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File: 2d73ba9cdaafb3c⋯.jpg (65.01 KB, 607x367, 607:367, boogaloo_1.jpg)

a471cf  No.157472

>"Also allegedly plotted to assassinate US senators and white supremacists"



Wait a minute…

A couple weeks ago the jew media was telling us that "Boogaloo Boys" were white supremacist right-wingers.

Now the Boogaloo Boys want to kill white supremacists and march in solidarity with BLM supporters at protests?

The jew media can't seem to get its story straight.

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60c2fb  No.157480


>assassinate white supremacists

Yep, but they got caught before they could ….

>claim to be Antifa in the aftermath

This is the part you and your "source" conveniently leave out.

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04d731  No.157484


I'm glad to see someone finally admitting that Daily Mail is jew media. Now, stop using it as a source.

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2e6768  No.157525

>The two men discussed their plan to raid the headquarters of a white supremacist organization in North Carolina, stating 'if we can, make it so twenty, forty of them can't go home … it's a win-win,' the indictment states.

Anyone know who that was meant to be? Probably something retarded like the Klan in which case no wonder the FBI stepped in to save them.

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2a9597  No.157549


>Probably something retarded like the Klan in which case no wonder the FBI stepped in to save them.

>white supremacist organization in North Carolina

That's a synonym for an FBI field station.

The only Klan members around are FBI pretending to be racist.

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0ab9a4  No.157564


20-40 is the total number of white supremacists in the whole of North Carolina, anyway.

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cb14fa  No.157581


Literal antifa jew glow fags. Mention of killing "White Supremacist" but no specific target beyond "White Supremacist HQ". Sounds like they were going to just shoot a patriot prayer group who aren't even White and neo-cons, this certain retardation unique only to far leftards of calling normies "White Supremacist" and the mention of a HQ. They also look like antifa , a fat neckbeard posing for fentanyl floyd and a faggot with pink earrings. Also the faggot just bleached his hair to look more "right wing". So jews are doing open false flags now beyond the riots.

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087355  No.157584


How dumb could these lolbergs possibly be? Why would Hamas want to target "White supremacists"?

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2a9597  No.157593


In the whole of USA maybe.

I've met dozens of people who have been labeled nazis, fascists, and white supremacists. None of them actually believe white people are somehow supreme.

The closest is people who think races should live separately.

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0ab9a4  No.157594


Oy vey, though, goyim, the DHS says that white nationalists are the biggest terror threat on Earth!


Good thing Donald “My entire family is jewish” Trump is on the case to stop these evil whites!

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2a9597  No.157603


>Good thing Donald “My entire family is jewish” Trump is on the case to stop these evil whites!

Again, you aren't a real ethno nationalist, that sounds like something a COINTELPRO plant says.

Having one son in law who is a jew is meaningless. Trumps grandchildren are not jews, since judaism is transferred through females.

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b2cb6a  No.157605

File: 744e5956c2e867b⋯.jpg (343.75 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, jewish_golem_child.jpg)


>Trumps grandchildren are not jews, since judaism is transferred through females


Nice try, kike. If a 100% kike male breeds with a 100% white female, the kid will be ethnically jewish.

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0ab9a4  No.157609


>oy vey goyim you’re not an ethnonationalist because you don’t support a literal jewish shill whose entire life has been in service to jews


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1103c9  No.157632


Let's get those numbers up boi. We need more white nats to swell our ranks on the ground.

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850c1c  No.157644


>Nice try, kike. If a 100% kike male breeds with a 100% white female, the kid will be ethnically jewish.

Not to jews, but to us, yes they are.

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2a9597  No.157685


He isn't 100% kike though lol….

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c86f57  No.157687


>judaism is transferred through females

Judaism is a religion. Anyone can convert to Judaism and they become Jewish. The maternal law is an Israeli law for determining if someone has the "right of return". If your father is a Jew and your mother is not, then you have to go through a conversion ceremony before you get full Israeli citizenship, but you're still considered Jewish by Israel.

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0ab9a4  No.157691


Judaism is a race. You’re not considered a real jew unless you’re genetically jewish. Trump’s family is.

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2a9597  No.157692


Your penis is a jew.


It has nothing to do with the right of return, it dates back to a King Solomons wife who cucked him and he still had to sit there and take it.

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9c7034  No.157703


Good goy. Never know thy enemy. Your ignorance makes you useful.


Conversion predates Solomon. Read Ruth.

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b2cb6a  No.157706

File: c2a6a6ef8c61bbc⋯.jpg (239.4 KB, 529x251, 529:251, 6930506.jpg)


It was an exaggerated example, you fucking retard. Ivanka's kids will be ethnically jewish because she allowed her womb to be polluted by Kushner's pedokike sperm.


>Judaism is a race.

Judaism is a religion that anyone can join. Ethnic Jews (who practice judaism or not) are a fucking race. Why is this so hard for you faggots to understand?

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0ab9a4  No.157707



>two totally different people

>definitely not the same person

>both saying things only shills say

>actually thinks we’ll fall for it





Seems odd that you’d put so much effort into attacking a dead website with proven lies.

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a471cf  No.157708


>Judaism is a race.

More accurately, they're a highly inbred ethnic group plagued with mental illness and other disorders due to inbreeding.

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8ab02f  No.157716


>uses Israeli sources as though Jews never lie

It's like you're not even trying.

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135b2c  No.157798


>"White supremacists"

<Translation: Anyone right of center.

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2a9597  No.157810


Why are you talking about conversion?

Jews are matrilineal.

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f73603  No.157814

File: 8bda2a6a452a2b8⋯.jpg (250.08 KB, 672x382, 336:191, Eduard_Gans_Baptisim_nor_e….jpg)


Jews are a race not a religion. The one drop rule might be a little excessive, but the Nuremberg Laws were a mistake.

Take Tim Wise for example. He's as anti-White as a kike could possibly be, yet he's only 1/8 yid, on his paternal side, which would make him a gentile in the eyes of someone as misguided (or semitic) as yourself.

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0ab9a4  No.157819






Just fucking kill yourself. You’re fooling no one.

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fbc8f4  No.157822

File: b4bd76b7af42ff1⋯.jpg (75.11 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 785478ikk98579.jpg)


Does being really fat give you a sense you need to violently change thing to some progressive landscape? All fat fuckers who speed talk are really pushy neo-marxists.

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714808  No.157869


considering there are more FBI informers in the nearly non-existent KKK than there are White Men Native Born, wouldnt it be strategically wise to encourage Antifa thugs to impersonate Boogaloo Boys and go after the KKK? no wonder FBI pounced–they werent protecting KKK, the FBI was protecting its moles and false flag provocateurs.

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0ab9a4  No.157879



There have never been real “niggerjew boys” because the entire premise was a jewish hoax to begin with. Why do you think cuckchan slurped its cock the second the paid jewish shills posted the buzzwords there for the first time? And why do you think we (and Voat, interestingly) immediately rejected it? It’s all bullshit. They’ve created a psy-op, it instantly didn’t stick, and now they’re forced to retool it as one of their own paramilitary forces to recoup the cost of the think tank and advertising campaign.

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2a9597  No.158513


Please don't presume to understand jack shit about /k/.

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86b2b9  No.158536


>being half jew isn't being part jew


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6d446c  No.158589

Imagine being so blue pilled that you gave yourself aids.

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0ab9a4  No.158611


No one on /k/ fell for the jewish hoax, either.

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