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File: d07b6cefcc1a067⋯.jpg (54.7 KB, 331x442, 331:442, Rassenschande_A_H.jpg)

File: 19ce6b3546fd121⋯.jpg (216.5 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Leo_Frank_am_Galgen.jpg)

File: 3854aba25808da7⋯.jpg (102.22 KB, 302x626, 151:313, Rassenschande.jpg)

File: 3399fec6bed2f97⋯.jpg (143.23 KB, 714x1003, 42:59, Eg2OHZHXgAAEUfC.jpg)

43cc32  No.156598

Jews using their pet niggers on white women is the more obvious and immediate threat but what cannot be understated is how the perverted Jew gets a hold of white woman; Jews are themselves niggers and are thus perverted rapists albeit more sophisticated than your average inner-city rape ape. Jews abuse their position of power and authority to defile our race.

There needs to be more modern propaganda about this to attack whites where it hurts and to turn Jews from a poor, oppressed, sympathetic people to the literal embodiment of evil in this world.

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0e0544  No.156612

Women get sexually excited by evil. The Menendez brothers get love letters in prison from hot rich girls.

If you go around advertising that jews are evil, then you'll be helping them.

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8cba75  No.156672

File: 662caa89d28480c⋯.mp4 (15.8 MB, 720x480, 3:2, Celebrate_Diversity.mp4)


Only the most degenerate and most easy to manipulate women (and probably old and ugly and fat too) go for black dick, and they will pay the toll.

diversity thread?

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7e0049  No.156677

File: 3fceb623b1efb2c⋯.jpg (35.41 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 021182faca599f7eab41e5890d….jpg)


I vote no diversity thread. I often think about putting together a packet of memes, excerpts, stats and pictures to give to Aryan women to try and wake them up to the jew and no mix their precious blood.

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8cba75  No.156682

File: ecd1b36a362a793⋯.mp4 (15.06 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Idiocracy_Prologue.mp4)


Intelligent Aryan women does not need to be told that bestiality is bad, Anon

However, the dumbest and most degenerate makes the most offspring, so more can survive…

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7e0049  No.156689

File: 6ea89e3899b3a3b⋯.jpg (300.06 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 63c1220952119dd92b41e9ce2d….jpg)

File: 23fc33d35a3c724⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Who_Pays_The_Toll.mp4)


my greatest concern is whites becoming a minority in their own countries, however I see your point in that even if there are dumb whites who favor such disastrous policies what's the point? If there was a mass culling of the population I wouldn't be so concerned but when spics, nigs and every other race is imported in to our countries what option do we have left but to try. I don't want to get old and look back and say 'I wish I would have done something…anything'.

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c8903a  No.156695


That video.

I'm laughing, but fuck that is atrocious.

Look at his face!

Also I can't imagine pretending to love something that looks likes that child in the lower right photo.

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0e0544  No.156702


On one hand if somebody said that it was OK to punch a woman in the face just after she gave birth to a baby I'd say that was psychotic, but on the other hand if this video showed him punching her in the face right after shitting out that ugly shitlet, I'd say…"OK DUDE">

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c8903a  No.156718


Honestly man, it is better for him to know it through physical evidence. God I feel sorry for him though. All that hope, love, effort and pride just to see a fucking ape emerge from your wife's pussy. This is why I believe in capital punishment for both the whore and the man she fucked.

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37f8f1  No.156722


fairly certain that video is fake.

Baby is far too big, not a newborn.

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8cba75  No.156774

File: 58761aa6bd18528⋯.webm (867.39 KB, 360x640, 9:16, french_cultural_enrichmen….webm)

File: 0b706538083737f⋯.webm (768.24 KB, 392x296, 49:37, french_girl_assaulted_by_….webm)

File: 510c351d6b39151⋯.webm (2.86 MB, 300x400, 3:4, husbandPunishesWifeOnLond….webm)

File: ca8c33754a6aaa0⋯.mp4 (1.72 MB, 640x480, 4:3, love_at_first_sight_in_hol….mp4)

File: 956bd470e9758c1⋯.mp4 (2.39 MB, 480x480, 1:1, racist_white_girl.mp4)


btw JLBC

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1a4ab5  No.159161

I used to agree that it was over exaggerated but I've seen a sharp rise in my small town. It will happen but slowly. The media pushes it a lot and then we have so many men completely demoralized and uncaring about relationships and families. So many "happy" with one night stands. Women ultimately want their nice romance and family, despite all the agendas and programming but more and more aren't finding it at home so to speak.

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