bfec0a No.156837
Anon has often recommended I look into this conflict as an indication of how a 2nd US civil war might go down. Frankly, I don't see the connection since YCW seems like it was a proxy war between pre-existing well-armed militaries, i.e. not just Bubba and his friends destroying infrastructure and laying seige to consolidated farms and cities as is often predicted for the US (2nd pic).
What I did notice is how one-sided the portrayal of YCW is on every documentary I could find on youtube, so I would appreciate it if anyone knew of an accurate documentary that explains what the Serbs were retaliating against in the first place.
Otherwise, I'm really disappointed in America's involvement (3rd pic). Has there EVER been a war where America took the right side?
The PDF is a flier version of RedTeamPlanner text that can be handed out in public. I just thought it seemed like useful information that everyone should know.
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b506ae No.156843
There’s not going to be a second civil war. No one is going to fight back against the current genocide. If we were, it would have started over a century ago. The future of the US (and Europe) is Rhodesia.
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71f755 No.156844
The problem is the misnomer "Civil War" to describe someone shooting protestors. A civil war is armed rebellion against a government, not a bunch of self-entitled niggers getting uppity because they don't like what someone else is doing.
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fcff16 No.156868
If there's ever going to be a civil war in the US, then it's probably going to be like the current Mexican drug war than anything else. Note that that's pretty fucking bad, because the Mexican northwest is currently one of the worst warzones in the world. As in, almost Libya-tier bad.
I.e. no actual open war, like in Yugoslavia. Quite the opposite; there'd be the pretense that everything is fine, and that the government is still on top of things. The factions opposing the US government wouldn't be going around claiming territory or independence - so no things like FARC or IS to draw everyone's attention.
Instead, it'd be more subtle. State governors and city mayors would just pretend that everything's going on as usual. The police would be gone from the streets, and a lot of places would be either gang/cartel turf or violent anarchic hellholes.
Some groups would have an ideological slant, while others would be nothing but gangs and crime syndicates. And corrupt mayors and governors would maintain their power by cozying it up with both. So basically the kind of stuff that's already been happening in Chicago and Detroit for decades, but worse.
Things would get to a point where there's states where the government has defacto lost power over entire counties. But even then, no-one would seriously be trying to, say, form a breakaway state or set up a revolutionary government. Some shenanigans like CHAZ? Maybe. But then they're either flushed out by gang violence, or they just fucking starve because they have no idea to set up a functioning community.
Would the kind of rightwing violence that everyone obsesses about happen? In some ways, it would. But even that would amount to little.
What we'd see would be the odd small/rural community organizing a self-defense militia. This sort of thing is already low-key happening here and there in the US right now, and it has also happened in Mexico in various places. Except, what happened in Mexico is that local (and sometimes federal) authorities immediately cracked down on them - even when the cartels were still controlling the streets. Expect similar things to happen in the US.
The one wildcard here is what private military contractors - i.e. the state-sanctioned mercenary companies that are remarkably common in today's US - would do.
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bfec0a No.156879
Who says the Right will be the ones initiating it?
>The problem is the misnomer "Civil War" to describe someone shooting protestors.
I can't tell what you're trying to refute.
>A civil war is armed rebellion against a government, not a bunch of self-entitled niggers getting uppity because they don't like what someone else is doing.
Again, what claim are you refuting? Is this a fucking bot? Anyways, self-entitled niggers getting uppity could describe the Bolshevik revolution that killed millions. You just wanna brush examples like that away because they don't meet your arbitrary definition of "civil war"?
>The one wildcard here
Thanks for your take but I don't buy it. The Red Team Planner text lists many wildcards, and I could list even more. One rather succinct reason that your comparison to Mexico doesn't really work (in addition to it being speculation pulled out of your ass):
>12 guns per 100 people in Mexico
>120 guns per 100 people in US
So Americans are poised to actually do something about the degragation of society and leadership (which they have higher standards for to begin with) that Mexicans are relatively helpless against.
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197a92 No.156882
Look up "The weight of chains" on kiketube. US is a whole different story but the principles and methods will be the same. White Americans (the percentage of them who are not utterly poz'd) will be the "Serbs" in this scenario, but you can put pretty much any group based on race, nation (real nations, not senseless talmudic pilpuls like "civic nationalism"), liberty, independence and other bad goy concepts between the quote marks instead. Any organized, larger scale white (including non-white right wingers) resistance will be met with full spectrum warfare. Expect fighting antifa armed with ISIS tier IED's and Toyota pickups of peace, and if things start going downhill for them, expect them to get armed with conventional weapons mysteriously shipped from places like Ukraine. Next stage would be international sanctions and foreign military intervention (if US Army fails to finish the job due to mutiny and desertion). They would probably focus on safekeeping critical infrastructure and pretend to be neutral while inviting foreign "peacekeepers" for assistance. But this would be a very unlikely, late stage scenario.There would be various stages depending on how successful the resistance would be (if any at all), we might as well see them pull South Africa and just let niggers and "leftist" mercenaries (most of those people are getting paid for causing havoc) gradually kick out and genocide whites one neighborhood at a time with the full endorsement of tyrannical state apparatus, which focuses on taking out any smaller resistance groups before they gain traction.
The US scenario would be much more complex and dynamic because everything would happen "inside-out" so to speak rather than the commonly seen opposite direction. It's hard to tell how the whole thing would develop at this point, but Antifa is definitively being prepared to become one of paramilitary groups. They would likely be joined by a lot of undocumented migrants from Somalia and similar zones, including warlords with extensive battle experience (BLM is actually a front/cover for this, the real fighting won't be done by your American Tyrone, it will be done by African "no-names" and mercenaries as well as Muslim terrorists from the middle east and Mexican cartels, all backed and trained by you know who).
>I.e. no actual open war, like in Yugoslavia
Very little of it was an actual open war. Most of it was done by volunteer or semi-independent regional armies which sometimes got denied state support, even unofficial.
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1af157 No.156905
So basically, i need to read more about the balkans and IRA tactics?
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fcff16 No.156945
>So Americans are poised to actually do something about the degragation of society and leadership (which they have higher standards for to begin with) that Mexicans are relatively helpless against.
<Detroit, Baltimore and Chicago are just urban legends, dude
…are you some shutin in a gated community or what? The degradation of America's society and leadership has been going on for decades, and gun-owning Americans haven't been doing shit about it.
The Rust Belt cities have gotten so bad that they're now on par with the worst Eastern European hellholes. Just look at the homicide rates of places like Detroit and Saginaw. And what did the white, dependable part of America do about it? Flee to the fucking suburbs, that's what. And then they flee even further whenever the 'minority' Democrat mayor they elected decides that it's time to import yet another five figure number of Somalis.
The Rust Belt became a lawless hellhole on your watch, and places like Baltimore, SF and LA aren't far behind. The US heading into the same direction as Mexico isn't simple speculation; this has been happening for decades. The only difference is that the US situation is not as extreme as Mexico's yet, and you only have your mostly functional government to thank for that.
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fcff16 No.156947
>Very little of it was an actual open war. Most of it was done by volunteer or semi-independent regional armies which sometimes got denied state support, even unofficial.
Good point; you're right.
But in Yugoslavia, there was still the context of Slovenia and Macedonia, and especially Croatia and Bosnia becoming independent. States or other territories becoming officially independent (and being recognized as such in the international community) is something that does affect how civil wars play out. And I don't think that that sort of thing is going to happen in a likely US civil war scenario.
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641407 No.156956
>2nd pic
>US Army desertion
This pic seriously needs updating.
The US Military is just another form of welfare for niggers. Desertion would only happen if US Army was made up of mostly white people like in the Gulf War for example, but it is no longer like that, it has lost all standards and just employees mentally impotent apes that have total loyalty to ZOG.
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4dafd6 No.156966
What that red team planner says is so naive, I would bet it's a glownigger spreading confusion.
The kikes have spent decades collecting our names and info, you can expect they will try to take the baddest goys out before they start the war. Any civilian enquiries about why the police an military attempted to assassinate a bunch of people one night will fall by the wayside of full on civil war, like the missing 2.1 trillion did with 9/11.
And if you think russia is not utterly subverted by kikes as the US is, I don't know what to tell you. The US vs Russia and China is nothing more than zionist theatre, a conflict they are salivating at starting if they could only find enough morons to buy the narrative.
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9854f7 No.157024
How is US vs China theatre?
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8260f5 No.157055
If the jews were in control of everything there wouldn't be some much turmoil. (((they))) are not omnipresent and all-powerful
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cb2a2a No.157057
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5fc5a0 No.157062
They are not in control of everything but they manipulate nearly every country through its currency. Don't look for a list of countries whose currency they control, look for a list of countries whose currency they DON'T control. It's a much shorter list.
>Give me control of a nation's currency and I care not who makes her laws
And if they were in total control there would be still be constant wars, because their purpose is to sacrifice white men.
There would still be the illusion of at least two sides to facilitate this. So that the dimwitted fucktards in their population had someone other than the jews to hate.
Who lends money to China and who is china indebted to? Who will China always be in ever growing debt to because the debt can only grow? Hint: It's the same (((people))) that the US and Russia borrow money from to run their countries.
It's that simple.
When the bag goys go to war, we'll be like the white farmers in South Africa. On our fucking own.
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5fc5a0 No.157064
I mean where in fuck's cunt do you think the US and China would go to borrow money for a war?
Holy shit.
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8260f5 No.157065
I'm aware of the jews and their works. I'm just trying to point out that they don't have absolute power. Demoralisation and all that.
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cb994d No.157066
Better to be on our own and form militias with like minded goys than to just let kikes,anti fa , meth heads and niggers come in and slaughter us in our homes.
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0e2d19 No.157078
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ee861b No.157208
We are following the South African mode or even Haiti.
Our white guilt and gullibility and the media in the hands of the Jews proves they are a highly evolved parasite. The entire defense budget is used to est global Jewish hegemony and that's barely the tip of the iceberg.
We've been conditioned to believe that giving away billion$ to every third world shit hole is normal.
Think about how aggressively the Jews have been trying to implode us financially and racially. WW one and two, the cold war had astronomical costs then the war on terror leading to these never ending conflicts. Now we are gearing up for battle against Iran and Venezuela because they're not bowing to Israel. The interest on the debt, Jews.
Heck the Jews receive their 4 billion in foreign aid in a lump sum at the start of the year so they can buy treasury notes and have us pay them interest on the money we give them.
It's insane and now they 're targeting each state.
White's are such fucking pussies, lets give them everything instead of being called antisemitic. People think debts don't matter are going to be in for a helluva surprise.
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ee861b No.157209
Militias lol shut the fuck up you stupid jew.
Yea dip shit you and your beer belly friends can overthrow the us govt.
You gotta do it legal by winning elections.
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b506ae No.157213
Never post on this board again.
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d5bb5f No.157224
> There is anywhere in Eastern Europe as bad as Detroit
oh my sides!
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6764bf No.157277
Anyone remember the serb anon with broken english that wrote a ton of blog posts on 4cuck?
Detailed what life would be like in an urban warzone.
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6764bf No.157281
For more contexts. It may have been a web forum and not 4cuck, I dont recall 100%
The forum/board was based around happening/hoarding fags planning for anarchy of some sort. E.g what would be most valuable to trade. How to best defend your property. Can barter markets function, if so how.
Anyway the guy was legit. Interesting info. Sorry I memory holed
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bfec0a No.157414
Thank you for explaining. So the similarity is that whites are a majority, similar to the Serbs (though they were only a plurality at 36%), and the government and international community will side with the minorities and help to crush the white majority, presumably because justified with muh underdog morality. One hope of your scenario would seem to be that the foreign "peacekeepers" are busy fending off their own uprisings at the same time. I still don't think you have touched on the one asymmetry that will be an advantage (and in my mind a crippling advantage) rural right-wingers: Seige tactics. e.g. You mention safekeeping critical infrastructure, but that seems far beyond possible given the growing interconnectedness of technological society and the shrinking manpower of the US military.
Thank you so much for the documentary recommendation. This looks like exactly what I was looking for.
It's just something that always comes up in civil war threads. Something along the lines "America could implode into civil war next year. Look how quickly everything fell apart in Yugoslavia".
I'll concede I guess. You're basically saying the same thing as pic related, which is to say that nothing will happen. There will be no collapse or SHTF situation. Just a slow decline. It's plausible, but not forever. Do you just refuse to discuss possibilities beyond the 20-year-wide fog of the technological singularity that we are currently in? What I mean is that large-scale drones, self-driving cars, and gene drives could be common in 20 years, or at least accessible to a talented individual. Your description of modern warfare is already outdated.
>What that red team planner says is so naive, I would bet it's a glownigger spreading confusion.
The baseline teleological assumption would be that the RTP text is compelling to so many anons because it is insightful, not "so naive". Can you refute the points? Otherwise, RTP text points out where the system is weak and why there is hope; meanwhile the scenario you put forward grossly exaggerates the ability of elites to micromanage domestic warfare, apparently to discourage and demoralize. It seems far more like something a glownigger would actually say.
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98e7c4 No.158044
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Has there EVER been a war where America took the right side?
no because they have always been the ones instigating them
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f56b45 No.159882
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