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File: 61b7c2f9087c506⋯.jpg (113.59 KB, 1862x1048, 931:524, nigger.jpg)

File: 67d12b8bf5d0896⋯.jpg (110.48 KB, 1862x1048, 931:524, Mihrican_Jan_Mustafa_Henri….jpg)

a490f1  No.157323

paki in UK rapes and kills two women and puts their bodies in a freezer


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74d19b  No.157339

Women demand we open the borders to all the evil shitskins in the world, vote in a government to do just that.

Shitskins come in and murder said women.

pure pottery.

And those two herpes infested cunts in the jpgs you posted are some real winners.

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25d5f3  No.157349

Holy shit, 38 years in jail? In the UK? WTF? Do they know he's a minority?

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fefabb  No.157355


Ok, and he was caught and went to prison. I fail to see the issue. It's not like he was praised and given cake and pats on the head.

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65e7a6  No.157356


>I fail to see the issue

It’s still alive. The people who brought it here are still alive.

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fefabb  No.157360


Oh. Vigilante DoTR LARPing. Got it.

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74d19b  No.157369


He'll be out within 4 years guaranteed. It would be unacceptably cruel to do otherwise.

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c2750b  No.157375

File: 3054ccdecdabe54⋯.png (57.64 KB, 1174x664, 587:332, british_retard.png)

It's just part of Paki culture m8

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65e7a6  No.157377


>explodes into autistic spam

>can’t even comprehend what was said

Commit suicide. Don’t post here again.

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f628b4  No.157646

File: c05628109a7180e⋯.jpg (83.61 KB, 398x506, 199:253, 1596924834685.jpg)


I've seen nicer heads in a lettuce patch.

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d37bd5  No.157767


fucking pakis and sandniggers, born with literal rape faces.

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fefabb  No.157773


>I've seen nicer heads in a lettuce patch.

Why did I just read that in Foghorn Leghorn's voice? I'm using that.

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ab2a0e  No.157845

They look like slags.

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110c23  No.157860

Part and parcel lads?

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cf0ae3  No.157872

Overheard this on the radio as I was passing by days ago. They obviously omitted his name and race.

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05eaf7  No.157905


you know it is, we're so cucked..

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5db2c3  No.158412

File: 5c356a607ad47d0⋯.jpg (76.87 KB, 599x491, 599:491, 408dbb251f452c2b1643526468….jpg)

I can't see anything on 8kun about the stabbings in Birmingham UK, 3 gays were murdered a few months back, and 7 people were stabbed-one fatally-about a week ago. it was on the TV news for a day at the most! I've never been to Birmingham, but from what I read it's basically Bangladesh now. Excuse the blackpill but i think we're losing the battle; and we've been losing for years. no one with any power or influence is on our side.

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eab6f8  No.158451

File: cac8d44ccbc9d73⋯.png (176.93 KB, 555x512, 555:512, invaders_28_days_later.png)


Kind of makes you wonder how many rapeapes have been quietly imported since the fucking Year of Corona began.

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eab6f8  No.158452

File: 00a99ab13ab3c24⋯.jpg (51.69 KB, 640x339, 640:339, invaders_54_year_old_woman….jpg)

File: 657bd1b5eb3348b⋯.mp4 (2.47 MB, 640x360, 16:9, invaders_acting_the_way_th….mp4)

File: 41c3cfb1c3c3027⋯.png (913.25 KB, 729x781, 729:781, invaders_in_the_girls_chan….png)

File: 4ff4064ecdf99af⋯.jpg (66.71 KB, 716x784, 179:196, invaders_nightclub_rape.jpg)

File: dadb3c867d05288⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1080x1662, 180:277, invaders_rapes_in_sweden.png)


>Ok, and he was caught and went to prison. I fail to see the issue.

Stepping on the wasp you were able to catch does not stop the rest of the nest from coming to sting you to death. With their penises.


>It’s still alive. The people who brought it here are still alive.

This guy fucking gets it.

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07f82f  No.158457

Toll payed.

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07f82f  No.158458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>faggots, coalburners and leftards are getting murdered because they refuse to keep a safe distance from the shitskins they brought in

Such a tragedy.

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