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File: 41301da29ec9673⋯.jpg (178.41 KB, 909x1599, 303:533, rapenigger.JPG)

83b933  No.155990

You can see that everywhere now, the spirit of utter savagery and anarchy is spreading. Now niggers attempt rape in broad daylight, in public, and though the woman is blurred out, you can bet she's a white woman. When the racial balance finally tips, and we're right on the precipice it's going to be rape and murder everywhere all the time, until finally we're sunk into the utmost of dark ages barbarity. Look at the face and that pavement ape. A brutal remorseless savage with an IQ of 65.

Of course nobody tried to actually do anything, like kicking him under his chin as hard as they could to shatter his mouth. They just stood there, keeping their distance to meekly protest.


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09fd5c  No.155999

File: cba08acfd530b73⋯.jpg (172.58 KB, 720x411, 240:137, POZ_faggots_and_gays_delib….jpg)

You might want to start being concerned about your own butthole since the vast majority of men are actually fucking disgusting homos now and they are not interested in raping women.

Do you have the right to say "No" to your POZZED male gang rape?

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83b933  No.156001


Disgusting. Glad I moved to a small town.

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28a896  No.156003

Disgusting, if you're living in a big city you need to get the fuck out NOW

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09fd5c  No.156006

File: 328a535beeb5c93⋯.jpg (480.03 KB, 2036x1140, 509:285, gay_rape_bathroom_meme.jpg)


By all means, people should stay and enjoy the 'fruit' of the faggot agenda. Globohomo is who brought this agenda and who runs BLM antifa etc…when he is done you all will not be allowed to refuse gay sex with whomever wants to have sex with you. It will be illegal and discriminatory to do so.

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28a896  No.156008


God faggots are fucking gross

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83b933  No.156018


So, basically the story of Lot and the angels

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09fd5c  No.156021


Sure…if the rapists had the full might and backing of the entire globohomo military might to make sure that you complied with their agenda. It is rayciss not to want to be a faggot anon.

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83b933  No.156045

File: 6c165edf733c027⋯.mp4 (3.82 MB, 960x540, 16:9, edgy_dyke_karen.mp4)

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374dd3  No.156072


This video is the perfect example for the current situation at West.

Spics/Niggers fighting each other and white women being retarded.

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1aa755  No.156089


That's not rape. I hate faggots as much as anyone, but what he described is clearly not rape, unless you want to do the feminist thing and call anything you disagree with "rape".

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b3409a  No.156257

If black lives are to really matter, it’s not possible for a black man to rape a white woman, due to the difference in privilege.

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09fd5c  No.156271


>that is not rape

Am I hearing you correctly anon? You think that a state enforced rape (meaning if you do not comply you are dead from lack of gibs, foods, or medical care) is not 'rape'?

Or are you speaking of a man who was entrapped by a predatory homosexual gang under the guise of a single liaison with a single person but instead was gang raped? Meaning that if you invited a woman on a date but instead of it just being her and you having sex afterwards at your place you and your entire gang forced sexual intercourse on her that would not be rape in your mind? Because she wanted to have sex with you that means that she wanted to have sex with all your friends as well?

So basically you are saying that if she wants to have sex with you, she should be willing to fuck the entire planet? You must be some sort of fucking hideous beast anon to think that if a woman would lower herself to your standards she should lower herself to all standards.

You might be gay, anon…or communist. There isn't much difference.

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026378  No.156288


Spics and Niggers creating some desolate warzone while white women defend their every action. It just, I just, what is going on in the West?

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09fd5c  No.156294


Spics and Niggers creating a desolate warzone while White men refuse to do what is right and totally genocide them, man, woman, and child.


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