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File: a7dcc8d45bd6c7f⋯.png (412.96 KB, 517x408, 517:408, Trumpy_Trump.png)

d4e5e1  No.157370

In this particular case, Trump allegedly made a disparaging comment in referrence to a WWI cemetary, saying the men who died there were suckers & losers.

He's correct.

Woodrow Wilson lied us into WWI at the behest of Jews and British royal fags who didn't want economic competition from a rising Germany.

Our soldiers were just cannon fodder for blue bloods and jews.



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f8af3f  No.157373


Not really trying to defend Trump but who were these "four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day". A group of kikes? They don't even tell who the people are. It's like the Jew York Times publishing an article starting off with "anonymous sources say…".

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a977ac  No.157374


1. Quote didn’t happen. Blow your fucking brains out for repeating jewish propaganda.

2. Quote is wrong. Blow your fucking brains out for totally missing the point.

3. No one here defends or cares about either aspect of the jewish false dichotomy of political parties or voting.

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12e0e7  No.157392


>the atlantic

sage this shit

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e8f1cf  No.157400

File: 6240d708db1b516⋯.jpg (95.93 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 1599271680806.jpg)

total fucking DNC talking point horse shit.

Fuck off and die OP.

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64477a  No.157447

Why are there so many Trumpcucks still here? He's another traitor and puppet of the real leaders.

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1a150c  No.157450


Well, in America's case, they are.

I've been speaking to MAGApedes, trying to find out why they avoid the JQ, and I believe the reason is WW2, the sunk cost fallacy.

America will fall because they can't admit they were taken for a ride on WW2.

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e21e9c  No.157454

File: 2e5a34eea9ec01e⋯.png (100.97 KB, 1500x614, 750:307, american_politics.png)

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966a53  No.157455

All collectivists must die.

How to spot a collectivist ?

Only a collectivist wants to live under any regime.

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a977ac  No.157459


>oy vey goyim collectivism doesn’t exist



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d4e5e1  No.157469


>1. Quote didn’t happen. Blow your fucking brains out for repeating jewish propaganda.

Not so fast.

Trump has said some pretty stupid off the wall shit over the past 5 years. The guy has no self-restraint when it comes to speaking his mind.

>2. Quote is wrong. Blow your fucking brains out for totally missing the point.

The guys who were cannon fodder in WWI unfortunately were suckers. They were sucked into the jewish propaganda machine that brainwashed them to hate the "Huns" and to charge machine gun nests in mass, leading to their deaths. Millions of dead goyim.

>3. No one here defends or cares about either aspect of the jewish false dichotomy of political parties or voting.

Fair enough.

Jews control both sides, we already know that.

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25d348  No.157470

Saged for obvious bait

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34c8b3  No.157907

If a quote from an "anonymous source" like this can take over a news cycle, what's keeping some people from spreading an "anonymous source" saying Biden called some black guy a nigger?

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d4e5e1  No.157908


>If a quote from an "anonymous source" like this can take over a news cycle, what's keeping some people from spreading an "anonymous source" saying Biden called some black guy a nigger?

I encourage conservative news outlets to make up fake stories with anonymous sources. Most of the news is already fake anyways, might as well use it to destroy leftwing marxists.

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d4e5aa  No.157918

BASED ZOG Emperor calling out green nigger scum.

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e8f1cf  No.158037

File: 04b90ace44d5f24⋯.png (98.36 KB, 1210x702, 605:351, 1599547066841.png)

File: 0e5dfa73e5c43a2⋯.png (599.07 KB, 1230x948, 205:158, 1599546698742.png)

File: 9394cc1dc92dd1b⋯.png (338.98 KB, 633x727, 633:727, 1599545213571.png)

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d687c0  No.158136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jeffry Goldberg served in the IDF, see what he did.

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997b04  No.158142




>I don’t believe anonymous sources


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7ad9b8  No.158145



I was wondering why she suddenly started ordering baby meat from Amazon instead of going to the local Whole Foods.

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c15347  No.159712


this never happened, you are either

>a) fool

>b) communist spreading disinformation

>c) jewish triumvirate

that's if you hold this narrative to be anywhere close to truth or spread it as such. the only thing you need to do to understand how untruthful this particular narrative is, is to look at the Trump stances and the possitive actions on/with military and the things he is doing for the men in uniform and the things he had already done. as soon as you do that the narrative collapses on its own

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c119ae  No.159713


And every time news breaks about a leftist they scream “unfounded! unfounded!” It’s amazing how many idiots eat this shit up. The Atlantic is marketed at a certain kind of idiot.

>But I hope our jewwannabe president did say “shithole.”

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7ad9b8  No.159714


>the things he is doing for the men in uniform

Like what?

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2ffee8  No.159715


What he does for the living is no indication of how he feels about the dead. Most of what he and his flunkies claim he's done is actually Congress's doing (thank you Pelosi) and he just signed the form that fell on his desk. Being a rubber stamp for Congress isn't an accomplishment. He's also publicly - with video evidence to prove it - disparaged MIA/POW soldiers, so why wouldn't he disparage KIA soldiers?

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck …

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a977ac  No.159718


Great job bumping a spam thread.

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1a581c  No.159785

trump is right. no one goes into the military anymore for honorable reasons. back in the day, regular workers would join the military to defend their homeland and their people. now, they do it for a paycheck. the military is ultra pozzed too. absolute suckers.

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b33982  No.159787


Correct. If you join the military you are a loser and a sucker. Especially if you manage to get yourself killed. Congrats, you just died for Israel

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2aecea  No.159854

Who gives a fuck if he did or didn’t say these things. Quit glorifying the military!

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c9467d  No.159973


a pure libertarian nation will naturally filter out all the welfare niggers. Libertarian is White by default

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a977ac  No.159978


>a jewish ideology created by jews to enslave non-jews to psychotic individualism while jews remain collectivist

>a white ideology

Get out, dipshit. Just get the fuck out of here.

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e1b25b  No.159991

File: c27c82f35c3fa03⋯.jpg (42.05 KB, 490x577, 490:577, ryEHDEP.jpg)


Yeah, him treating everything in life as a transaction and not understanding why anyone would ever willingly do something that doesn't benefit themselves directly is VERY OFF BRAND for him. Also, I use white paint instead of half and half in my coffee.

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6d83ad  No.160020


Listen here, snowflake. Our boys are putting their lives on the line every single day to protect Israel – GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE! What are you doing?

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322e01  No.160366

File: 4e7a6d15124cf0a⋯.jpg (78.15 KB, 640x397, 640:397, unironically_based_nigger.jpg)


A nation for only white people would have deprived the U.S. of Thurgood Marshall. If you want Big Fed poking its hooked nose into every aspect of your life, sure, go the brainless collectivist route. Do what your masters tell you. Think what your masters tell you. I will not.

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a977ac  No.161358


You’re a paid jewish shill and no one will ever support you. Blow your fucking brains out. Every word you said is a lie. Marshall should have been shot.

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