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File: fb369bbc11690a8⋯.jpg (45.99 KB, 528x399, 176:133, WhiteTrash.jpg)

a989b0  No.157099[Last 50 Posts]

What is your opinion of "White Trash Lives Matter"? This isf the civil rights movement America really needs, the one fighting for America's most oppressed and most forgotten group - poor, uneducated, "trashy" White people, especially those in the South and Appalachia.

This is a group that suffers the most oppression in America today, and has nobody to speak for them. They are commonly found in the trailer parks, housing projects, prisons, homeless shelters and drug rehab centers across rural and small-town America. They suffer the lowest life expectancy, and the highest suicide and overdose rates of any demographic. They are also the largest group of victims of police shootings. But nobody talks about or listens to them. The Left claims they have "white privilege" and the Right, even the populist Right, only talks about the middle class and writes off the poor as morally degenerate.

It is time for us to affirm, "White Trash Lives Matter".

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fb8fb7  No.157105

niggers tongue my anus

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2795ce  No.157107


Fuck you, this is a good thread.

NatSocs have a special duty to fight for "white trash". They are the ultimate victims of ZOG.

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fb8fb7  No.157114

File: 08550ab46260245⋯.jpg (87.4 KB, 649x1024, 649:1024, 1599105045347.jpg)


What do you propose we do? Post anti-semetic fliers in trailer parks? They'd just call you a libtard and shoot you.

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03debd  No.157115

This is probably the most logical and best way to change the dynamics of the race debate and get sympathy for whites in need while discouraging things like affirmative action and immigiraiton. But I've noticed that humans don't like doing things that are effective towards accomplishing goals. They like doing hard and impossible things for no reason. It's like dating, no one wants the easy to get girl, they want to go after the girl who is hard to get, who is a challenge. Same here - instead of trying to get sane limits on immigration or argue for the cause of whites most in need, the white power movement is trying to convince America to wear klan uniforms and create a new whites only country. I guess those who do that can live in the world of ideas where failure doesn't matter.

Good thinking OP - might want a new, better and less sarcastic name than "white trash" though

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cb1acd  No.157149


Lol no

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a989b0  No.157176


No retard, that is rich people in McMansions who act like that. Trailer trash is apolitical, but needs to be organized.

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a02428  No.157194


>what does /pol/ think of [x]






To what end? For what purpose? Nothing. You have no plan whatsoever and will take no action in any direction/

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884e48  No.157266


They should be organized in a mass movement to defend their interests and fight the Zionist system, under National Communist principles.

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a02428  No.157267

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884e48  No.157268


Why are you so triggered?

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6520b8  No.157270




Either a jew or unironic white trash made this thread

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884e48  No.157271



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a02428  No.157272


>communist claims others are triggered


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04141c  No.157280


Explain “National Communism.”

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884e48  No.157282


Essentially the Marxist-Leninist National Question Theory, applied to White people, or specific White ethnicities. Not to confused with "Nazbol" which is autistic and stupid.

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03debd  No.157285



Why the fuck does it always have to be about a whole big sociatal change with new economic or political systems in this place. What's wrong with bringing attention to Appalachian poverty, lack of opportunity and both historical and modern oppression the way blacks do with their communities - as a way to counteract notions of white privilege while also getting rid of the moral claims that blacks and liberals get from claiming oppression and focusing whites inwards on the problems of their own race

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03debd  No.157286

Here's some videos about how appalachians are discriminated against in America - it's defiantely worse and much more prevelant than what blacks get



They're also some of the nicest, coolest people I've met in America. If anyone is deserving of help it's them

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6520b8  No.157288


Yeah anon I had a red head Appalachian gf for a few months. Bitch was crazy. Liked getting choked til she turned blue when fucked. Enjoyed being smacked and bossed around. She had so many demons though. It was fun for a while because she was looney but I bailed.

She was abused as a kid. Abuse runs down hill and I think Appalachian whites get the short end of the stick.

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5dfff7  No.157292

File: 943ba4145a9b4be⋯.jpg (49.84 KB, 277x274, 277:274, 1456972850442.jpg)


I'd go with jew.

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6520b8  No.157299


I know op is a jew, I was just joking.

To clarify the dad looks like a solid dude to grill with. The son looks like a nice lad that could work help support or some entry level IT job. Unfortunately the daughter is trash with the tattoo but she could be a nice wife for any electrician or tradesman in a union. Same goes for the wife.

To be honest the down trodden circumstances of the family are the fault of the father. He just wants to drink estrogen laced beer and grill. Still seems like a nice guy though, just lacks ambition and discipline.

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a30da1  No.157302


White privilege doesn't mean your life hasn't been hard. It means that being White hasn't made it harder. The only people who spit on, shit on, denigrate, and disenfranchise "white trash" are other White people operating on the assumption that there are degrees of whiteness. It's classism, not racism.

Also, kikes.

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53379d  No.157325

File: d8433f9c213072b⋯.jpeg (12.86 KB, 200x300, 2:3, 4j510KQ23oEC.jpeg)


The United States of Appalachia.

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e5e382  No.157342

File: 4a664afc060a34e⋯.jpg (51.35 KB, 760x483, 760:483, Fields.jpg)


>It means that being White hasn't made it harder.

>It means that being White hasn't made it harder.

>It means that being White hasn't made it harder.

>It means that being White hasn't made it harder.

>It means that being White hasn't made it harder.

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8d7e40  No.157343


His life wasn't made harder because of his skin color. If he was black and did the exact same thing, he would have gotten a dozen bullets in the back and a media smear campaign bringing up that one time he smoked some weed and jay walked. Instead, he gets to never pay rent and gets free food and medical care for life. Lucky fucker.

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a02428  No.157348


>oy vey goyim, if a nigger was accused of killing a white nationalist he totally would have been killed

Odd thing to claim here, of all places.


>White privilege doesn’t mean your life hasn’t been hard.

That’s literally exactly what they claim, though.

>It means that being white hasn’t made it harder.

No, they explicitly say that whites steal from everyone else and that only nonwhites can have hardship.

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884e48  No.157352


But you hate poor whites too. Fuck you.

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a02428  No.157357



Just leave, please.


The problem is that lies about communist desires are being repeated.

>are they wrong

By definition, yes.

>I’m white

That’s in question now.

>hasn’t hurt me

It has, and if you were white you’d know that.

>I’ve never been

1. Your anecdote is meaningless and indefensible as you’ve no records.

2. You’re literally denying things for which we have public proof. Whites are actively discriminated against in every aspect of society.

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03debd  No.157362


whites and Asians in university admissions

poor rural whites being called rednecks and called backwards and treated accordingly

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e5e382  No.157363


>and I don't mean [...] some black dudes beating up a white guy

>An example of someone being denied a car loan

So hypothetical racial violence against whites doesn't meet your standard of having "made [life] harder" but getting denied a car loan does? Shalom.

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b79f34  No.157368


Every single government worker is a nigger, what makes you think those niggers are gonna help whites? Tyrone is gonna help other Tyorne, the entire welfare system is against whites at every single turn.

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a02428  No.157382


>I saw jewish propaganda on 4chan

>that means it’s true


>oy vey white genocide doesn’t exist

>oy vey whites get everything niggers get nothing

>oy vey no discrimination exists i say so that makes it true


Just leave, please. We don’t have to put up with your bullshit here.

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a02428  No.157383


>because I say so isn’t evidence

Thanks for admitting you have no evidence for your claims. Piss off. You’ve blown your cover.

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03debd  No.157395

File: c3147a432601db1⋯.jpg (183.22 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 1327902481.jpg)


Are you seriously demanding evidence that affirmative action exists in America?

>White privilege doesn't mean your life hasn't been hard. It means that being White hasn't made it harder.

ie. I live with no electricity or running water in an improvised and neglected rural area in Kentucky filled with all manner of abuse and neglect - but at least being white hasn't made it harder. That poor black guy who got into Harvard because of quotas and affirmative action. I feel bad for him

>This is what faggots actually believe

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9ef856  No.157404


it's actually Jaded Jim saging every thread


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7eb1bf  No.157406

Since everything happening has played out in SA I like to glance at their news from time to time.

So while you guys hand wringing over what is and isn't racist. Here's what will happen when the shoe is on the other foot.

SA media

Black judge

"Court declares ‘Fuck White People’ is neither racist nor hate speech."

The Cape Party sought an order for the Cape Town magistrate’s court to declare that the posters are hate speech and racist because they violate the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act. But Magistrate Thulare dismissed their case.

He criticised reactionaries to Hutton’s work with a “pity-me-I’m-a-victim attitude” which sought to suppress views like Hutton’s.


Thulare relied on the artist motivation Hutton had put next to their work at the exhibition, which explained that the posters, the chair and the boots were a demand that “what we must strive for is complete dismantling of the systems of power that keep white people racist”. Hutton acknowledges that white people may feel anger or hurt by the posters, but they should “Learn to fuck the white in you, too”.

There's the answer, we need to fuck the white in us.


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7eb1bf  No.157408





Here's a brief video fr Dr Pierce, very relevant. It's absolutely amazing how often his message is more relevant today than when he made them.


Blacks need their space and we need ours, simple as that.

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03debd  No.157481


depends where you are in the world - if you're in South Africa, that is feasible politically, you can probably get people to agree to it. It's not politically feasible in North America or Europe.

There is no one size fits all solution for the world

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a02428  No.157490


>I made no claim

Thanks for admitting that you lied and that whites are actively discriminated against in all walks of life, everywhere on Earth. You’re done here. Get the fuck out.

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32714d  No.157535


>and a media smear campaign

Do you actually believe this? Are you living in the 50s? It's precisely the opposite nowadays. Whites get media smear campaigns and race is always omitted when the protagonists are black or hispanic.

I hope your coming civil war sets your country straight and at least you stop exporting your cancerous ways.

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ce5462  No.158141

I hate white trash, but i must respect them, they may be high school drop out hicks. But for the most part, they are fantastic blue collar workers. The worst whites are better than the worst mexicans.

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a02428  No.158146


If you made no claim, there’s no argument. You have nothing to say, and you can’t refute anything anyone else said. Whites are universally discriminated against, because of their race, in every facet of society. This is a statement of fact. You have said nothing whatsoever.

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8c8f44  No.158151


I think this is a useful and effective avenue to take. Unfortunately, things are intensifying far too quickly and accelerating too fast, so it won't be very useful for long. The window of opportunity is closing more every day.

One problem I do see with it is the danger of getting Europeans/Whites into a self perpetuating victim mindset, similar to welfare niggers

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8c8f44  No.158153


So your argument is that you, anecdotally, have never perceived that your race disadvantaged you? This is supposed to be convincing? What a joke.

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8c8f44  No.158155


Being denied university admissions because of European racial ancestry. This also happens to Asians. Jews are massively overrepresented, along with nogs and spics to a much lesser extent. The charts showing this proportionally are very easy to find.

Also, affirmative action meaning less competent Whites get jobs, since the job market is a zero-sum game.

Sage for double post.

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a02428  No.158180




Thanks for admitting that you were wrong.

>I shrug and move on

Then move on from this website completely. You’re posting proven lies that only paid shills say. If you can’t post anything else, you’re not welcome. Don’t reply. Just leave forever.

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a02428  No.158181


>do you have actual evidence of things that are admitted publicly

No, please, move on. Go away. You’ve already been provided this and more information. You reject it when presented. You’re useless.

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a02428  No.158238





Thanks for admitting that you were wrong. Move on from this website completely. You’re posting proven lies that only paid shills say. If you can’t post anything else, you’re not welcome. Don’t reply. Just leave forever.

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a02428  No.158247


>I never made any claims

If this is the best you can do, you’re going to wind up banned. People don’t have to put up with this spam.

>hint: it won’t

Something will. Keep repeating proven lies; see how well it works out for you.

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f7dbbc  No.158254



This spergy spammy faggot is the Vol "donutsteele". This is the level of moderation the BO allows on /pnd/. Vols can spam all day, every day, in every thread without contributing to anything but can ban anyone that calls them out on it.

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9f3641  No.158799


>Prove it, but without numbers.

What's even the point you're trying to make? Are you honestly going to argue against the advancement and prosperity of the White race on a Nazi basket weaving internet magazine?

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bc86bf  No.158861

File: 8af9167f512245f⋯.png (326.3 KB, 534x368, 267:184, Screen_Shot_2020_09_11_at_….png)


Yes I would suggest that you young filmakers start to document their lives. Then feed that into the maga movement online and try to get some IRL screenings and build a bit of a cultural movemet off that. You want to basically become a White version of spike lee to get anywhere. You basically can film this shit with an iphone and a tripod.

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6dec60  No.158893


>You want to basically become a White version of spike lee

but spike lee movies suck nigger cock

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a02428  No.158902


Why are you defending a paid jewish shill? Can you answer a simple question, coward?

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6dec60  No.158918

File: d2a6860b9852d66⋯.png (3.58 MB, 2000x4000, 1:2, ImKampfyBTFO_02.png)

File: a11ec8dfdaeb8fa⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1437x936, 479:312, ImRach_Totally_Butthurt_.png)


>Vols can spam all day, every day, in every thread without contributing to anything

So it's basically the same as 8/pol/

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a02428  No.158923


The cause is affirmative action. The cause is jews passing anti-white laws. You are a paid shill. Get out of here.

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27e4e0  No.158930














Are you fucking serious?

Just kill yourself. What is this?

A college has a set in stone number of kids the rooms can take.

One nigger being admitted means one white is declined.

And this isn't even the topic.

The topic is "how can we help white losers who live in trailer park and most likely have drug problems".

/pol/ is very humanitarian and deserves praise.


>National Communist

>Can't someone invent Socialism for Nationalists?????????????????

Already done, retard. It's called National Socialism.

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c4a653  No.158932

File: e8a497a24355ff7⋯.png (66.67 KB, 275x226, 275:226, is_this_human_dancing.png)

File: 4df6c0db70ca0de⋯.png (414.75 KB, 469x717, 469:717, dormant_killer.png)

File: cc90fb062d3567c⋯.jpg (1.7 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Israeli_World_Organ_Traffi….jpg)

File: 2b19be64cd97bd6⋯.jpg (27.03 KB, 758x494, 379:247, jewish_america.jpg)

File: 89dda094892960e⋯.jpg (60.12 KB, 586x386, 293:193, jewish_overrepresentation.jpg)


>print "What's your opinion of " & $MOS_psyops[count($MOS_psyops)-1] & "?"

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6dec60  No.158934


>Well, first of all, that's not a specific example

Are you that faggot Destiny from Jewtube?

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6dec60  No.158936


Well, you argue like him. The problem with citing an example like the one you are asking for is that no news organization (left or right) or even small time bloggers talk about shit like that because they know they will be called a "neo nazi" or a "white supremacist" or whatever kike buzzword you can think of. The best you can get is anecdotal evidence or maybe some backwater article. I'm sure there's some article out there that covered it but I'd assume you'd just go after the source material. It's damn near impossible, which is why you keep narrowing down on "well, show me a direct example, goy". I could probably dig something up but I don't have the time now. Hopefully some other anon is on the case.

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a02428  No.158939


Yep, did that already. Commit suicide. Never post here again.

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a02428  No.158941


You’d lose. Because the law is the law. And you’re denying the existence of the law. For days.

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e0c510  No.158948

File: 0d4602bd373c475⋯.jpg (86.9 KB, 600x612, 50:51, it_s_afraid.jpg)


>we have made your life miserable and deprived you from every opportunity to get ahead in life! Why won't just lie down and die, goy?

Unlike your castrated liberal goytoys "whitetrash" are reproducing at a healthy rate and refuse to be disarmed against your hoardes of brown mudgolems. Would suggest instead of trying to demoralize to slightly procrastinate the inevitable you pack up your shit to switch host to China before reconquista comes for you.

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3293f1  No.158955


>has nobody to speak for them

nobody needs to speak for the other people, unless they are actually elected to do that

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c4a653  No.158968

File: 7838840305965df⋯.png (455.89 KB, 886x676, 443:338, 1984_explains_MIRANDA_to_t….png)

File: 1b922f7f3edca55⋯.png (332.65 KB, 738x502, 369:251, assange_shouts_out.png)

File: d662eb6379b55a4⋯.jpg (120.44 KB, 662x373, 662:373, beirut_explosion_8_4_2020.jpg)

File: a569f1c69fcfab1⋯.png (3.41 MB, 2130x1426, 1065:713, bolshevism.png)

File: 7402386adef8767⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1000x1409, 1000:1409, build_that_wall.png)


>the law is the law

That's some insanely funny shit right there. 2 years before posting.

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a02428  No.158972


Enjoy being wrong as always, paid shill. Everything you’ve ever said is a lie, and you’ve been proven wrong a dozen times over already.


>The (affirmative action) law is the (enforced) law

That’s the takeaway from the statement in context. Maybe pay attention.

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a02428  No.159001


>explodes into disgusting jewish autism since he has no argument

Enjoy being wrong as always, paid shill. Everything you’ve ever said is a lie, and you’ve been proven wrong a dozen times over already.

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be3140  No.159482


Hey shill this only took a 5 second DuckDuckGo search from the mouth of your own kike network CBS but I guess they are anti-semitic conspiracy theorists too, right??


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a02428  No.159490





Leave the website.

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5d029a  No.159528


Why is such a whiny illiterate crybaby little bitch allowed to be a Vol for /pnd/? This >>159482 is literally the first verifiable example of anti-White discrimination given ITT. You can't face the fact that you're wrong, so you [D*] and hope nobody was paying attention.

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