Good, White men should oppose they want to create a unified niggerjew cultural superstructure over the Anglosphere to wage war against the EU, Russia, and China. This direction isn't changing no matter who is in office. The only choice is to destroy the country with revolutionary White nationalism.

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e7bf81  No.158340

"Biden didagrees with the neo-cons!"


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